
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Possessor Of Absolute Power

In Tokyo, after long after work, on the street of Aomori have a woman and man look pretty hurry. That's right, it's almost time for the last train

"Hey Sumari-san you go so fast !"- black haired man said

"Shut up Kimi, by you i need to back late by your"- red haired woman

Kimi:"Is a big bowl of ramen okay? Sumari-san"

Sumari:"Okay my friend~"

Kimi:"Haiz okay, You turn your face so fast Sumari"

Sumari: "Haha it's too much for me, you're better than me."

Kimi: "Not everyone has a sly talent like me."

Sumari: "Aside from being good at work, what can you do?"

Kimi: "Hey I know swordsmanship, the tea ceremony, of course psychology and a little bit of physics too."

Sumari: "Obviously nothing terrible."

Kimi: "Hey don't look down on knowledge that will one day save you."

Sumari: "Let's see otaku doctor."

Kimi:"Shut up !"

Kimi:"hey Sumari is that a meteorite ?"

Sumari:"yes but it's color is blue right ?"

Kimi:"Now that you say I've noticed. I have never seen this color before."

Kimi:"wait is it shining ? "

Sumari:"No bro, what's wrong with your eyes. Hey ! Hey ! Hey Kimi..."

He suddenly fainted and then the other girl immediately fainted. And then slowly he opened his eyes. He can't smell, can't see, can't feel, can't hear, can't feel anything. Only the void beside him, him can breath but if he goes on like this he might go crazy and then he prays, nothing. He prays one more time, nothing. He prays prays and prays many that can't count. Then in a space have not thing. That guy is suddenly appeared from no where.

He start his voice:

Kimi:"Sh*t my head ! where is this sh*t ? i can't see anything

Kimi:" Have some one here ?"

Kimi:"What thing i should do now ? Is it possible that I am dead or captured is some kind of poison oh wait i can sleeping too? ugh what i can get out this shit space"

"hello my child you are chosen by me"-a voice that was warm but also full of majesty spoke from somewhere in that empty space

Kimi:"huh ?!? who are you ?"

" I am ? i am the once can make all your think come true by only a snap."-that voice

Kimi:"your mean is god ? but what ever where am i ?"

"God": oh sorry my child it seems a bit dark to you

After that person finished speaking, the light spread everywhere. That space is look like empty but it have a kind of power make every one will be scared. It look like a room, but it bigger than every one can think. It have 6 black wall have a lot of little spot spread light with all color of light. It look like a beauty space.

Kimi:"Oh sh*t ! it's really tight. at least you should have said it before"

"God":"sorry my son, i will remeber that"

After untied, he's pretty cool at all, the ivory-white robe with gilded trim as the highlight. But that name also exudes a sky of malice. I shouldn't trust that name too much. But never mind if that guy is full of himself then at least i'm protected by that guy.

"God":"your name is... Kimi Machiko ? right ?"

Kimi:"yes but where is this ?"

"God":"Oh the Blanc room it make you can resist all the manipulations of the demons and that's why I chose you."

Kimi:"why should I need to give up my life, my parent, my job and my friend to make your order ?"

"God:":"haha my little kid you can't chose yes or no you only can chose do or DIE. No not only you i will kill all your acquaintance in front your eyes and throw you to some empty world and you will forever alone."

Kimi:"are you kidding me, right ?"

"God":"oh you can try with the cost is near by 8 billion soul"

Kimi:"can i continue my life when i done your order right ?"

"God":"yes why i need take more care a normal guy like you ?"

Kimi:"so what thing i need to do ?"

"God":"hahaha it very easy, you only need to kill god of the demon as know as the Grok Ma Thluka""

Kimi:"really ? that name is not any kind of language"

Kimi:"So why i need kill him ?"

"God":"it's a very long story about tens of millions of billions of millennia already. From the beginning of the universe created from the absolute power of nothingness gave birth to a single existence. It was the most perfect existence, the one that could not be compared to that of my father, the ancient god Void.

My father felt that what I consider rather silly is loneliness, he created the first universe a place so beautiful that my mind, even after a few billion millennia, will not forget. take that picture. And then he gave birth to me and my wretched brother. But also because he gave birth to us, he destroyed himself, so he passed away. And that name destroyed that beautiful place. SO IT MUST BE PRICEN"

"God":"Sorry i think i to angry. So never mind it ! my child i will give you the last blessing"

Kimi:"is that a so f*cking power to kill demon god ?"

"God":"nope, it only the eyes make you can understand all language and make you can control magic more easy than normal. Oh yeah you can use that to have some helping hand."

Kimi:"so can i...."

He couldn't finish his sentence when soon that "god" took him to a vast lawn deep inside a dense forest. Under the light blue moon, from the back of his heart he wondered:"if everything was okay as he left his colleagues behind when he suddenly disappeared, including his mother. Damn it has to be done fast. And this kind of plot sounds like some kind of isekai manga. Well, it's pretty fun, isn't it?"

"Never mind ! It makes sense to quit your job because you were caught by criminals also look pretty good. I will rule this world and go back to the my world !"

But he wrong. Soon his agony has just begun, soon he will shed tears.