
The Otherworldly Drift

A reincarnated teenage boy who ended his life due to the abuse of his past life wanting to lead a happy life in his new life... But can he

kowshh_23 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A party? (1)

I sat near the lady who was sitting there before I arrived, for some reason she kept Glancing at Me, which truly made me fell wierd, but my concern was about why the Guild master has called me all of a sudden, I was making scenarios in my head about the reason when the heavy voice of the Guild master raised a question

"Do you know the reason I have called you, shiro", I was looking at him with confusion, 'why would I have a tense face like this if I know why', I thought to myself as I answered the Guild master, "No sir, I do not", the Guild master face made a comical expression

"Oi Lara, didn't you tell the reason why I called him", I looked at the cool and composed receptionist entering the room and said in a calm tone, "It is your duty as the Guild master to talk about this, don't be a slob and do your job"

Lara said as she left the room, which made me look at the Guild master with a questionable look, 'is this dude really a guild master', my mind flashed that thought, like how a guild master, someone who is one of the 4 strongest mortals getting a earful from a receptionist, but I answered myself, thinking it must be a humble demeanour of his, guild master sighed and spoke to me, "I am deeply sorry about her, sometimes she can get rowdy", he apologied and came to the point of my call,

"shiro, you're from the 300 year old dungeon right, can you tell me what was the first thing you saw", it was at that moment I realised that I messed up big time, I wasn't able to think of any lies, then I got an idea, I called out my unreliable AI who got me into this mess, 'hey iris, you're help is needed, what shall I say to him', I asked as Iris processed an answer, 'Master tell him that the first thing you witnessed was, cold snow, freezing wind and a blue sun, which made the atmosphere even more cooler', I didn't know if I can trust her with this or not but since I don't know what to say, I'll just take on Iris lines, "I happen to saw snow, everywhere around the dungeon, cold breeze freezing even the sweat, and a blue sun, which for some reason made the place even more cold and freezing, it was..... A rather unpleasant place", the Guild master then sat back and started wondering about something, at that point I didn't even know if I screwed up or not, he was a keeper syndrome, not to mention of of the 4 strongest mortals, it might be hard or likely impossible to keep lying to him, just when I was having these thoughts, the Guild master broke the silence surrounding the air, "So shiro, let's forget the dungeon, I think you might have bad memories about it", my mind went to a joyous state, 'He actually fell for it!?', I immediately dropped the joyous thought as it might bring suspicion and started to listen to his words

"I heard you encountered a enigma at the forest, is that True shiro", he asked me with a serious tone, I know this is a serious matter, so I answered him properly, "Yes Sir I did, unfortunately I and my partner Lucia were not strong enough to deal with it, so all we could do was flee", I said with distraught, I expected the Guild master to be a little disappointed, but instead of disappointment, I saw a satisfied smile in his face, "thank god you fled that place, even I am not dumb enough to ask you to face such a threat like an enigma, you can call me Xavier shiro, I don't like complementary words or formal addressing"

The Guild master was surprisingly chill than I thought, so I ended up calling him by his name, "so Xavier, is this about the report of the enigma or about the dungeon that you called me", I asked him boldly knowing, it might be a risk to talk so informally, but just like I thought, he laughed it off as a modest man, my intuition about this man was not wrong, "no shiro, I was actually thinking of asking you to form a party, you see, those who came back from the dungeon refused to be an adventurer again, as they were afraid of getting into a dungeon like the 300 years dungeon, you were the first one who's spirit didn't break by this, and your syndrome, you have a syndrome which is extremely rare in this era, the Guild doesn't want to loose a talent such as yourself, so I would ask you to form a party, it would also be easy for your expedition and also help you grow alot, what do you think about it", Xavier said with a caring tone, even I don't need a AI to know whether a person is faking an emotion or not, he genuinely cared about my life, but it also has his own reasons to care,

"thank you for the offer Xavier, I was actually thinking about forming a party, I have already asked a person to join my party I am going to create and she agreed on it, I still haven't had anyone to recruit for my party, as I am not familiar with most of the people of this era"

I said with confidence, finally getting up from my seat to leave the office, but a lustrous voice came from my side, the woman, Freya sitting next to me, started speaking after a long silence, "it seems, you you have trouble recruiting member for your party, am I right shiro~", I didn't know why but her voice sends shivers down my spine, but also it feels very familiar, but it wasn't my concern now, I replied to her, "yes ma'am I am having trouble, but I'm sure I'll figure it out", I said with a confident smile, I couldn't let myself be vulnerable here, I kept repeating in my head 'be confident, be confident....', but for some reason she let out a small toothy grin, "is that so, very well shiro, I would like you to spar with me, right now", I spaced out for a second, and me and the Guild master let out a surprised sound at the same time, ".... Okay ma'am let's spar, but can I know the reason tho", I asked her as soon as I can, I know for a fact someone will not ask for a spar for no reason, she let out a small laugh and replied, "Where's the fun in that, also you can call me Freya, that's my name, now then shiro", she took out her wand from nowhere, I think it is some kind of spatial magic, she pointed the wand at me, "show me how strong and potent you truly are, show me the True potential of the Jester syndrome", she looked at me with a little psychotic grin, 'how did I end up sparing with a psycho'

This chapter is a sequel, please vote for my book, it will be a motivation for me to continue my work

kowshh_23creators' thoughts