
The one in the mirror is not me

The mirror is his enemy, one look into it and the new self he had painstakingly built up might just crumble away. What happens when he looks at the reflections of others and sees a whole different world?

DaoistHhYeFg · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chp 9 - The past and present

Vincent POV

"For now you can borrow my clothes," In Akuma's closet he didn't seem to have any bright coloured clothes except bright red.

He threw me a red shirt and black jeans.

"You can wear these," Then he looked back at me again as if he had realized something.

"I guess you'll need to borrow underpants as well, you really soaked all your clothes all the way through," My face instantly went bright red, my pupils widened.

"I-I," I couldn't come up with any words to say.

"Here you go," He threw me a pair of black underpants.

"Don't worry their new," He reassured, as he observed me with a tilted head.

His eyes seemed to hold a whole world of endless darkness, they seemed to suck you in. I awkwardly stood there holding the clothes unsure of what to do.

"Oh right, you can change in the bathroom I'll change here," He pointed over to the bathroom.

Holding the clothes I went to the bathroom to change into the clothes. I knew I was still blushing but I couldn't help it. My face felt hot.


Akuma POV

…Cute, he's blushing. It was nice to peel off the wet clothes that had uncomfortably sticking to me. I got changed and threw my clothes to somewhere…

It was fun to tease him, the perfect target~. He slowly opened the door, and then peeked out the gap he had made.

"Finished?" I asked

He quickly nodded his head and stepped out. Vincent timidly looked up at me.

"Since we're not going to go to school we need to take up our time with something else,"

"Were not going to school?" He stammered, with a surprised expression on his face

"We're already late, why not just skip the whole day?" Something like this was an obvious thing to do. Also our uniforms were wet.

"Don't you get in trouble if you skip school?" Vincent seemed to not understand

"Who cares about getting in trouble, you just need to attend school enough to graduate," What was the point of attending those extra days?

"Then what about your grades? Don't you need to learn the material?"

"Who actually cares, I have enough money to last for years," Who knew how much money our parent had, but with how much they work I'm sure it would be enough to last for a lifetime.

They were so passionate about their work, they wouldn't even stop after getting so much money.

Who I ever be so passionate about something like them? I just lived in the moment wanting to do something fun or something.

"Then what about me?" his eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

I waved my hand.

"It's just a day isn't it, a day can't hurt can it?" I dropped onto my bed and patted the spot next to me.

"Come, sit…" The corners of mouth raised up as I tilted my head to the side.

Hesitant, Vincent carefully sat next to me. The bed let out a little creak.

"I'm curious before the blood got on you, what was the last thing you can remember?"

"I'm not sure what exactly happened, but I was walking with Xan. Then the next moment he was on the ground with his neck covered in blood," He was silent for a moment before continuing.

"I…I have this fear of blood so I ran away on instinct, then I realised I had blood on me so I tried to wash it off,"

"Then that's when I found you going for a dip in the lake," I interjected

"…Yes," Vincent was leaning over as he looked at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the room. His hands rested on his lap.

"Interesting, have you thought of the possibility it was you who injured his neck?" I made a steeple with my fingers, and raised an eyebrow. I felt quite a bit like a detective now or something heh.

"M-Me?" He jerked his head in the direction of me, his eyes were wide open.

"So you hadn't thought of that?" I tucked a loose lock of my hair behind my ear. I smiled slightly proud of myself.

"N-no, but I guess that's a possibility?" His pupils shook.

"Well don't worry too much about it, you can ask Xan later, it's not so hard to do~,"

"While you're here how about reading one of my stories?" I asked

"Well, I'm not much of a reading person, I just listen to music most of the time,"

"So? You can still give it a read?" I leaned closer. Vincent cowered away.

"N-no thank you…" I smiled and leaned even closer. It was fun seeing his face go red.

I noticed he was staring at my neck. Was my neck really that attractive? More than my face? But thinking about it he had said that Xan's neck had been the one to get injured.

He wasn't going to try and bite my neck or something right? Of course I would never allow him to, I had much superior fighting skills to him.

"Like my neck? Want a bite?" I stared unblinkingly into his eyes with a teasing tone in my voice.

"N-N-No!" He had seemed to have snapped out of it no longer looking at my neck.

"Don't worry I would want to bite my neck to,"


"I wouldn't actually bite my neck though…I think,"


"Hey, let's do something fun,"


What's something fun to do, killing is illegal so we can't do that. I don't think he's strong enough to beat anyone up with me… What could we do? Oh god… I don't do anything except beat people up.


Flashback - Akuma POV

"Your younger than us who are you to scold us for not using our manners, what are you my mom?"

A group of boys surrounded someone a young looking boy with lime green eyes, kicking him.

"You think you're cool always acting so grown up, but you're just a little child just like us,"

"We're in the year above you, you should respect us,"

I stepped in then kicked down the boys that had beating the boy up.

"How do you like being kicked huh?" Ah, the best way to stop bullying was to bully the bullies. I'm so smart. Totally…

I couldn't help but laugh a little, as I continued to kick them. The boy that had been getting beaten by them had a fearful expression as he looked at me. Should I kick him up a bit as well? I made a feint pretending I was about to kick him as well. He flinched holding his hands in front of his face.

I laughed even harder holding my hand over my mouth. He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, looking quite annoyed with me.

"Don't worry you've already been kicked up enough,"

"So if I hadn't been kicked up enough you would have beat me up?" He raised his eyebrows, still sitting on the ground.

"Yeah, of course, it's a measure against you not turning into a bully after this,"

"You aren't afraid of anyone coming to get revenge on you?" The boy asked

"Who cares if anyone comes to get revenge on me, if I can beat them once I can beat them twice?"

"How does beating people up help stop bullying?"

"Because if they continue to bully people they'll get beat up by me?" This was very obvious, wasn't it?

"But aren't you being a bully then?" He questioned

"I don't really care even if I am being a bully,"

"Well let's get you patched up I guess,"

"I can take care of myself, you know," He frowned

"Suit yourself I guess," I threw the first-aid kit to him.

"Are you going to watch me?"

"Well I'll be going to need the first aid-kit back," Even if I was rich I didn't just give stuff out for free.

Flashback end


Oh I know I did things other than beating up people with my brother when we were younger! But would I really find any of those things fun now? Oh here's a great idea, why don't we just sleep for a bit?

"Let's sleep for a bit, I'm tired," Sleep was something that would never change, would it?

"Like, t-together?" Vincent covered his face with his hand, hiding his pink cheeks.

"Well, obviously, do you expect me to sleep on the floor or something?"

"S-sleeping in the same bed?" Vincent further burrowed into his hands.

"Something wrong?" I poked his arm with my finger.

It had seemed that I had broken him, but never less I was still going to sleep anyways. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into the blankets with me, his body seemed stiff and frozen in my grasp.

The extra body warmth was a bit nice, I ended up falling asleep immediately. Leaving Vincent to be forever trapped in my arms.


"You should stay here in a hospital for a few days, just to be safe before going back to school,"

"…" Staying here for a few days, not going to school. Meant not dancing for a few days?

"I'll be fine, I'll be very careful," The doctor sent me a discerning stare

"I guess you could, just come here daily for a while, and go easy with the physical activity," Maybe my emotionless face had made me seem mature and responsible.


"You're going to get discharged already! Is the doctor crazy?" Dae-Hyun waved his arms around in a craze.

"It was my own choice and decision,"

"Well it better have been, I hope you did, you should be very careful these next few days," He was acting so worried about me.

We had only met very recently, he already cared for me so much. I couldn't help but be a bit touched.

"…Thanks," He had been very helpful

"Oh, it was nothing… You don't have to thank me or anything like that," He rubbed the back of his head looking bashful and flustered.

"Still, thank you," I was very serious about this.

"T-thanks," Dae-Hyun had thanked me for thanking him.

"But do you really not remember how your neck got like that?" I could almost I could see his glasses glint, as he looked up at me.


"You do remember?" He raised an eyebrow

"No, I was saying yes to not remembering," I corrected

"Oh," He nodded his head slightly

His eyes spied the bandages on my neck

"You really have to promise me to be careful right?" He held out a pinkie

Did he want me to pinkie promise him? I held out my pinkie and interlocked it with his.

"It's a promise right, right?" I slowly nodded in reply

"Just remember if you need any help, give me a call," Dae-Hyun smiled, he made a gesture with his hand that looked like a phone and put it on his ear.


"Now let's get you back to your dorm room,"

"You're acting kind of like a mother…"

"…Is there a problem?" There was a threatening undertone in his voice.

"…Not really, I guess," He hesitantly left me to have some time to myself after dropping me off at my dorm room.

After he had left I collapsed onto my bed. There was a burning pain in my neck, I had fallen onto the bed a bit hardly. I sucked in a pained breath as I lightly grasped my neck, suffering silently. What exactly had happened with Vincent?

Was it my fault? Maybe I'll ask Dae-Hyun how different he feels after I looked at him in the mirror.


Flashback - Vincent POV

Blood, it's everywhere, it stained the whole room. Their lifeless bodies lay motionless on the now red carpet. My heartbeat quickened, my heart might just jump out of my chest.

The faces of my now dead family stared back at me

No longer living, they were dead. They were never going to live again, I collapsed onto my knees, why? Why?

I let out a scream of frustration as tears streamed down my cheeks, my body trembled. My feelings of grief and fear fought against each other. I couldn't bring myself to move, I was frozen to the spot.

I had never seen so much blood before

I cried and cried but nothing changed. No matter what I did nothing would change the fact that they were now dead. If I had been here would I have been killed instead?

My body wouldn't stop shaking, though my family had been strict on me. I would've never wished death on them. My vision was blurry from tears. I couldn't decide what to do? What was I supposed to do now?

I had a slight urge to kill the person who had killed them

Flash back End


Zane POV

"Hey it's kind of annoying sometimes, you being so happy all the time you know?" Justin lazily leaned on his hand, he seemed to not have a care in the world right.

"Oh, I'll try to be less happy?" My heart shattered into a thousand pieces, he was pathetic wasn't he? Getting so hurt over just a passing statement.

But he couldn't help it, it just hurt.

"Nah, you don't have to do that or anything, and how are you supposed to stop yourself from being happy?" His elbow further slid down the table as he leaned on it, his hand deformed his face.

"I like how Zane is so positive all the time, it makes me feel happy!" Kaleb jumped into the conservation

"…Oh really?" I looked up at Kaleb with a hopeful look.

"Yes, really, when I see you smile I just want to smile back, so thanks,"

"Thank you," I tilted my head and flashed my signature smile, but my heart still ached a little.

I didn't want to be seen as too annoying. I only wanted to spread happiness. Kaleb smiled back.

"But how are you able to be happy all the time though?" Jianyu curiously questioned me

"It just comes naturally to me," Sometimes I forced myself to act happy.

I wanted everyone to only know me as a happy and positive person. I couldn't have anyone worrying about me, how are they supposed to be happy when their worrying about me. So for now I would continue to ignore this feeling of loneliness I felt even when I was with my friends. It would disappear with time.

The emptiness continued to swallow me, but I continued to ignore as always, keeping my happy facade. I only lived to see others happy, it was my life's purpose to see others happy.