
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Demon Lord 2

"What do you say? Follow me, become my sword. explore the unknown, and see what you thought was impossible become possible. all while doing things you never thought you could." Ling Han said with a smile while looking at Anos. Anos would be lying if he said he wasn't moved by all of this. 

"... of course, let's do this. I will spar with you. If I win, you follow me. if you win, you can still come with me but as equals." I said to which Anos thought for a moment, before nodding lightly. but before I could step forward, Cell stepped forward.

"My lord, I should be the one to fight as your knight." Cell said respectfully, to which I nodded with a faint smile.

"Alright, but no supreme Qi," I said to which Cell nodded slightly before stepping forward to face Anos, while I went on to strengthen this world to make sure that it wasn't being destroyed by their clashes. 

Anos and Cell both faced each other before Cell made the first move. Cell had lowered his strength, far far weaker than the current Anos. So, as he ran forward, his speed was below even a running ant. This made Anos frown as he believed he was being mocked,

but when they clashed, his eyes widened in shock. Cell attack bypassed his defense, hitting Anos Source. In this world, the Source is the very concept of who a person is. it being hit and being destroyed is like the very concept of who you are being destroyed. 

Anos quickly shot backward while sensing his source which was damaged, but he easily healed it while pointing forward. A huge fireball shot forward. but Cell with perfect timing and movement punched forward, shattering the fireball.

"Your Martial arts is so basic. you have outstanding skills, but what a waste! you can't even defeat me when I weakened myself to the level of a bug. right now, you're lesser of a bug" Cell said while throwing another punch forward. Anos was far from him, yet Anos found himself flying backward while coughing up a mouthful of blood.

Anos frowned, he looked towards Ling Han. realizing Ling Han had Cell be so weak to make things fair fight. he was faster than Cell, he could move so fast that Cell seemed to be moving in slow motion, yet Cell's martial arts allowed him to move faster, bypassing the limits of time and space. It was so hard to comprehend, so complex and so hard that he didn't dare to think about this so much as he felt it being far too overwhelming,

"You specialize in the way of destruction? I will defeat you in your own game." Cell said while jumping forward, his fist covered in the power of destruction. Before his fist, everything was destroyed. Space, time, logic, and rules. everything became meaningless, and his fist slammed into Anos, destroying Anos's attempts to resist. Anos's face twisted while coughing up a mouthful of blood, he sensed that his very source was about to be destroyed, but as he neared his destruction, he became like a torch that flared up with renewed vigor just before it extinguished and used it to overcome extinguishment.

Anos's strength reached greater heights. As Anos neared his destruction, his strength grew infinitely higher. the fight in which Anos was losing suddenly turned around in his favor, allowing Anos to send Cell shooting backward like a shooting Star... but Cell wasn't injured, instead the injury suddenly appeared on Anos. Anos coughed up some blood, he looked at Cell who was looking at him with a smirk.

"Cute ability... but I understand what's happening. You're pretty much the physical form of destruction. As you near your true self, it seems like you grow infinitely stronger... no, there is more to it. so me your true strength. if you can't defeat me while I'm so weak, what makes you think you're worthy of being a sword?" Cell asked with a disdainful smirk. Cell wanted to be a sword,

A sword had far more benefits than Knights. to say the least, the knights had good benefits as well, but the sword, shield, and left and right hand had better benefits. He wanted those benefits, so he stepped forward to fight Anos on Ling Han's behalf. This was a chance to show Ling Han his true power.

You see, every knight walked their path. Goku walked the martial arts path, Frieza wanted to evolve and adapt to everything so he could one day adapt to the torture from the contract... Cell wanted to become the perfect life form. everything in creation empowered him. he had no weakness, instead everyone was strengthening him. sadly, this wasn't as good as Ling Han since he had limits. But once he formed his Dao, he planned to overcome this limitation, allowing his power to be as good as Ling Han. 

Like Anos, Cell would also grow stronger as he neared his destruction. it was just not as good as Anos. but that didn't matter as thanks to everything empowering Cell, Cell was able to be as good as Anos and even better. Sadly, he had currently reached his limits and couldn't just keep growing stronger

"You should just give up, you face a perfect lifeform. anything that tries to touch me, I will just send it back to you. Everything you do is pointless, meaningless." Cell said with a cocky smile, Anos sighed softly before he closed his eyes.

Cell's cocky smile suddenly began to start disappearing as he felt something wasn't right. As Anos opened his eyes, he revealed eyes capable of destroying anything and everything. Cell pupils shrunk as he was being destroyed, he quickly called upon his power and tried to fight back against this power... but it was pointless. not even Venuzdonoa was this powerful.

This was Magic Eye of Chaotic Destruction. The power of this magic eye is the essence of destruction but in chaotic form. It has the power to destroy even the indestructible, but even that is merely an after-effect spilling out from this magic.

This magic eye is capable of destroying order and reason. If there's a contradiction between this magic eye and the reason that must be destroyed, Anos will win unilaterally. Compared to the reason that makes a single event certainly happen, it's far more advantageous for this magic eye which makes this event never happen. Additionally, the contradiction turns into the power of this magic eye.

Cell gritted his teeth seeming himself truly about to disappear. all contradiction only strengthed Anos. before Anos's eyes, there was no such thing as absolute, everything shall be destroyed, even Cell and his overwhelming power led to Anos's strength reaching new heights. 

But Cell suddenly screamed. entering his Supreme form, and shooting forward. Anos quickly moved to fight Cell, the two clashing, and shockingly... they were equals. The two couldn't get the upper hand above the other, and Anos' power could no longer affect Cell in his Supreme form. But Anos had grown far stronger thanks to the contradiction he just clashed with.

"Thats enough... it's a tie." Ling Han said calmly, causing Cell to jump backward. Anos looked at Cell, he would be lying if the feeling of going all out and fighting to the fullest like that without worry didn't bring enjoyment. but the fact Cell was holding back by so much was a huge blow to his pride. 

"I will be your sword, but I'm not sure if I will be of any use with the current strength I have," Anos said softly, to which I shrugged. 

"everyone was also not of use,thats where training comes useful. I was wondering before we leave. what do you think about fusing Destruction with Nothingness?" I asked Anos while giving Anos information on Graham. If Anos's source was Destruction, Graham Sorce was nothingness. to say the least, the two were enemies.

They would fight in the future and Anos would absorb Graham's source into his own, and for all of eternity, his source would destroy Graham's source, bringing it closer and closer to true nothingness. He had to do this because Graham couldn't die, the two couldn't die no matter what. Graham's nothingness will continuously be destroyed inside anos source, reaching even further states of nothingness in comparison to the last.

If Anos had lost, then Anos's Destruction would have been continuously brought closer to nothingness. 

I wanted to fuse his Destruction with Nothingness. Of course, With me. that would be easy. I could easily destroy Graham's will, and allow Anos to devour Nothingness.

"I want your power to transform from Chaotic Destruction, to become Nothing. Your power shall be pure Destruction, pure Nothing. to the point it has no name as nothing in creation shall hold it. or hint towards it." I said with a smile, making Anos frown for some time. He closed his eyes in deep thought before he spoke.

"I'm now your sword," Anos said while getting down on one knee. I looked at him with a faint smile before shaking my head.

"Stand up... you need not kneel to me. I will gift you my power, and with it comes the power to absorb his source." I said while pointing forward, giving Anos the power to devour anything he wants. knowing Anos, he wouldn't overuse this power. 

So, Anos left and went to deal with his own thing. it took a few days before Anos returned, completely different from how he left. for one, now his power had to be fully canceled out, as just a breath of his would return his verse into nothingness... and true nothingness, a point where it would have never even existed. 

"First thing first. I need to teach you to be able to control your power." I said seeing Anos' current condition. Anos's eyebrow raised, not believing his power could be controlled. This was the main reason he didn't want to absorb this power, but since he would leave this world, he didn't say anything else.

But as I pointed at him, giving him the Supreme Bloodline, he found his strength growing greatly, and his control over his power reaching such a scary level that he didn't need to cancel out his power. if he wanted it, it shall move, if not, then it shall stand still. his very thought gained power, capable of reshaping all of creation... no, he went deeper as even nothing can be shaped into something. 

"... you have the same powers as me?" Anos asked while looking at me, feeling like I could do anything he could do, but better.

"I can do anything," I said while my eyes glowed, showing off how I too could destroy anything as he could. but mine went deeper, far deeper than it sent chills down Anos spine.

"Let's return home, we should first get you to learn everything about my world," I said while taking them, and returning to the cultivation world. and there, Anos went on to learn just how different his world and mine were. from the tech of this world being light years above his own to standards for power, he was blown away. 

He went on to start cultivating soon after, quickly catching up to everyone's cultivation realm, before going on to start training, wanting to improve his overall capability and as well and go deeper into his understanding of his powers. A power not held down by any rules as it didn't exist, therefore it was unstoppable...

"Alright, my goal is to catch up to your level of martial arts," I said while standing before Cell, who nodded slightly while they both lowered their strength to that of a normal human. all they would use was a mortal level of ability. 

With a flash, the two shot at each other, and of course, Cell quickly began to push Him backward as Ling Han was no match for Cell's levels of martial arts. But Ling Han's improvement capability wasn't simple. As he willed himself to improve, all of his capabilities gathered to allow Ling Han to improve greatly.

One moment, Cell was winning hands down, but the next they equaled, and the next Ling Han was winning hands down. all of this within the clash of a few blows, Cell was horrified at this level of growth, but he was even more horrified as Ling Han just kept growing.

"Alright, thats should be enough for now." Ling Han said to which Cell nodded with an awkward look. they clashed 8 times, and Ling Han had already caught up. Ling Han didn't bother to say anything else and went on to gather his bots. 

He had them form a martial arts puppet, a puppet with martial arts capability that was far above his own. This was done by giving the puppet everything he knew about martial arts, and his growth capability, and making its martial arts growth capability instant.

With that, he went on to fight the puppet. To say the least, Ling Han was given a good challenge so good that Cell had to return to his full strength just to try and comprehend what he was seeing before his eyes. 

The puppet improvement capability was truly great, it was able to scan all of Ling han movement and move in a way that looked like it was seeing the future and even moved as if it was seeing 1,000 steps ahead of Ling Han. For a moment, it had the upper hand... just for Ling Han to get the upper hand soon after.

'I guess my growth capability is too much for the puppet to handle.' Ling Han thought while looking at the puppet. its improvement capability should have been instant, but what was the point if he could guess its improvement path and move on to counter it? Ling Han simply countered this puppet by just creating a martial art so complex the bot began to start lagging in trying to comprehend it. Conceptual Bone Crushing Martial arts.

A martial arts that embody countless bone-crushing related martial arts, fusing them all to the conceptual level. but that wasn't the only one as Ling Han created countless others and fused them all, wanting to create the one true Supreme Martial arts. 

A Martial art that was fused and enhanced with every martial art, to a scary level. With this martial art, one can warp reality. With this martial arts, one can do anything and even create universes. With this martial art, one can defeat death and live on even after their form is destroyed. 

Ling Han smirked while looking at the fist coming towards him, he ignored it and turned around to walk towards Cell. As he took the first step, the puppet was destroyed, it was as if countless punches landed on it, erasing it. Ling Han looked at his fist before he smirked... he should get ready to head to the Marvel-verse. he should be strong enough to handle the big shots there 

But before he went to Marvel, he went on to create countless clones, each clone went to any verse out there. he wanted to quickly reach the Saint realm. Once he breaks through to the saint realm, he shall step into Marvel. In the meantime, he would improve everyone's strength...

Within the primal chaos, within a cultivation cave. A middle-aged man was currently locked in a hard battle.... of chess. he rubbed his chin. for the past millions of chaos cycles, this game had been played. 1 chaos cycle was the time in which a world's lifespan came to an end. 

1 chaos cycle equaled around 1 Sextillion to Septillion years. to say the least, that was a long time. but to people like them, 1 chaos cycle might as well be a few months. it took so long to reach their current height that time was just meaningless. To say the least, the game they were playing wasn't simple chess. It had an infinite number of dimensions and layers, and each piece could only be pushed by their dao.

"Can you cut that nonsense out, or should I call it you cheating?" A black-haired man, who had a slug-like antenna on his forehead asked while looking at the middle-aged man. As for what he was talking about, it was the ripples of fate and some other communication-related stuff trying to reach them.

"Sigh, those descendants of mine." The middle-aged man said in annoyance while looking up to see what was happening. instantly, everything that took place in the past few thousand years hit him, and his face went blank. Seeing this, the black-haired man was confused and took a look as well, and he too went blank.

"I will take him as a disciple... you will give me face?" The black-haired man asked calmly, making the middle-aged man glare at him. Seeing this, the black-haired man sighed while getting up, he didn't care for the game anymore seeing such a genius. the genius being of course Ling Han. The others were talented, but it was clear the baby was the main reason for their strength. 

a baby who defeated the Dao ancestor. Of course, even from them, they didn't dare to enter the Pangu world. Pangu at his prime was at the peak of the Greater Dao God realm, even a hint of his power could kill them an infinite number of times over. this is why the Ling clan wasn't worried about going to war as they could just fall back into the Pangu world if things went out of hand.

"This kid... I will take him in as my Crush Family core disciple." the middle-aged man said softly. the death of one of his family descendants didn't bother him. What's the point when he saw countless of them die while trying to reach the Dao God realm? Plus, he could just bring him back to life without trouble. so what if he was absorbed? so long as he willed it, the God King of Fist concept shall reform, as good as new.

So, the two old monsters flew off. at their levels, nothing bothered them. I mean truly, nothing bothered them. Stuff that could be considered troublesome for others, would instead equal interest to them. their clan just lost a war? well, they are interested now, not angry, not upset, or annoyed. Interested.

Live Long enough, and you will find nothing in this world can move you anymore. Ling Han had moved them... no, it wasn't a move. it was more like he pushed them. they never really took in a talent. What's the point of having a disciple you would spend time teaching to just up and die, unable to reach the Dao god realm?

So, they looked for those who are sure to reach that level... Ling Han was sure to reach it. this is something they were sure of. even if he didn't, his combat capability caught their interest, so they came over to take a closer look.

What you didn't expect their minds to be like this? They are Dao Gods, do you think just some random young master would reach this level? Do you think your background matters here? Only those with strong confidence, strong mindsets, high talent, and luck could reach this realm. Nothing more and nothing less. Those greedy old man who are too fearful and shameless, it was almost impossible for them to reach this realm unless their mindsets were unique.

This wasn't even the first bottleneck for those with powerful backgrounds. to be a World God, your background didn't matter much. You can't force this breakthrough... unless you have something special, like a treasure or a powerful expert. being entering it through force alone would make you the weakest among World Gods.