
The Only Leveling System

Nobody on Earth expected monsters to suddenly rush out from portals that appeared out of thin air. What happened was what would only appear in novels, mangas, or animes. Everything seems surreal. Unfortunately, for those who are in denial, none of this is a dream. This is REALITY. Rem’s "peaceful" life was shattered on that day. Many years had passed since then. Rem somehow ended up being the last human alive on Earth. She succeeded in defeating the Demon King. Despite all the rewards she received, Rem didn’t have the will to live anymore. Suddenly, a man in a white robe appeared before Rem. "I'm Alchit, the God of Light. Congratulations on your victory." 'What is there to celebrate? My family, friends, comrades... Everyone but me is all dead!' "What kind of god are you??! Alicht, the God of Light? More like A SH*T, the God of all sh*ts!!!" "HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! This is the first time anyone has insulted me like that. For that, I'll tell you a little something...!" Alchit leaned over to Rem's right ear and whispered: "This happened because I find things like this entertaining. You're simply a CHARACTER I took interest in. That's how you survived for so long." Before Rem could process what she just heard, Alchit ended her life ruthlessly with his blade. Was Rem going to die just like that? Yes! Of course, she is. Not even plot armor can protect her from this. How can a mere human survive any sword that pierced one's heart without dying? At least her death was quick and probably painless, right...? After dying, Rem got reincarnated into another world. The only problem was, she was reincarnated as a MONSTER. A monster that's the size of a CAT. Actually... Make that two problems. Rem can’t remember anything in her past life except for her first name, the day the portals appeared, some knowledge about the monsters she met before, being brutally murdered by Ash*t, and her immeasurable hatred for Gods. Having an annoying yet somewhat helpful system barely helps in the situation Rem’s in. "Why am I here, just to suffer?” Let's look at the bright side. Rem has another chance. A chance to get revenge in this new life of hers. Nonetheless, her priority right now is to survive. How will Rem survive in the current cat-sized monster body she's in? Will she ever succeed in getting her revenge? Can she get her memories back and uncover the truth? Join Rem on her journey and see for yourself! ——————————————————————— Tags: Adventure, Fantasy, FemaleMC, FemaleProtagonist, GameElements, Magic, MedievalWorld, ModernWorld, Monster, Monsters, Nonhuman, Overpowered, Portals, PowerfulMC, Rebirth, Reborn, Reincarnation, Revenge, System, Transmigration ——————————————————————— TOLS = The Only Leveling System ——————————————————————— ^Please note that everything in this novel is made up and isn't real. I have no intentions of trying to hurt or offend anyone! Thank you for reading!!!^ ——————————————————————— ^I'm back!!! :) I'll be rewriting and editing every chapter. You can see what I've edited under the auxiliary volume, "Revised Chapters." Hopefully, this will improve my writing tenfold!^ ——————————————————————— ^This is my first novel! I'm writing this novel as a new hobby I had come across, and to improve my writing skills. If there are any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors, please inform me. Feel free to make any suggestions you have! All suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading this novel!!!^ ——————————————————————— ^This cover is by swd3e2 (I did some research, and this was all I could find about the artist)! I will take this cover down if the artist asks me to do so.^ *This Cover’s Artist: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/660788 ———————————————————————

JUnknownC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
180 Chs

Helping Out A Friend

It was the next day and Rem went to Karina's dorm room.

*Knock, knock.

"Rina are you there?" Rem asked.

"Rem, is that you?"

Karina jumped out of her bed and opened the door, letting Rem in. Rem walked in and sat on a chair.

"I was wondering if you are busy today."

"Nah, I'm not busy. I usually spend the weekends in the library since I used to not have any friends..."

"Well, now you have me. Since you are not busy today, do you want to level up with me?" Rem asked.

Karina made a sad expression and replied, "But I'm weak... I would just be a bother..."

"You don't have to worry about anything. I'll help you level up."

"Isn't that annoying for you?"

"Nope, it's not since you getting stronger would actually benefit me."

"Thanks." Karina smiled gently.

"You didn't eat breakfast yet, did you? Let's go get some breakfast. After eating, we can go defeat some monsters." Rem said as she walked to the door.


"Oh right, do you know a nearby place where there are some E ranked monsters?"

"There is one place. If we go South, we will arrive in a forest. There are mostly E ranked monsters. I never went there since I'm just a level ten..."

"Then let's go. Lead the way! I'll help you defeat some E ranked monsters."

"Um... Remie, what's your level anyway?" Karina asked.

"I'm level 25." Rem replied.

"What??! You are two years younger than me and you are already level 25???" Karina said, shocked.

"I have my ways." Rem smiled.

'I wonder what would happen if I told Rina that I'm actually a week and a half old... Oh well, that's a bad idea. She would freak out...' Rem thought to herself.

Rem and Karina arrived in the forest. After searching for some monsters, Rem saw a green monster in a distance. Rem checked its stats.

<Inspect Status>

[Name: N/A]

[Race: Forest Goblin]

[Role: Food seeker]

[Level: 8]

[HP: 500/500]

[MP: 100/100]

[Element: N/A]

After looking at its stats, Rem called Karina.

"There's a green creature here. Do you want to try killing one?"

Karina shook her head.

"Hey, don't be like that. That goblin doesn't even have a weapon. Plus, it's level is lower than yours."

"How do you know what level the goblin is?" Karina asked.

"I just know. Just try defeating a goblin. You can't hide forever. If it gets serious, I'll just help you a bit." Rem shrugged.

"Alright, I'll try."

Karina raised her staff and cast a wind spell at the goblin. The goblin tried dodging the wind spell but failed to do so. It then turned to Karina and started throwing rocks at her in the air.

"Ouch!" Karina said as one of the rocks hit her.

"Rina, cast an attack spell!" Rem yelled in the distance.

Karina took Rem's advice and casts a few wind blades. The sharp wind ended up cutting one of the goblin's leg off.


The goblin died from blood loss.

"Remie, Remie! Look! I defeated a goblin!"

"Good job. Now let's go defeat some more goblins. Tell me when you reach level 15 ok? I'll be watching from a distance. When you need help, I'll come to you."

"Okay, thanks."


About three hours had passed and Karina finally reached level 15.

"Remie, I'm now level 15."

"Good, since you are in my party, whatever I kill, you still get 5% of the exp even if you do nothing. While you were defeating the goblins, I found a cave with some stronger goblins in it. Let's go inside the cave and kill some more goblins."

"Will I be able to defeat these goblins..?" Karina asked.

"You won't know unless you try." Rem replied.

"You're right. I'll try my best!" Karina followed Rem into the cave.

They arrived and at the cave's entrance, there were two goblins. Rem checked both of the goblin's stats.

<Inspect Status>

[Name: N/A]

[Race: Forest Goblin]

[Role: Cave Entrance Guard]

[Level: 12]

[HP: 700/700]

[MP: 250/250]

[Element: N/A]

<Inspect Status>

[Name: N/A]

[Race: Forest Goblin]

[Role: Cave Entrance Guard]

[Level: 11]

[HP: 650/650]

[MP: 200/200]

[Element: N/A]

"Rina, after I bind it, use your attack spells at them."

"Got it."

Rem used Shadow Bind on the two goblins. Karina cast a few wind spells and ripped the goblins apart.

"Wow, I'm already level 16!" Karina said happily.

'That's weird, how is she leveling up so fast? Although she's not leveling up as fast as me, this is abnormal for a half-human... Just who is she?' Rem thought to herself.

'Oh well, who cares. This is a good thing.'

"Let's grind these goblins until you are level 20." Rem said.

"Okay!" Karina replied.


Rem and Karina were fighting the cave goblins for hours without any rest. During that time, Karina reached level 20 while Rem only leveled up once.

"Let's go back to our dorms. It's getting dark." Rem said.

"Yeah. Also, I can rank up now. I just need to fulfill the requirements."

"What requirements are there?"

"To become a Blade Archer★, I need 50 F Ranked Mana stones and 20 E Ranked Mana Stones. So far I have 24 F Ranked Mana stones."

'Her requirements are so low...' Rem thought.

"Okay, let's go back for now."


Rem and Karina arrived at the girl's dorms. Rem walked Karina to her dorm room.

"Here Rina, take this."

Rem gave Karina 30 F Ranked Mana Stones and 20 E Ranked Mana Stones.

"Wow... Are you sure about giving me all this?" Karina asked.

"Of course. You're my first friend."

"Thanks, Remie!" Karina said, smiling brightly.


Rem tried to hold her laugh.

'Lol, her reaction!'

"Alright, I'll be going now. Remember to lock your door properly. Ranking up is dangerous. Be careful." Rem said, warning Karina.

"Alright, Remie. Tomorrow we get to pick which faction you want to join. Good thing you transferred to this school early. If it's any later, you would have missed choosing a faction. Goodnight!"

"Thanks for telling me Rina, goodnight!"

Karina closed her door and Rem went back to her dorm room. After arriving at her dorm room, Rem locked the door, used all her UP on STR, and checked her new stats.


[Name: Rem]

[Race: Kager★ (Child, Bonus: x15 Stats/EXP Gain)]

[Role(s): N/A]

[Title: Reincarnator, Genius]

[Level: 25>26]

[HP: 26,000/26,000>27,000]

[MP: 30,000/30,000>31,000]

[STR: 2,900>3,000>3,100]

[VIT: 2,600>2,700]

[INT: 3,000>3,100]

[AGI: 2,500>2,600]

[DEX: 2,500>2,600]

[DEF: 2,500>2,600]

[UP: 100>0]

[Elements: Shadow (Tier 2), Lightning (Tier 1), Wind (Tier 0)]

[Skill: Regeneration (E), Transformation (SSS)]

[Hidden Abilities: Leveling System (S), Eye Of Truth (SSS), Creation Magic (SSS)]

'My stats are not bad at all. At this rate, I should be able to get to level 50 in a few weeks. What a tiring day... Urg, there's school again tomorrow..."

Rem shifted into her monster form and went to sleep.

Helping is caring! :D

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