
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Broked Dream

"Now take my ass up and where is here ?"

"I should find a place to let him rain, ah shit it will be hard."

He lifted himself up and looked around he realized that things were not right he felt like he was being watched by four eyes. He feel it will be better if he get out that place. He run in the night with out light, the moonlight only can help he a little in front him face.

Kimi:"Ah sh*t, have some one !"

That is a knight with a armor and long sword. The armor is pure blood red, it have some emerald it look a very expensive.

Kimi:"Hey you ! can you help me ?"

That Guy:"huh ? how are you ?"

Kimi:"I am Kimi Machiko, can you help me a little bit ?"

That Guy:"Yes, I am Ino Minao."

Kimi:"Wait ! you are the girl ?"

Ino:"Yeah i think you know that."

Kimi:"So Ino where is here ? i think i get lost."

Ino:"You really don't know where is this ?"

Kimi:"If i know why i need ask you ?"

Ino:"This is the sleeping forest, it in Minestal Empire but now Minestal is only a hollow shell, the king is stupid but the criminals have so much power, no noble can have a confrontation to the criminals. But Serpent most powerful organization."

Kimi:"Why the forbidden army don't destroy all organization ?"

Ino:"You pretty so kiddo. That not the thing you can win."

Kimi:"Why are you sure ?, if luck maybe they can win"

Ino:"Haiz it is impossible because i am a Serpent."

Kimi:"huh ? What ?"

Ino:"It too late now."

Kimi"Wait ! Wait ! I have nothing !"

Ino:"So you can use your eyes i seen you have strange eyes."

Ino hit Kimi's head with the hilt of her sword and then drops of crimson blood fell to the ground. since then the thing that hunted him discovered the two of them. She take Kimi to a the small wooden house around was only filled with the hearts of strange creatures: a slimy ball of iridescent green water, a small fox with three chases, a man less than one meter tall but look like an old man.

Ino:"Wake up little boy hahaha."

Kimi:"What are you doing ? Let me f*cking out !"

Ino:" Look your language little boy."

Ino:"What thing you want in my eye."

Ino:"No i not kind of crazy b*tch like take the eye of lover and put it on a jar and ever morning look that shit 40 minute."

Ino:"Now say bye with your eyes."

And then she used a long pliers and then threaded her fingernails slowly pulling the eyeballs out of his sockets slowly but not letting him slow to accept the tiny rips. He screamed in vain, his screams as if he wanted to tear the moment my eyeballs were completely severed. And then Ino just said:" Ah it look so cute."

As she was about to continue torturing him before continuing to gouge out the remaining eye, suddenly all the windows cracked open. The cold wind rushed in like a whirlwind, causing everything to fall.

Ino:"What that f*cking shit ?"

In the wind have a smell in that breeze, that smell was bloody. The weak wooden door suddenly collapsed, the mirror center was also broken. All creatures were dead, the little slime had been smashed to pieces, the little fox with only half of its upper body was broken like a dry leaf, the dwarf was left with only a dead corpse. In the pure night have two girl walk in to the room they. They wore a crimson blood-colored cloak, their loose strands of black hair a tinge of purple, and the other girl had blonde hair that didn't quite match that mysterious figure. they wear a strange mask that looks like a gift from some ancient relic.

The blonde hair girl:" Hi guys ! I think i become a c*ck-blocking right ?"

The black hair girl:"Shut up Ryosuki-san !"

Ryosuki:" Come on my little sister."

The black hair girl:"Shut up and done our work."

Ino:"Are you just f*cking kidding me ? Who the f*cking are you ?"

Kimi:"Only me or all man in this world so afraid of women ?"

Ino:"Shut up ! Do you still not spare ?"

Ryosuki:"Hey Akina Inari-chan~."

Akina:"Use my surname only Ryosuki-san !"

Ino:"So you get out or i have more two bitch in brothel ?"

Ryokuki:"What thing you just say ? haiz one more stupid girl."

Akina:"I just told you to hurry up don't you hear me."

Ino:"Shut up b*tch !"

Ino rushed over at a very fast speed. but her sword had just flown in when the girl named Akina simply scratched the sword with her fingernails. Just like that, the sword split into three, Ino's expression lost the confidence just now, her expression was now only filled with fear. That attitude also made Kimi realize that things are no longer simple and he could die right away

Ino:"How ? It the sword rank B in this place not have any monster higher rank B,who fucking are you ?

Ryosuki:"You smarter than i think we are the acient vampire."

Kimi:"Ah f*ck i die by vampire,it will be pain."

Ino:"Shut up, not only you ! I only rank B i can't kill two monster rank B+."

Ryosuki:"You wrong that normal vampire but we are the acient vampire, all acient vampire is the lowest rank is A-, now you think you can win us."

Ino:"Shut up b*tch !"

He rushes to put all her strength into the remaining sword fragment then she casts more spells to strengthen her body. Even the floor couldn't withstand that force. But suddenly her arm broke in two, she knelt down trembling and screamed in vain. Ryosuki cast some magic that caused Ino to immediately fall to her white eyes. Kimi realized it would be his turn, he could only scream and beg.

Kimi:"No please, i can do anything you want."

Akina:"I can have anything from a eye-man

Ryosuki:"Wait we have a work !"

Akina:"What work ?"

Ryosuki:"We have a blood for our farther right ? Rokia just die in last week right ? we need new one, why not turn him into one of us."

Akina & Kimi:"What ???"