
The Only Leveling System

Nobody on Earth expected monsters to suddenly rush out from portals that appeared out of thin air. What happened was what would only appear in novels, mangas, or animes. Everything seems surreal. Unfortunately, for those who are in denial, none of this is a dream. This is REALITY. Rem’s "peaceful" life was shattered on that day. Many years had passed since then. Rem somehow ended up being the last human alive on Earth. She succeeded in defeating the Demon King. Despite all the rewards she received, Rem didn’t have the will to live anymore. Suddenly, a man in a white robe appeared before Rem. "I'm Alchit, the God of Light. Congratulations on your victory." 'What is there to celebrate? My family, friends, comrades... Everyone but me is all dead!' "What kind of god are you??! Alicht, the God of Light? More like A SH*T, the God of all sh*ts!!!" "HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! This is the first time anyone has insulted me like that. For that, I'll tell you a little something...!" Alchit leaned over to Rem's right ear and whispered: "This happened because I find things like this entertaining. You're simply a CHARACTER I took interest in. That's how you survived for so long." Before Rem could process what she just heard, Alchit ended her life ruthlessly with his blade. Was Rem going to die just like that? Yes! Of course, she is. Not even plot armor can protect her from this. How can a mere human survive any sword that pierced one's heart without dying? At least her death was quick and probably painless, right...? After dying, Rem got reincarnated into another world. The only problem was, she was reincarnated as a MONSTER. A monster that's the size of a CAT. Actually... Make that two problems. Rem can’t remember anything in her past life except for her first name, the day the portals appeared, some knowledge about the monsters she met before, being brutally murdered by Ash*t, and her immeasurable hatred for Gods. Having an annoying yet somewhat helpful system barely helps in the situation Rem’s in. "Why am I here, just to suffer?” Let's look at the bright side. Rem has another chance. A chance to get revenge in this new life of hers. Nonetheless, her priority right now is to survive. How will Rem survive in the current cat-sized monster body she's in? Will she ever succeed in getting her revenge? Can she get her memories back and uncover the truth? Join Rem on her journey and see for yourself! ——————————————————————— Tags: Adventure, Fantasy, FemaleMC, FemaleProtagonist, GameElements, Magic, MedievalWorld, ModernWorld, Monster, Monsters, Nonhuman, Overpowered, Portals, PowerfulMC, Rebirth, Reborn, Reincarnation, Revenge, System, Transmigration ——————————————————————— TOLS = The Only Leveling System ——————————————————————— ^Please note that everything in this novel is made up and isn't real. I have no intentions of trying to hurt or offend anyone! Thank you for reading!!!^ ——————————————————————— ^I'm back!!! :) I'll be rewriting and editing every chapter. You can see what I've edited under the auxiliary volume, "Revised Chapters." Hopefully, this will improve my writing tenfold!^ ——————————————————————— ^This is my first novel! I'm writing this novel as a new hobby I had come across, and to improve my writing skills. If there are any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors, please inform me. Feel free to make any suggestions you have! All suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading this novel!!!^ ——————————————————————— ^This cover is by swd3e2 (I did some research, and this was all I could find about the artist)! I will take this cover down if the artist asks me to do so.^ *This Cover’s Artist: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/660788 ———————————————————————

JUnknownC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
180 Chs

Odd Behavior

Rem followed the dark hallway which seemed to be endless. After a few minutes of walking, she finally arrived at another place Rem wasn't familiar with.

{You can call it a temple if you'd like. Not everyone calls it a temple. The place you were in before is where people worship God.}

'I figured, but I never knew elves worshiped God.'

{They don't. At least in the past, most of them didn't. The current Elven King created this place. He made a law that everyone has to worship God.}

'Hah? That's absurd...'

Rem arrived at the end of the hallway.

'What in the world...?'

Rem was in a flat terrain filled with colorful flowers that looked like tulips. A blue, cloudy sky could be seen. The sun seems to be setting.

'Uhhh... We're still in the temple, right?'

「Yes, we're inside... Urgh... It's even worse than before...!」

'What's worse?'

「The smell. That horrible stench!」

Rem sniffed the air. However, she didn't smell anything.

'I don't smell anything. Wait... Do weapons have a sense of smell or what???'

{Souls can sense magic around them to smell things. At least most of them can. Anyways, with magic, anything can be done.}

'I suppose. Cynric, do you sense anything abnormal here?'

「This place... I don't like it. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. The smell's getting stronger! 」

'Cynric, calm down. Why do you hate this place?' Rem asked, walking around the flat terrain.

She didn't understand why she was acting like this. Before Cynric could answer, an arrow pierced Rem's left arm. Rem grunted, then looked up, seeing a dozen of people with white wings, shooting at Rem.

'What are they?'

Rem tried inspecting one of the people that were flying, but she somehow couldn't.

{They're angels.}

'Angels? Angels must have something to do with God, yes?'

{Indeed, angels work for God. Let's just say they have to. They're all loyal to God and they can't oppose them.}

'I see...'

「Them. It's them...! Kill... I must kill them all!!!」

This was the first time Rem heard Cynric's angry tone. The small blade left Rem's pocket, floating in front of Rem. It grew larger, into the size of a dagger. There was a dark, murderous aura surrounding the dagger.


The dagger flew towards the people with wings. The dagger was extremely fast. It was so fast that even Rem couldn't see the dagger while it's moving. All Rem saw was a black and red aura, killing every person with wings in sight.

'Ah... It's raining red blood.'

All the angels are now currently in pieces.

'Hey, Cynric. You okay?'

The dagger was floating in the sky with the same aura from before. Slowly, the murderous aura disappeared. The dagger dropped to the ground.

「I apologize, Master. When you entered this place, I felt suddenly felt angry. I don't know why, but the moment I saw those angels, I went out of control. I remember what I did though... I couldn't stop. 」

'Hm... Did you remember anything else?'

「Nothing else.」

'Alright... Maybe your past has something the angels?'

「Possibly... I despise them.」

'Come to think of it, I couldn't sense the angels. Is it the magic inside this temple's doing?'

{You're going to have to figure that out yourself.}

"So you're the intruder!" An unfamiliar, playful voice said cheerfully.


Rem looked up.

「Another angel...!」

'She seems different than the other angels.'

The angel has golden hair, large, white wings, and she also wore a white mask that covered her upper face. A playful smile could be seen clearly.

"Why did those angels attack me?" Rem asked, getting straight to the point.

"You're an intruder. Of course, they'll attack you." The masked angel answered bluntly as if the answer was obvious.

"Well, anyway... You sure chopped those guys up. They look like pieces of fresh meat, laying on the floor...!" The masked angel giggled.

'Do all angels act like this?'

「Yes, they're all scums.」

{Angels each have their own personalities.}


"You seem weak... Did you really defeat those angels...? Sure, they're not even in my league, but there were at least a dozen of them. Well-trained ones at that...!"

Rem said nothing as she pondered about whether or not she should stay here any longer.

"Hey, I'm asking you a question!" The masked angel yelled in anger.

'She has a short temper and she's surprisingly impatient...' Rem noticed immediately.

Rem inspected the masked angel's stats, continuing to stay silent.

<Inspect Status>

[Name: ???]

[Role(s): ???]

[Race: Angel]

[Level: ???]

[HP: ???/???]

[MP: ???/???]

[Element: Light]

'My level's too low... Can I beat her...?'

{If you want to play safe, then run away. There's a low chance you're going to win with your abilities. If you fight in your monster form, there's a higher chance for you to win.}

「Master! Let me help defeat her. I have this urge to kill her... Please, let me help.」

'I'm not sure if you can go on after fighting so many angels by yourself.'

"How dare you ignore me!!! I was going to give you a painless and quick death... Now that you've successfully angered me, you can forget about that!" The masked angel pointed at Rem.

'Hm... You know what, Cynric. Let's fight her. I want to see myself how strong someone working for God is.'

「Yes, Master. I'm prepared for any fight.」

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The talking dagger can only be heard by Rem. Rem named the dagger Cynric, which is a boy's name, even though it said it was a female in the past. There isn't any specific reason why Rem named the dagger Cynric. Maybe it's because Cynric means royal and kin-ruler (you can search it up).


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