
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

30 You Can Leave if You Wan

A deafening silence greeted Henriksen's words, even Rowan who asked the previous question could not hide his unease. However, he asked no further questions. Since none of them spoke further, only the rustling leaves by the cold night's breeze whistled through the air, and the occasional croaks and stridulations of frogs and crickets. However, this silence did not last for long. With a pensive demeanor, Rowan stared at Henriksen again while saying, "Are the Caretakers also staying here?"

Without saying a word, Henriksen shook his head in response.

"Then, why haven't you left yet? Since they are not here, we can remain here or explore the grassy field. Surely no one will force us to enter the forest, right?" Rowan asked while pointing to the grassy field opposite the forest.

Meanwhile, Henriksen had a look of enlightenment of his face as he stared Rowan with his mouth slightly opened. He also could not stop himself from clapping at Rowan's brilliant train of thought. The others youths could not believe Henriksen looked like he had never ventured towards the grassy field. The moment this thought flashed through their minds, they heard Henriksen's deep voice, "Wow! You must be a genius. Such foresight and at such a young age, too. wow!"

Listening to his complimentary words, the youths had strange expressions on their faces. From their point of view, only an idiot would not have thought about venturing towards the grassy plain. From Henriksen's astounded countenance from such a mediocre observation, most of the youths already concluded he was the all brawny and no brains type. However, a few reserved their judgement. Because, it looked as if Henriksen still had words to say.

"I can't believe that for the last five years I, Tobias Henriksen, did not think of such a brilliant idea. In fact, it is a shame that the others who came before, with me, and after me did not notice such a glaring path. But this handsome young man, only noticed it with minutes. Wow! unbelievable!" Henriksen added as he rubbed his bald head.

Unlike the condescending look he had in his eyes when Henriksen complimented him earlier, Rowan had a stern expression on his face as his the corners of his eyes and lower lip twitched. With his teeth gritted and his eyes staring at daggers at Henriksen, he said, "How dare you mock a prince?"

"Why would you assume such a thing?" Henriksen asked while scratching his bald head, "Who would make fun of an intelligent prince?"

Henriksen's words and casual demeanor alone made Rowan more livid. The stares and giggles from those around him was what infuriated him the most, as a prince there was no way he could stomach such humiliation. Although he was angry, it did not mean he lost his ability to reason. In he dared to attack or form open enmity with anyone of the survivors, who knew when they come for his head in a lawless place like the Odon Forest.

"So why haven't you left yet?" a Dark-Elf asked. He asked the same question brewing in the minds of the youths.

Still maintaining his causal demeanor, Henriksen looked at them with indifference, "You can leave if that's what you want. I told you earlier, you're free to do whatever you like, and whenever you like." Henriksen paused at this point. With the corners of his lips curving into a faint smile.

"However, since I'm here to give the introductions, I'll tell you why we can't follow the young prince's genius idea," Henriksen said while glancing at the incensed Rowan. "Apart from committing suicide and running into a pyscho in the forest, remaining here and exploring the field are the two quickest ways to die. If you look closely, you'll notice a blackish wisp being emitted from the earth. Hahaha… I'm sure some of you have noticed it already. Let me warn you, if intentionally or accidentally touch that wisp, you won't have a corpse to bury. Do you remember what happened when they gave some of you the choice to leave or stay? The same thing will happen if that wisp touches your body. And every few days, the wisp migrates like a swarm of bees. In a few days, the wisp will reach your current location. You can either embrace it with open hands or you can venture into the forest. Unlike us, the wisp does not affect the vegetation and beasts in this forest. Hahaha… I didn't lie earlier, no one will force you to kill anybody because you'll be too busy trying to survive." Henriksen said.

Although the weather was slightly chilly, cold perspiration already covered the foreheads and backs of the youths. Henriksen's latest declaration further cemented the dread they felt towards the Odon Forest, and the thought of committing suicide looked appealing in the minds of some of them.

'This is definitely the effects of Odon Alloy Ring. But what's its connection to Nether? And how can the people in Kynar control such an energy? I wonder the organization behind this Kynar…' James mused with his head lowered. Unlike the others, he was the only one able to connect the dot between the Odon Alloy Rings and Nether. Although there were others who knew about the rings, unlike James who had the system, they did not know what made it special.

"Why the long face? You guys are the survivors from your respective selections. From the first trial to the last trial, none of you survived by sheer luck. Even if you, it does not matter. You are among the lucky ones, you get to see another day and live towards a dream of rebirth… Hahaha… A glorious dream," Henriksen said. Although he laughed in the same cheerful manner as before, most of the youths could sense derision in his words. Whether he aimed at himself or them, they had no idea, and did not care. Because, the reality of their situation had finally dawned on them.

With a somber mood encompassing the youths, they sat in silence as they pondered their next course of action. However, as they sat in silence, a strange pentagram appeared on the surface of the ground. Because they had yet to recover, none of them could flee. Only those who sat at the periphery of the pentagram which had a blood-red glow could roll to the side, and James was among them. Henriksen, on the other hand, watched the scene with a faint smile on his face.

"Hahaha… Don't worry. It won't hurt you, this is the final gift from the people who brought you here. Allow the light to bathe your body, you will receive something in return. You don't have to follow my instructions though, I'm just a guy who has been here far longer than you. What would I know?" Henriksen said while stroking his beard.

Although they heard his words, none of the youths who escaped the glow returned. In fact, they wiggled their bodies to increase their distance from the occultic light. Because, they could hear chains clinking, eerie whispering, the faint moaning and audible howls of pain within the light. Yet, they could not see or feel anything other than dismay. As James wiggled his body, the sound of the system's notification echoed in his mind.

<Ding! >

Scanning Completed!

Name: Summoning Ring

Rank: Average

Origin: Light summoned from the blood of the innocent.

Affinity: Souls and Ghouls.

Abilities: Teleportation of innate objects and smaller life forms, and projection of knowledge.

Item-Damned Souls will gain immensely from summoning ring. If the user is lucky enough, Item-Damned soul, will gain inspiration of growth.


The user will suffer severe pain once exposed to the light, however, the user can turn off the sense of pain.

Limitations: the user will feel the residual effects of the light when I enable the pain receptors.

System's recommendation: The user should bathe in summoning ring!

Will the user like to turn off the sense of pain?

<Ding! >

"Turn them off," James said as he instantly changed direction, wiggling towards the light like moth heading towards the flame. James's comical reaction caught Henriksen off guard, but he could not stop himself from laughing. He wondered if James reconsidered, or saw the light as the perfect opportunity to end his suffering. Just like Henriksen, four among the twenty who reacted quickest pondered if James had gone insane. However, while this thought occupied their mind, another five join him in racing towards the light. Among them was a Demon blood-red hair, she giggled as she rolled towards the light, almost like a little child having the time of her life.

"Hahaha… It seems another mad Demon will enter the forest. The other redhead is strange, too. I refuse to believe he got this far with such a weak Mana capacity. He does not even look like a warrior, but he has a fantastic intuition. Hahaha… maybe I should choose him," Henriksen muttered as he stared at the crazy redhead.

"Hey! Hey! You" a Beastman growled as she glared at Henriksen. Meanwhile, Henriksen glanced at his right, and then his left, before pointing his index figure at himself, while saying, "Me?"

"Who else would I be talking to? Forget it. You are to help us, right? Quick, tell us what's happening," the Beastman anxiously growled.

"Young Lady, what do you think I am? Don't assume I came here on my volition. I told you earlier, you'll get a gift from bathing in the light. What further help do you need? Or did I speak words too big for you to understand?" Henriksen asked with a faint smile.

As they stared at the ominous red light and the cacophony of sickening noises being emitted from it center, they wondered if Henriksen was senile in the head, or what them to suffer for his amusement. None of them had the intention of mimicking James's actions or that of the others. From their point of view, they were better off without the so-called final gift.

Seeing their reluctance, Henriksen chuckled slightly as he said, "Don't regret it later, okay?"

Some of them only glanced at him but said nothing in response. The others did not even bother with him, because they believed he was someone who had secret connections to the people of Kynar. They felt if he was truly someone like them, then why did others not come to the periphery of the forest, too?

Those who sat under the pentagram were experiencing a cruel pain coursing through their bodies. In fact, some of them passed out in their sitting positions but the pain woke them up also immediately. Their minds were on the verge of collapsing, but a strange black object congealed on the opened palms of these youths. At first, it looked like a shapeless fluid, but after a few minutes it solidified and took various shapes and sizes. Some were as long as spears while others as thin as needles.

Although he experienced no form of pain, James laid on the ground bellowing while his body trembled as if he was convulsing. However, he focused his attention on the system notification projected in his mind.

<Ding! >


Item-Damned Soul, has stared the absorption of Blood Essence from the Summoning Ring.

Odds of Item-Damned Soul mutating: 20%

Foreign Ore detected!

Name: Ospian Ore

Purity: 80%

Rank: Good.

I have connected the user's mind to a weapons vault.

Unlike the other Targets, the user can mold the bore into the desired weapon with greater specificity.

What weapon will the user like to mold?

<Ding! >

James almost wanted to laugh as he read through the system's notification. Although he had never heard of the Ospian ore and did not know it value, the fact it had a Good rank from the System meant it had a significant value.

"System, read my mind for the specification of the weapon, and send it to my inventory the moment it's created. What is the estimate residual damage I would incur?"

<Ding! >

I have saved the user's preference!

Weapon Modification using the user's template Initiated!

Estimated time until completion: 40 minutes

The user will lose 30% of HP from the residual damage.


A new Skill has been projected to the user's brain.

Name: Light Barrier.

Rank: Poor.

Path: Light.

Uses: Ability for the user to form barriers from light.

Limitations: The user cannot form over two barriers at once.

The density of the second barrier will be weaker than the first barrier.

The user can only use this Skill three times in a day.

The Necromancer System can convert the Skill to the path of Darkness.

Estimated time until completion: 48 hours.

Will the user like to convert this skill?

<Ding! >

James's chuckled as he saw the system's message. 'What a beautiful gift. It's a good thing the system can covert the skill, if not, it would have been fairly useless. I wonder what skills the others are receiving?' Jame mused.

Just like him, the others had varying spells projected into their minds and they each received a lump of Ospian ore to do as they pleased. Since the blinding light of the pentagram covered them, Henriksen and the others could not see what was happening. However, unlike the clueless newbies, Henriksen understood what was going on. In fact, he subconsciously stroked his axe while waiting for pentagram to disappear.

An hour later, the blinding light dimmed and the figures of the youths seated at the extreme became visible. "Hahaha… It's almost time to choose my prize. Hmmm… I think I know who I'll choose," Henriksen muttered as he stared at the dimming light.

The moment he said these words, a strong wind blew past the grassy field. At that moment, the pentagram disappeared, revealing the weakened bodies of the youths who sat and laid on the ground.

"They survived?" A Demon who fled earlier asked in astonishment.

"Wait… what are they holding? Are those weapons?" Instead of answering the question of the Demon, the female Beastman from earlier responded with a question of her own.

With eyes opened wide in disbelief, they stared at the others who sat and laid on the ground while clutching various weapons in their hands. They could see glistening spears, majestic swords, beautiful bows, oddly shaped halberds and other intricately designed weapons. At that moment, they remembered the words Henriksen said. They could not help but stare at him with their bloodshot eyes, however, Henriksen giggled while daring them with his eyes.

Since they were not idiots, they ignored his provocations. Because, they knew a brutal death awaited them if they attacked him. However, they could not disguise the greed in their eyes as they stared at the weapons. Because, all the weapons looked like magical artefacts.

At that moment, those who did not bathe under the light of the pentagram regained control of their lower limbs. Just like them, the weary youths also regained access to their legs, but they were too tired to stand. Noticing this, and with the seed of greed planted in their minds, the others gradually stood to their feet while staring at weary youths like predator staring at weak prey.

"You guys can only blame yourself. Don't blame us, blame the people who sent you to this place," a young man said as he stared at a beautiful saber on the hand of a Beastman.

"Hahaha… For a human, you're smart. We bide our time, and now it is time to reap the harvest," a Demon added while staring a rapier. Even in such a scenario he could not hide his derision for humans. Although the words of the Demon angered him, the young man showed no reaction. He would first steal the saber from the Beastman, before putting the Demon in his place.

Just the duo who ogled the weapons they desired, the others had the same reaction as they shortened the distance between themselves and the weary youths. With a few meters separating the two groups, they heard familiar laughter and voice, "Are you guys this stupid? How did you even survive the selection? As much as I would like to watch the action, I'm afraid I must stop you here," Henriksen declared.

"Don't think you can stop us. There is only one of you, do you think you can take all of us?" a Demon snorted.

"I'm seriously tempted to take your offer, but I must decline. Even if I do nothing, she would have killed you," Henriksen said as he pointed to the crazy redhead, "and him, and him. Him too, oh and him, too," he added while pointing to different people.

"Why?! You should have let them come. Do you know how hard it's pretending to be weak?" the crazy redhead grumbled while pouting her lips. She looked a shadow of the youth who looked fatigue a few seconds ago. Although the others who were pretending did not complain like her, they had a sinister gleam in their eyes as they stared at those who wanted to attack them earlier. Meanwhile, those genuinely fatigued, heaved a sigh of relief. They too pretended as if they were knowledgeable of the ploy from the beginning.

Only James continued panting while clenching his chest, the reason he did this was because he saw Henriksen staring towards his direction earlier. He did not know what he wanted and did not care, but he did not want to stand out just yet. Unlike the others who held beautiful weapons, he was the only one with an old knife which had traces of blacken blood on it rusty surface. This was James's trusty knife he used in dissecting corpses for the Army of the Fallen. Pretending to be ashamed of the knife, he used his tattered robes to hide it.

Meanwhile, the youth who wanted to rob the others earlier had panic-stricken expressions on their faces as they retreated in hurried steps. However, they did not go too far, because they did not want to enter the forest. And they did not want to come within range of the smiling Henriksen.

With the tensed atmosphere gradually rising, Henriksen suddenly clapped his hands while approaching the youths seated on the ground. Those who stood quickly made way for him, not daring to look him in the eyes.

"There is really nothing much for me to tell you guys. Oh, that reminds me. The wisp invades the forest every three weeks and retreats the following three weeks. However, it does not have a defined pattern. If you survive the first three weeks, then you'll learn a lot. However, it's likely only 5% of you will survive, and trust me, I'm being generous. Well, it's time to claim my prize," Henriksen said as he towered above James's figure.

After his declaration, the youths all had stern expressions on their faces. Especially when he said it was time to claim his prize. Meanwhile, James who laid on the ground was already manipulating the Mana in the surrounding forest through the Skill - Mana Manipulation. If Henriksen reached for him, a black smog would cover the area and he would change to his Grim Reaper form instantly. However, he was not interested in fight a losing battle. Instead, he would use the cover of the artificial darkness to flee to the nearby forest.

"Hahaha… I've had my eyes on you since I came here. I've been searching for you for a long time. Don't blame me for choosing you, I've worked hard to earn this prize," Henriksen said as he reached towards James.

Agitated, James was ready to enact his plan, however, the unexpected happened. With a gentle sweep of his legs, Henriksen brushed James's body away while reaching for a beautiful Forest-Elf holding an intricate bow. She too had thought Henriksen came for James. Because of his sudden actions, she did not know how to react.

At that moment, Henriksen's excited laughter echoed, "A Forest-Elf… Hahaha… Wonderful. I've always imagined this day. What's your name, lass?"

"Lil… Lilis," the Forest-Elf blurted out in shock. Just as she told her name, she realized the mistake she had made, and several disgusting thoughts flooded her mind. With no delay, she reached for her dagger. She would rather die than live to experience being violated. However, Henriksen reacted quicker than her. With a simple touch to the forehead, Lilis lost control of her body as she slumped to the floor with tears streaking down her cheeks.

"Whoa! What are you trying to do? Why are you reaching for your dagger, and why are you crying?" Henriksen said with a bewildered expression on his face. Raising his head, he saw the apprehensive looks on the faces of the other females which had traces of disgust, too. At that moment, he realized what they were thinking. Shaking his head vigorously, he said, "No… no, no! I'm not into that. Trust me, I really don't want to do that. I used to be a monk you know. Sure she is beautiful, but she is not my type. If she was a human with fox ears and tail, then I might have considered, but…" Henriksen suddenly paused at this point because he realized his words were only making the situation worse.

With a gentle sigh, he picked up the sobbing Lilis. Saying nothing, he placed her on her back and suddenly dashed into the forest. Those who were watching could not believe what they had just seen, however, it reminded them of the seriousness of their situation.

While they pondered what had just occurred, they suddenly heard Henriksen's voice from the distance, "I forgot to tell you guys, the three weeks retreating cycle will end by noon tomorrow. If you don't want to die, better move! Oh, I'm seriously not that kind of person. Until we meet again!"

While his voice still echoed, the youths broke into a dash as they ran into the thick forest. Who cared what Henriksen wanted to do with Lilis when their lives were their main priority.