
Aiden Ivy took it all

I was still wondering about what he is to tell or what he will be sharing. I was on that point of situation where I actually knew but did't know what is he going to tell. Yeh..! The same thing that you are thinking right know😂

It was 30th July then. We met almost after a week. I was out of town for a few days as I went to Oakland for a microtrip to my Aunt's place. Thanks Gee! I returned within a week (it was damn fckin' idea to stay out there). So back on point...I met Kate outside our coaching after the class and asked him to tell.

I was a bit nervous, was confused what to do- sponteneously praying. My head was possibly down and sometimes my eyes stared at him. I felt like the earth down me was melting not because of Global warming but for my nervousness.

Atlast he spoke, "I love"...and suddenly at a chance my heart(beat)was fast and then straight and then tumbled and then happy and then scribbled through this way-that way-here n there and atlast I was still and asked him to say further.

Kate said," I really love Aiden; Aiden Ivy. I told Ivy about this and she was a bit shy but agreed.But then now she's not talking to me.But I hope she'll. Anyways this was the thing I was to tell. But Hannah- I was literally shy and awkward to say this to you. But I did it."

I replied with a deeeeep sigh," Ooh...waaaw...that's really a great news.Then why were you hesitating?I mean you should have told me that day itself; Kate...you know you are really a kiddo."

Kate laughed slightly and said," I think Hannah you know Aiden,right? She's from Internal Section of our institution only... timings are just different"

"Yeah...! I know her well. I..I..know her."


"She took it all, I know her", I murmured.