
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

The Chaos Makes Its Move

Within the primal chaos, a primordial was traveling towards the Pangu world. this primordial strength was in the Supreme Dao God realm, and with him was an army of Greater Dao Gods. Why were they heading toward the Pangu world? Simple, the primal chaos has ordered them to do so.

they were tasked to slaughter all life within the Pangu world. they also didn't need to worry about Pangu's will as it had been devoured, along with his power. So, they could destroy the Pangu world with ease and had nothing to worry about. all but the supreme race which they had to kill as soon as possible without giving them the chance to grow.

"This supreme race is powerful... Primordial Flameworld, how are we to go about this?" a half-step Supreme Dao God asked. there were 4 other half-steps Supreme Dao God.

The Dao God is split into 3 parts, a Lesser Dao God which was just Aleph 1, a Greater Dao God which was Aleph 2 to finite, and lastly, a Supreme Dao god which was Aleph Infinity.

The primal chaos not wanting the race to grow too much went all out. Those that it picked were those that were of course willing to help for a price. not everyone respected the primal chaos, they knew the rules it followed, so why should they be all respectful of it? they just had to be careful around it.

Primordial Flameworld was a powerful primordial, but amongst the other Supreme Dao Gods, he wasn't all that. so he was moved when the primal chaos offered him a chance to increase his strength. 

Primordial Flameworld was considered a low Supreme Dao god. unless his Dao made any improvement, he would never improve. so he had to come and do this and get his reward.

"I will destroy the world, you all move in to slaughter them all." Primordial Flameworld said calmly while looking at the Pangu world up ahead. being Dao Gods and all, travel for them might as well be instant. they came from one part of the primal chaos and traveled the length that transcended common sense, yet they took little to no time.

'how did they know we were coming?' Primordial Flameworld thought with a frown seeing the small army which stood, waiting for their arrival. Standing in front of this army were Anos and Nalan Yanran, sword and shield.

he looked at the two and his heart went heavy. divining the happening here didn't give him the same level of information he saw with his own eyes... this race was too powerful. But those too stood above the rest.

Nalan Yanran had this aura about her, it made him feel like all attempts to even harm her were foolish. She made him feel as if she was the strongest shield in existence, so long as she stood, nothing would break past her.

Anos gave off no aura... it was like he didn't exist. it was like he was looking at something that was nothing... no, nothing didn't do it justice... the end. yes, that was the closest thing he could think of. It was like he stood before the end. 

"Get into position." Primordial Flameworld quickly got information about a formation and sent it to the minds of the Greater Dao God. Another reason the Primal Chaos picked him was because he wasn't the type to look down upon others.

the army was also stunned and confused, with their level of power why did they need a formation? But they easily mastered the formation that the Primordial gave them. they moved to get into position, but at that moment, the wind blew within the primal chaos... the primal chaos shouldn't have wind.

they moved to try and get into formation, but for some reason, they couldn't do so. they all instantly looked towards Nalan Yanran whose eyes were glowing. what did she do? She used the skill formation negation. something she created on the spot, pretty much unless the formation reaches a high level, it shall never be activated.

The wind was just in case that wasn't enough, but she was overestimating them. formation amongst the primordial level was rare, none of them had such a thing. So, how could they just form it on the spot? even if they could form it, the formation had to not only be of high level but be performed well.

"Attack, Nalan Yanran, and Anos, you deal with the primordial." Daoleaf had the most experience leading an army, so she led the army. She had been playing the many races down in her home world for countless years, she was a mastermind at manipulating others and manipulating the battlefield.

Bebra was better at scheming and putting plans together. She was also better able to put a limited amount of resources together to help support her schemes.

Anos and Nalan Yanran shot forward at the primordial, while the knights shot forward to face the half-step Dao Gods, leaving the army to face the greater Dao gods.

"You lower lifeforms." Primoirdal Flameworld roared while he exploded into a sea of flame. at first, he had this humanoid-like form, but the moment he drew upon his Flameworld Dao, he became a primordial beast capable of burning everything.

Nalan Yanran flashed, entering the Supreme form. her transformation was unique, as her hair didn't transform. instead, she turned into a half-dragon a half-human-like state. Anos wasted no time and also entered the Supreme form, he turned into... well, he disappeared. becoming nothing.

Anos being the sword shot forward and clashed with Flameworld, with Nalan Yanran following behind him. Anos' unique power clashed with the flames. Flameworld was shocked feeling Anos's unique Supreme Qi, he was indeed right about Anos. The End was the best-fitting name for his power.

It wasn't destruction, it wasn't nothingness. it was the state after the end, it wasn't the end, because Anos shall swallow the end as well. His power didn't exist, therefor his power couldn't be explained.

Flameworld flames were swallowed in this power, leaving him shocked as the flames disappeared, he felt the memory of such flames also disappearing. Anos was also growing stronger. he was like a small void happy to eat and grow. the more Anos brings things into his state of nonexistence, the stronger Anos shall grow... was that not scary?


Anos was sent flying backward, his very existence being burned into nothingness. Nalan Yanran who was behind Anos moved to clash with Flameworld.

Nalan Yanran had never truly shown her capability. Yes, Ling Han had wanted her to follow him, but it was because of her talent. Why did he pick her to become his shield? because of her scheming mind. She was both talented and scheming, unlike a sword that didn't need to think, a shield had to.

But she wasn't Anos, so everything she had right now was something Ling Han gifted to her. and all that Ling Han gave her, she had to reshape to make herself become the best possible shield...


Nalan Yanran was sent flying backward, but shockingly, Flameworld stopped for a moment after their clash. how couldn't he? when they clashed, he felt a backlash. Nalan Yanran's defensive capabilities were too powerful, and had so many layers to them, that it was scary.

first off, any and all attacks that Nalan Yanran looks down upon shall be erased or have their attack capability greatly drop... being someone of the Supreme Race, she looks down upon everything else.

Second. All attacks Nalan Yanran moves to block shall suffer a backlash and never heal. Not the attacker, but the very concept of that attack. meaning a fist launched at Nalan Yanran shall become crippled, and never heal

third. All attacks that would injure her shall never hit her. be it they phase through her, never reach her, or even teleport her away. pretty much, everything would affect the attack or herself to ensure she never truly be injured.

forth. all injury she suffers shall be transferred to the attacker infinitely worse. a scratch shall cause the attacker to be cut in half down to the very concept of who the attacker was.

lastly, the closer she gets to having her defense broken through, the stronger she gets. this last one was something she created with the help of Ling Han after seeing Anos. pretty much, she was the perfect shield.

but even so, Flameworld destroyed all 5 layers of defense, she couldn't grow strong enough to keep up with the high level of power she was facing. although she was able to not be erased from existence like Anos... yes, he was able to sense Anos

He roared, breathing a flame breath towards Nalan Yanran, wanting to erase her. but the flames disappeared, meeting their end. Flameworld was stunned as Anos appeared, but he was sure he burned Anos to the point his concept should've been turned to ashes. 

"Do you think erasing my concept is enough to erase me?" Anos asked calmly, making the Flameworld speechless... yes, common sense told it that once the concept was gone, then one can't just come back. thats not adding he burned Anos's concept to the point everyone should start forgetting who Anos was. 

But Anos was the state after the end... so what if he was destroyed. he was just brought closer to what he was, and he could just pop back into existence, and of course he was far stronger than before. before Anos struggled to effect Flameworld flames, but now he had just swallowed an attack he launched out.

'I can't win.' Flameworld wasn't one to look down upon his targets, and Anos was someone he couldn't erase... that was even more so with his very concept being injured thanks to Nalan Yanran. As time passed, Nalan Yanran's heavy damage was all sent back to him, and at a rate that was ever-growing thanks to Nalan Yanran's capability growing stronger and stronger by the second.

Anos moved, using the Supreme Martial arts. he couldn't use the One True Supreme Martial Art. but he was able to use the lesser version of this martial art. It was because of this martial art that he was able to bring an end to that flame breath when his strength was only at Aleph 4 at the moment. thanks to the improvement the Supreme race bloodline went through, their talents have all increased.

Anos moved and began to clash with Flameworld, but Flameworld had no interest in such a thing. instead, he moved to seal Anos away. but Nalan Yanran suddenly moved, her eyes glowed, and the seal passed through Anos, unable to affect him.

Flameworld exploded in rage while looking at Nalan Yanran whose injuries just up and disappeared. His pupils shrank as he realized something, he was still taking the damage Nalan Yanran had suffered. he was under the belief that Nalan Yanran's injuries couldn't fully heal until they were all on him. but he was mistaken, even if she just up and healed, those injuries would still come to him... he wanted to run. it was clear he would lose.

these two were too troublesome to deal with, and their improvement was just too fast. at how fast they were fighting, they were fighting at a speed normal humans could never keep up with. at the speed they fought at, they could keep up and were faster than someone who is instant teleporting, their speed stood above the limits of space and time... so how could one recovery speed and growth capability keep up at this level?

Flameworld had seen many worlds, he had seen abilities that allowed one to heal faster than time. he saw people capable of growing with the damage they take... but every last one of those people had a catch or limitation.

the guy he saw that could heal faster than time, needed to use up a huge amount of energy. meanwhile, the two here passive recovery speed was that powerful.

those who grew from damage? the growth wasn't instant, and wasn't equal to the damage taken... meanwhile, the two before him growth took no time, and their growth was greater than the damage taken. why were they so powerful?

unable to take this, he looked towards the 5 greater Dao gods, wanting their support. but he found they were also locked in a hard battle and were thinking of fleeing as well.

Dao God Redlotus was a powerful Greater Dao God who created the Dao of RedLotus. at this moment, he was locked in battle with Vegeta, who was covered in blood from head to toe. countless red lotus filled the sky, all of them shooting toward Vegeta who didn't bother to dodge or block, instead, he allowed it all to hit him, his power level increasing greatly with every blow he took.

"Just what is wrong with you? Just DIe!" Redlotus roared unable to comprehend how someone could grow so fast and by so much with every blow they took. Vegeta just gave him a mad smile. Vegeta didn't care for martial arts as much as others, all he wanted to do was fight. So, that he did.

His abilities were simple. the more damage he took, the stronger he got. To make the ability even more powerful, he had 2 drawbacks to this ability, that is that he lost control. This leads to the power he gains with every injury he takes being far higher. a simple scratch he takes increasing his power thousands if not millions of times greater.

the second drawback was that he needed to be in the mindset for battle. a battle-hungry state where the only thing on his mind was to win. if not, then the power boost he gains, shall not be as high... but since he had complete mastery of his mind, this was easy for him.

But his defense and recovery capability was not at the level of Nalan Yanran or the others. this is because his growth capability rivaled that of Ling Han within his supreme form. Such fast growth caused his recovery capability to not keep up. Vegeta was an attacker, so he lacked the defensive capability.

These red lotus were not simple as they were attacking his very concept, this forced Vegeta to have to use a lot of clones, or else he would have died long ago. at the moment, his strength was already above even Anos, and Nalan Yanran, reaching Aleph 70. Even so, he was running out of energy and didn't know if he would have enough energy by the time his growth reached his current limit.

"Haha, is this everything?" Vegeta laughed while using the Supreme Martial arts. he didn't care much for martial arts, thats why his martial arts was special. it was a reckless form, but it was refined and helped him to draw out the most out of his being. Although Redlotus was far stronger than him, this martial art closed the gap between Aleph 70 and Aleph finite, leaving the two evenly matched while Vegeta's power level slowly closed the gap...

Goku was locked in battle with Dao God Mountainfist, Mountainfist was the best martial artist among the enemies, which is why Goku fought him. Goku's martial arts capability was above Mountainfist martial arts and his Mountain Fist dao. but Mountainfist was far stronger than Goku, Goku's martial arts were the best, rivaling that of Ling Han.

this leads to a scene where the two clashes are evenly matched. Goku in the past was the type who thought having a greater power level was all that was needed. but that changed once he became a knight. he was moved by the concept of having a lower power level, yet still defeating those power levels far above oneself. 

So, he didn't have some overpowered ability that allowed him to grow stronger with every damage he took, or something like that. His ability was different, his martial arts capability followed the path of being the weakest, yet also the strongest. 

At the start of the battle, Goku was playing defense, he was the one dodging, and blocking to the best of his capability. his movements were complex and hard to read, so this gave Mountainfist a hard time. but as the fight went on, and Goku's martial arts began to grow, they became evenly matched. but Goku was still improving, and soon Mountainfist realized things were leaning toward Goku's favor. What was Goku's power level? Half step Dao God, it wasn't even Aleph 1.

Frieza was locked in battle with the Dao God Frosty Heavens. Creator of the Frosty Heaven Dao, a Dao that could freeze all things, concepts, and all. Frieza is someone who has recovery speed and endurance second only to Ling Han, but where Frieza stood out was his power to adapt to any and all things. Anything that might be of harm to Frieza, Frieza would evolve to adapt to it... and this happened quickly.

Frieza was unkillable, the hardest thing to kill. he already adapted to the Frosty Heavens Dao, leaving the fight to be even. Although Frieza's martial arts weren't the best, he and all of the knights still knew the Supreme Martial arts, adding the fact Frieza's martial arts adapted to best counter his target, allowed the battle to be even between the two.

Broly on the other hand was locked in battle with Dao God Endless Sea. This was by far the hardest battle Broly had been in, but Broly's capability allowed him to quickly start to get the upper hand. You see, Broly path was that of a Saiyan. 

Similar to Vegeta, Broly's Strength grew in battle. but Broly's strength grew from any form of battle. this omni-battle growth capability of this level of course led to Broly's strength growing slower than Vegeta's, but it allowed Broly to sit back and dream of fighting someone, and his power level would only increase as if he was truly fighting said target. 

So, because of this, after healing from the damage he suffers, his strength grows far higher compared to everyone else, rivaling Ling Han. adding that Broly recovery speed wasn't small by the slightest, it allowed him to grow with each blow he was suffering from Endless Sea, allowing his power level to be below Vegeta, at Aleph 68.

Broly was balanced, his martial arts capability, defense, and so on. Only his growth capability and recovery capability were high. but this was perfect for Broly, allowing him to evenly match with the levels of Endless Sea, while he slowly turned the tables.

Cell? well, we already knew his power. he grew stronger from everything. This ability showed its true capability when as Cell was pushed toward one extreme. for example, if he was pushed toward his defeat, Cell's power level would grow faster and faster. the nearer he gets to his defeat, the stronger he shall become. the same for winning, and so on. pretty much, the state where Cell was perfectly healthy and just standing there doing nothing, was the default state.

but the moment something changes, his power level improves faster. this could be his heart beating faster, him being happy, sad, or whatever. be it good or bad, everything empowers him. The more extreme, the faster the growth. but it's not as good as someone like Vegeta, even so, the wild field of stuff that could empower Cell leads to Cell being able to fight evenly with the Dao God.

In fact, Cell could create clones and he would grow stronger for each clone he created. As a clone is destroyed, Cell grows stronger for each clone destroyed... this is what Cell did, leaving Dao God Yellow Palm almost in tears as this wasn't a fair fight. Cell's main body sat back, looking at the infinite number of clones he had created jump Yellow Palm. and yes, each clone was growing stronger with everything as they were all the main body...

as for the remaining Greater Dao God who came around? with them facing the first ever easily trained army of the Supreme race. the Greater Dao Gods were being pushed back, as they were outnumbered by the many Dao Gods the Ling Clan were able to create given enough time, and all of these Greater Dao Gods entered Nirvana. given time, and this army would have all been Supreme Dao Gods... and to say the least, the primal chaos was not having any more of this as it realized that it had looked down upon the Supreme race. to think Ling Han didn't need to move and everyone here was worthy of being slapped to death by it?

So, the primal chaos made its move... and it quickly regretted its move. Why? Anos and Nalan Yanran were holding back. for one, Anos Supreme form wasn't nothing. It was a demonic form. Nalan Yanran Supreme wasn't a half-dragon form, it was a fusion of a dragon and humanoid form.

In fact, the whole supreme race was not in its Supreme form. they faked it, so that they could have some time to grow stronger through the battle...