
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

The Demon Lord

Within the primal chaos, Goku could be seen locked in battle with a young man who looked to be in his 20s. this young man of course was nowhere near his 20s, a monster who was at half-step Dao God. Goku was currently within his Supreme Form, a Form which allowed his strength to reach the Finite level of infinity. this form turned Goku's hair White.

Goku punched forward, only for his fist to be dodged perfectly. the two clashed many times, and both sides evenly matched. This was to be expected when both sides pretty much had the same level of power. Goku and the other knights all had combat power at half Step Dao God, which translated to their strength having reached the finite level of infinity. they were just a step away from transcending all of the levels.

These past thousands of years when they were locked in battle, the Knights were the main front line in the battles against this powerful family. Giving the others who were less talented to catch up.

Goku had a smile, for years now he had been fighting this guy, both sides being pushed further and further towards reaching new heights in martial arts. but that should be impossible, wasn't transcendent Martial arts the peak of martial arts? Well, there was one level above this. the knights and pretty much most of the Ling clan members all reached Transcendent Martial arts long before this war began. 

Goku flashed, catching an opening within the young man's movements, he shot forward to punch, but his fist froze an inch away from touching the Young man. Goku coughed up a mouthful of blood, looking down at the fist that bypassed his senses and instincts and landed in his stomach He was confused, but in battle, one didn't have the time to be confused.

With a flash, Goku used the next incoming blow to be sent flying backward to make some space. but the young man followed while pulling back his fist to launch a punch attack towards Goku. Goku's eyes widened for a moment, seemingly realizing something.

He moved to punch the young man, but the young man's movements were just too hard to read, they seemed simple yet complex at the same time. his martial arts seemed to have reached a level beyond his own. Goku found himself having a hard time keeping up, leaving him suffering a heavy blow to his stomach once more before he could throw a punch.

Goku was stunned, how could he go from being equal, to suddenly not even having the chance to react to the guy's movement? 

Blows rained on Goku, sending him flying backward nonstop, his recovery speed which was at one moment helping him recover slowed down as if the beatings he was taking were also affecting his recovery capability.

"I have to thank you. I wouldn't have reached this level without you for the next trillions of chaos cycles. Martial Arts Embodiment. This is the realm where complexity returns to simplicity." the young man said while holding his fist out.

"This is the realm, where everything becomes pointless. You felt it, every blow I landed on you affected more than just your body. each attack of mine is a conceptual attack. I can target anything about you. your soul, body... recovery speed, past, future, and even your fate." He said lightly while looking at Goku who floated there, covered in injuries. but his eyebrow raised seeing Goku's injuries just disappearing

"... This seems to be my limit for now," Goku said with a sigh, stunning the young man, who went by the God King Of Fist. A name he got thanks to his pure martial arts capability, with his fist alone he reached his current heights. it was said that even in his mother's womb, he was throwing punches.

At Goku's words, the young man quickly shot backward as a kick nearly took his head off. He looked at the person in front of him. Vegeta went on to stand by Goku's side with crossed arms.

"What? about to jump me seeing as you're no match for me?" the God King of Fist asked with a mocking smile, to which Vegeta just shook his head. 

"This wasn't a battle to win but to test our limits. our limits without any more breakthroughs is the finite level of infinity. we simply need to work on breaking it now. you're just not strong enough to do such a thing." Vegeta said while the other Knights appeared, surrounding the God King Of Fist. If this was their battle, then none of them would want to team up like this. but if they lost, it meant the enemy would have a chance to attack the fate of the Ling clan. which would lead to Ling Han suffering a huge backlash since he was pretty much the embodiment of the Ling Clan's fate. but more on this later.

The God King of Fist strength had reached beyond the infinity levels of Infiity... no, it wasn't his strength but his combat capability. A martial art embodiment needs to take a step backward, instead of simply trying to transcend martial arts even more, they go backward to the simple stuff like a punch and a kick.

From a simple kick transforming into the very concept of what a kick is, to a simple punch transforming into the very concept of what a punch was. you would have a scene where their basic attack is so simple, but it's powerful on the conceptual level.

this allowed The God King Of Fist to reach the Dao God realm, of course, he would be considered the weakest at this level. but still, this was impressive. 

Goku being Goku was the one to call dibs on fighting the strongest person, while everyone else fought the second best which was Half Step Dao God, but they were far weaker than the God King Of Fist. To say the least, they were all about the same level as Goku alright now, all of their strengths capping at Half-Step Dao God.

All of them entered their Supreme Form, and each of them moved to attack the God King Of Fist. The God King Of Fist moved, fast, reacting to all of them with perfect timing.

'He has the worst martial arts out of all of them, but his destructive power is the highest.' The God King Of Fist thought while dodging Vegeta's punch which left behind a few openings that he could have taken, but couldn't as Goku was covering for those openings. 

'He seems to grow stronger from anything he faces,' the God King of Fist thought while dodging Cell's tail, while at the same time slapping Vegeta's fist towards Frieza.

'This one known as Freiza has the power to adapt to any and all things.' The God King Of Fist thought while seeing how Vegeta's fist did nothing to Frieza whose body seemed to be made out of armor, absorbing most of the damage from Vegeta's fist. 

'Goku martial arts capable seems to be wanting to reach the Embodiment. I'm but is being held back by his current realm. this is his limit.' He thought while dodging Broly's punch, a simple punch, but it was even above Vegeta's martial arts capability.

'Goku has the highest martial arts, followed by Cell, Frieza, Broly, and then Vegeta. but their combat capability is all equal... I should end this quickly.' the God King Of Fist thought, not wanting any unforeseen event to happen. each of the 5 here followed a unique path, allowing them to be at half-step Lose immortal, yet were at half-step Dao God I strength. he had to kill these freaks quickly. he also had to figure out how Goku recovered so quickly after taking a beating from him.

but just as he was about to go all out, he quickly moved to the side while crossing his arms, but his defenses were ignored. he was sent flying away while coughing up a mouthful of blood.

Goku and the other knights stopped and looked towards Bebra who had appeared, confusion in their eyes as they were told not to use Supreme Qi,

"The young master has returned from the lower realms, he wishes to see all of your improvements... at means you're all allowed to go all out to finish this. it doesn't matter what happens next." Bebra said softly, stunning the group for a moment. Bebra was weaker than them, being Ling Han's left hand, she was busy with other things. As Ling Han knights, it was their job to make sure they remained the strongest. 

"Well, I will handle this then," Frieza said with a smile. before Goku could stop Frieza, knowing how sadistic Frieza could be, Frieza disappeared, appearing before the God King Of Fists. 

They were holding back, how could the Supreme Race lose to someone of a similar level of power? Most of the capabilities Ling Han gifted to them couldn't be used, not wanting to draw the Dao God's attention... at least not yet.

Now, The Supreme race's capability was allowed to be shown. although they didn't have any of the One True Supreme, they had a lesser version called the Supreme. [The Supreme Attack], an unblockable and dodgeable attack. An attack that transcended time and space and targeted everything all at once, pretty much similar to the God King Of Fist, but on a deeper level.

The God King Of Fist wanted to block and attack, but how could he? he was left bloody and left in a half-dead state in a matter of a second, unable to resist or block this attack. Maybe if he was a bit stronger he could at least put up some resistance, but the current him couldn't do such a thing.

Frieza laughed with a mad smile, he wanted to torture him before killing him. but he froze when a tail shot forward, stabbing into the God King of Fist's chest, and sucking him dry. Frieza's face turned dark before he moved, wanting to cut the tail off. but he was too late as Cell strength seemed to reach a new level, reaching the Dao God realm. Frieza didn't have the power to cut through Cell's tail

"You!" Frieza said angrily seeing his fun was destroyed. Cell just smiled at Frieza. Frieza didn't have the power to face someone whose strength just reached the Dao God realm. Cell had forcefully absorbed a God King, this went for everything the God King had, to forcefully shatter his limits and reach this level of power.

[Absolute Absorption] allows one to swallow up everything, even concepts. Cell was able to use this power to its fullest through its tail which could pierce a target and absorb them, or by opening up the stinger to swallow them whole. through this, Cell could steal others' capabilities, even stealing a target Dao... so, now he was the best martial artist. His tail allowed him to use this ability on a level almost rivaling even Ling Han. 

But they quickly went back to the Pangu world, ignoring the war which had come to a stop as their enemy retreated a long ago, leaving behind the God King of Fist who was their strongest expert. 

They quickly arrived in a courtyard, where Ling Han was busy reading about farming. Everyone arrived, all getting into position. Bebra stood to Ling Han's left, Daoleaf to his right, and Nalan Yanran in front of Bebra, while the knights kneeled in front of him. 

"You can stand, i told you all I don't care for such things," I said while closing the book. the group stood up at my words, while I took the time to study them all.

"You have all improved... although my right hand and left hand are falling behind," I said softly, making Bebra and Daoleaf bow in shame.

"leave that nonsense work you have been doing to someone else. worry about your own strength. I want you all to reach Dao God's level of power before I finish comprehending the laws of the Ben 10 verse. Breakthrough your limits, you all still have it within you. As for Cell. you shall follow me across the Omniverse." I said softly, I already made a clone and sent it to the Ben 10 verse to comprehend its law. now I wanted to start traveling the Omniverse, Cell would be my bodyguard of course. 

"Understood." Vegeta was the leader of the knights. he was the most... normal person in the group, so I had given him the title. So, I sent them away, leaving me and Cell alone.

"First thing first, I want to find someone to be my Sword. I already have a good idea of who. but I need to hit a few worlds along the way before I can get there." I said softly, to which Cell nodded slightly. I could feel it, any world out there I could picture, it existed. One step, and I could reach them.

I didn't need a portal, if I wanted I could try and reach the Marvel world, but that world was too huge for me to enter. I needed to be strong enough first, then I would enter Marvel to get the person I wanted... but for now, I will enter small worlds to comprehend their working, 

So, I stepped forward. The cell was pulled alongside me with that step, we crossed who knows what, and before long we appeared in the sky, above a city.

"This is Bleach. I will leave behind a clone here to try and create a portal back to my world, in the meantime let's go." I said calmly, while a clone was created. Cell made a clone to protect my clone before we disappeared. we appeared next in Naruto, then One Piece, then the One Punch Man Verse, before I stopped playing around and entered a verse where I wanted to meet someone.

The misfits of the Demon King Academy verse. Anos in my eyes was one of the most overpowered Anime characters, this was even more so when one looked into the novel where they found Anos was just purely overpowered. Many think the strongest thing Anos had was his sword called, Venuzdonoa. the sword of destruction capable of destroying any and all things. but that was wrong. 

Venuzdonoa was created by transforming the God of Destruction Aberneyu's divine body and source into the Demon King Castle Delsgade, therefore distorting and disrupting the Order of Destruction, and transforming the God of Destruction's authority, the Sun of Destruction, into a magic in the form of a sword that destroys reason.

Before this Reason Destroying Sword all reason is meaningless. Magical things like distances and dimensions are irrelevant. In front of this Reason-Destroying Sword, all reason turns to nothing, therefore it is useless to think about what it can or cannot do.

Anos' true destructive power is on par with Venuzdonoa. Anos is a near-perfect Lion of Destruction. Anos constantly suppresses his destructive power by offsetting his own power with his own power and normally controls only the barely remaining power after that, all to prevent the verse from being destroyed by his mere presence. The Guy was too powerful for his verse. 

So, I wanted to make him my knight. So, I appeared in the demon King's castle. there a handsome black-haired man sat on his throne, looking at me with are raised eyebrow as I just appeared out of nowhere. 

Little things could shock this man, the man who killed the gods, the man whose power can destroy everything... what could shock him? Well, the fact a baby and a strange lifeform just appeared within his castle, with him not being able to sense a thing was a shock. on top of that, the fact he couldn't sense these lifeforms was another.

"Who might you be." Anos, the Demon King asked with a deep frown.

"The name is Ling Han, the crown prince of the Great Ling Dynasty. I came to make you my knight." I said with a smile, making Anos' eyes narrow. He sized me up and back at Cell,

"Let's get a few things out of the way... I want you to understand you're not my match. So, try and destroy me with your sword." I said making Anos frown deeply, no one knew of Venuszdonoa. those who knew were destroyed by the sword.

"Who are you?" Anos asked while standing up, to which I just shook my head,

"A traveler of the Omniverse... go ahead, try it," I said making Anos frown slightly. since the kid in front of him was so confident, he wanted to see what made the kid so confident. Summoning his sword, a sword of pure destruction, he slashed it. aiming to cut the kid's hair... but crack ran up the body of the sword as if it had hit the hardest thing in existence. chills ran up Anos spine, unable to comprehend what he had just seen.

"A sword that destroys all reasons, therefor it's pointless to try and figure out what it could and can't do. But you see... my reason transcends that sword's capability. You're too strong for this world. So, what do you say to be my... Instead of being my, you become my sword? A destroyer who destroys all on my behalf." I asked changing my plans. at first, I wanted to have Death be my Sword. this be Death from Marvel or DC, I didn't care. but the power to destroy anything and everything that Anos had moved me.