

It's the Next Week than we went to our coaching. Although I asked Kate at the institution about the matter; He told that it will be better if we talk face to face sideways. Obideantly I agreed.

It was exactly 6:27p.m.Our class was from 6:30. I was 6 minutes late. Special class arranged specially for mediocre students. Though I am not that Bad but Kate- A bit Intello than me(keeping beside our extent of intelligence).As I was late I didn't get to sit beside Kate.

No sooner after the class Kate was willingly leaving than I stopped him. I asked,"Please man at least tell what's the matter?About what u r hesitating!!" He replied,"Nothing much just a bit Damn matter. I...I...I'll tell..tell..will tell you dear...I'll tell you Hannah-just give me sometime-I'll tell u everything". He left hurriedly....

Nothing much happened but I was completely in Dilemma.