
The OP Engineer

A teen named Azar , is obsessed with chemistry and engineering , suddenly he find himself somewhere where magic is real. As human his curiosity is huge and he will try to uncover every mystery in that new world. These are the adventures of an OP engineer.

Azar_D · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Kingdom Mysteries

He woke up, still inside the cave. He looked around with his eyes. He couldn't move. His body felt heavy, he could only move his eyes around.

*Something feels... very... how can I describe it... pleasant?*

He started wandering what happened, he saw the shattered head of the boss.

*Does that mean, we won? Also... what is this very squishy rock my head rests at? And what is this... I feel... wet.*



*No response. She should be exhausted too, or she fell asleep when i had no more mana to give her so she won't feed with my life. She is so considerate. Oh, don't tell me this is the cliche, where the main protagonist get a lap pillow because he fought a hard opponent and briefly made it out alive, then he looks at the mad in love with him girl and then they kiss?*

"Lina? Is that you?"

"Azar? You finally woke up!"

"Oh, Lina...Were you worried about me? Can you please turn me around, I can't move a muscle."

"Of course."


"Wake up princes I can't have you resting at my lap for much more."

Azar panicked, put all his strength and effort to move, every shell of his body was in pain, still though he couldn't get up neither did Justin got up.

"As I said... I CAN'T GET UP."

"Neither do I. My legs are numb."

"Great. Just throw me over there."

"Alright boss."

"With eas..."

Justin just threw him aside to the wall as instructed. The only problem is that he seriously threw him to the side. Azar hit the wall with his back. The air left his lungs and Azar made a very loud...

"AGHH! You stupid brainless bonehead!"

"What? You said to throw you over there. Not my fault if you don't like the spot after all."

"That's not it, fucking monkey! You seriously threw me to a wall!"

"But that's what you told me to do."

"You freaki... Whatever, where is Lina?"

"She were here not before long, but she freaked out when I told her you didn't had a pulse."

"And why did you told that?"

"Ummm... I can explain... I was kind of freaked out too and didn't notice I was checking at your right side, but your pulse was dangerously faint."

"So how many hours was I out?"

"About three before i found you and another one after I found you."

"I see. Can you stand now?"

"Not for another 5 minutes."

"Then we will relax here for 5 minutes and then find Lina."

"So you seriously took out this huge thing on your own?"

"No, as I said I had Keni with me. She is a real person as you can tell with Lina's reaction."

"Yea, sorry. Still not used to the magic thing."

"You should adapt fast. That's how this world works."

Lina wasn't back and the 5 minutes passed, so they got up and looked for her. Azar couldn't fight so they had to keep silent. They kept looking around when they finally found Lina standing in front of a tent.

"What could this be?"


"Relax, I'm still alive."

"You know, Justin said that you were... not alive for a moment."

"Justin is just stupid, don't trust him at things that requires brain."

"Thank god you are not dead and Justin is just stupid."

"So, what do we have here?"

"I don't know, I just got here and freeze when I saw the two graves over there."

"Okay then, let's look around a little bit and get out of here."

*Cracked plates, old books , the tombstones from the graves are cracked and mossy. I don't know this language though. The books and the names atop the graves are written with the same language. There are some more names sculptured at the wall. Is this some kind of camp that hunters used , or there are nomads that moving along the dungeon levels? I should check about this language at the library.*

"Yo! Come look at this!"

Justin was pointing at some kind of painting that Azar memorized.

"Azar, I am sure I have seen this before but I can't remember where."

"That's some very important information Justin, well done. You did something useful for once."

"The good old Azar... You could just say well done or something you know."

"Whatever, now lets get out of here."

They took the path of the entrance walking silently. Something kept annoying Azar, he couldn't understand what it was, so he just told himself to remind himself to think about it later. They passed once again at the place Azar was fighting with the boss and once again something kept triggering Azar's attention.

*Agh, fine...*

"Guys... Let me rest a little bit there at that wall."

"Wow, that's a very specific position to rest. Azar, I know that something keeps troubling you, would you mind sharing?"

"Umm... Later, okay?"


Azar stood there, trying to think about the stuff that he just experienced, but something was either so obvious that his very complex mind couldn't even think of, or it was so well hidden. He sat down and observed.

"Something is missing!"


"I... I can't remember. Justin, you saw it too, can you find what's missing?"

"Well, except from the crystallic scales I took?"

"You took the scales?"

"Yes, there could be some more coins for them."

"But still... It's not that. Some rocks are out of place."

"A monster could have passed."

"No, the monster would have left a path behind it, the passerby tried to move without making any noise or leaving any trace. Either someone spies on us, or something very fishy is going on with this kingdom."

"So can you trace him?"

"I could but... that's not a very wise decision. I can't fight and neither Keni does."

"Tsk... fine let's get out of here."

"If I am right... We could track down the spy very easily... except if he... let's not talk about it now. I will tell everything about it later... somewhere safe. Let's go."

They left the dungeon and headed back in town.

*Someone follows us for sure. I have confirmed it now for sure. But that's not all of it. Something about the painting and the tent. I can't really think of anything right now about it.*

They got to the town, sat at the guilt's cafeteria to eat and exchange the today's loot.


"Yo, Justin. What happened?"

"GUYS... we don't have to go to hunt again for the rest of the year!"

"What do you mean."

"The scales... It seems they were top quality. Also there were a bounty for that boss! Some dungeon hunters put it yesterday."

"I see, so the team that came here yesterday carrying the dead body that were killed by that boss put a bounty for the loss because they couldn't get revenge by themselves. So let's have a feast for today's victory!"

They drank and ate a lot, they also treated everyone at the cafeteria and they passed out right there.