
the order dropped

A man saw his parent murdered in front of him.He was obsessed in getting revenge. He gather every piece of evidence he could find. When people that you dont want to have their eyes on you. They framed him for a murder that he didnt committed and sentence to death. OR HE THOUGHT MA ha ha the rise of the order Something will not be the same as canon well most of it will not be canon

no_name_7540 · Others
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what is a force knight

well you might know the

jedi which is "good" because they practice the "light" side of the force while the sith is "bad" because they practice the dark side of the force

but a force knight is force user that is dont use the light side or dark side they use the force

they dont let the darkness corrupt them

they practice the true art of the force

they can marry they can experience life to the fullest but they are neutral they dont attack but if you attack dont think will leave alive

they are expert in both the force and weapons

they only bow down to the force and their emperor.