
The one in the mirror is not me

The mirror is his enemy, one look into it and the new self he had painstakingly built up might just crumble away. What happens when he looks at the reflections of others and sees a whole different world?

DaoistHhYeFg · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chp 10 - Confession


I hadn't seen Vincent since 'that' had happened. I had knocked on his door this morning but he wasn't there. Perhaps I'll try again tomorrow, but I didn't want to be too forward and scare him way. I didn't know if he was actually there and ignoring me or he was really not there.

The day went on, I shouldn't have been bothered I hadn't even known him for that long... Okay I was a bit worried. I couldn't help but think it was my fault for being too nosy wanting to look at his reflection.

There was something I found even more strange then these people's reflection's I had seen so far. The interesting thing was who I could maybe kind of call my friends, had different reflections (Dae-Hyun and Vincent). The thing that bothered me most is that I had felt that I had known them much longer than just 3 days.

Like maybe I had known them in another life, another life that might be one on the other side of the mirror? If this was true maybe my reflection was different as well. I tried to push away the thoughts of curiosity bursting to come out wanting to know what I was like in that other world.

Despite these thoughts they couldn't affect my strong will to never look in the mirror I had developed over the years.

But after all that happened it made me even more curious? I wanted to see even more people's reflections. But none of my classmates reflections seemed to be different. At lunch I looked at Reo's reflection in a glass bottle but he looked no different. Maybe it only worked with mirrors?

Then during dance class I realised. That guy with a large lonely back actually had ears a bit sharper than normal in his reflection, actually the more eye catching thing was his hair was completely white, and his eyes emerald green. I almost lost my step when I had saw it a small gasp escaped from my mouth. If that had happened I would've probably been scolded by the teacher

I didn't see it before because he was behind me now since I had moved to the front.

After the class ended I curiously watched him leave, then I realised I recognized that wasn't that the bag of Aaron's younger brother? The bag he had picked up? Then did that mean he was his younger brother?! The one that had forgotten his bag that day leading to Aaron seeing me dance.

But they didn't look that alike? He had red hair and shiny brown orbs, and his skin was a little lighter than Aarons. All in all different.

Maybe he was adopted, okay I knew I shouldn't assume things but it was the first thought that came to mind. Maybe their just half siblings, or their parents just look vastly different and they got different sides of their genes.

So that guy was the little brother of that annoying Aaron...

I contemplated talking to him but, I didn't really a have a reason to.

Since he was probably Aaron's sibling would Aaron also have an elf reflection? I bit my lip it was hard to confirm any of my hypothesis with so little information. I contemplated getting some help from Dae-Hyun since I had seen his reflection before.

It would be better to have someone to share this with, and he seemed pretty trustworthy.

So during lunch I found him, with a girl and he was eating fish. Which heightened my suspicions of him starting to have merman traits, like how Vincent had pretty much turned into a vampire and bit my neck ripping it shred. He was a messy eater I guess...

I pulled him to the side.

"Can we talk for a moment?"

"Will it take long? I'm in the middle of eating my lunch, and I'm pretty hungry," He longingly looked back at his lunchbox.

"Yeah, but I can make it quick," I searched my mind of what to ask him.

"Recently have you felt an urge to swim or things related to that?" I hoped I had asked the correct question. Dae-Hyun froze for moment, his face looked a little shocked his mouth slightly agape.

"Yes...How did you know?" He tilted his head.

"I'll tell you later, you can just finish eating now," With it happening twice I could say for sure looking at their reflections gave them those traits of the species in the mirror.

"Okay, now you've got me. I'll skip lunch as long as you fill me in," I silently looked at him for a second, before pulling him to a more secretive place. AKA the bathroom.

"It started right in this bathroom, when I had looked at your reflection," A look of realization slowly morphed into Dae-Hyun's expression, it seemed he had really felt a bit different since that had happened.

"You looked different, like a merman..."

"So I'm slowly turning into that merman?!" He exclaimed

"Quiet down, people will hear us..."

"Sorry, continue,"

"Then I tested it out with Vincent's reflection as well, and he was a vampire. So now I guess he's slowly turning into a vampire but at a speed faster than you,"

"What makes you say faster than me?" Dae-Hyun stepped forward observing my expression, but nothing would come out of that it barely changed that often.

"That injury on my neck it was from him,"

"I think it'd be more accurate to say he's into a rabid wolf instead. Maybe you should stay away from him or you might get hurt," His eyebrow creased.

"If I stay away, others will get hurt won't they? I should be responsible for it I was the one who started this..."

"Well what else are you supposed to do!" He shouted, then pursed his lips seeming to be searching every space of his mind looking a solution to help. He glanced at me then looked away was he really that worried about me? Then Dae-Hyun sighed.

"Well if your going to get yourself mixed up in your stuff I'll help,"

"Really?" I glanced up at Dae-Hyun searching his face.

"It's what friends do don't they?" My breath stopped in my throat. Friends?

"Or are we not friends by now?" A sad smile formed on his face.

"D-do you really consider us friends?" I needed to confirm it.


"Okay, thanks," I felt my cheeks go slightly hot and I looked away.

"The cold ice prince is actually a tsundere?" I heard his teasing voice chime.

"No," I looked back up at him the blush already gone.

"Maybe it was just a trick of the light then," I don't think he actually thought that, there was a knowing expression on his face. But I didn't want him to think of me as a tsundere, or was this a tsundere way to think?

"Except for me and Vincent, have you seen anyone else's reflection?" He went back to the topic on hand.

"I saw Aaron's brother's reflection,"

"Who's he?"

"Some guy in my dance class,"

"No who is Aaron?"

"Some annoying guy who keeps wanting to watch me dance,"

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch.

"We'll catch up later okay?" Dae-Hyun said

Then we split up going our ways to class.


Vincent POV

I had woken up to see Akuma furiously writing in a journal with a pen, it was now morning. How tired was I to have slept until the next day? I sat awkwardly on the bed waiting for him to finish I felt awkward to just leave without him knowing. But I didn't want to disturb him either. After a while he finished and closed the book and looked back at me.

"Oh, are you awake now? Wait don't answer that question I just remembered I have eyes," Did he just insult himself?

"I'm sorry, I wasted your day of skipping school entirely on sleeping," He didn't really look sorry, he just grinned showing of his canines. Looking not a single bit apologetic.

"I can make it up to you if you skip another day with me," I felt like if I accepted it would be the same as selling my soul to the devil. A shiver ran through me.

"I'm fine thanks, but thank you I think I really needed to catch up on my sleep," I rubbed the nape of my neck bashfully. His hair was messily tied into a pony tail, and his clothes were wrinkled and loose.

"Nah, you didn't have a choice in the matter. I'm putting some fun into your boring life no matter what you say,"

"But won't we get in trouble?"

"Don't worry, I've solved it with my trustworthy money," He gave a lazy thumbs up.

Hurriedly he retied his hair combing it and brushed out his clothes, and he looked like a new person.

"I'll let you borrow more of my clothes, you can even use my toothbrush," I was speechless I could feel the familiar feeling of blood rushing up to my cheeks.

"Just kidding, I'll let you use a new toothbrush," Feeling awkward all the way I washed my face, and brushed as well as changed into the clothes Akuma had gave me. It was a bit of an overstatement to just say they were a little loose. The hoodie felt heavy and covered my hands, and went down to my thighs. I had never felt so short before. The problem of pants was solved my rolling up the jeans a little.

"Fits perfectly right?" I hoped he was joking or I would think there was really something wrong with his eyes.


"No problem, lets get going now," He roughly grabbed my arm and lead me out of the dormitories. Akuma led me through bushes and such seeming to know the way out without getting caught, Lastly we had to get over a wall. He first climbed it then held out his hand to me.

"Grab it," I felt my face grow hotter and I grabbed his hand, he easily pulled me up to the top of the wall.

"What are we doing?"

"Like hanging out?"

"What do you do when you hang out?"

"I don't know like hang out?" Despite being good at writing he had no words to describe it. Hanging out was just hanging out.

"Well don't you worry about a thing, I'm paying," Akuma pulled me along streets, there didn't seem to actually be a set destination. Then his eyes landed on a building and we started to head there. We went inside and it seemed to be a milkshake place. He took me to a seat and sat down.

"What do you want?" He leaned his head on his arm, things just happened too fast with him.

"I'll have the same as you," I had always had trouble deciding such things from a young age.

"Okay then," He waved over a sever and said.

"You choose what we have, a meal and a drink,"

"Are you sure sir?" The girl tilted her head seemingly never she had probably never done this before.

"Yeah, food is food," Then the girl headed off writing down the order.

"Should you have done that?" There were a lot of uncertainties doing things like this wasn't there?

"Live in the present, don't be worried," We engaged in conversation he did most of the talking, I only gave some quiet replies. Eventually the drink and meal came. Since he had said drink and meal and not 2 or made them into plurals she had bought a singular drink and meal. Which probably meant we were about to share. Two straws were put into the drink and she gave two plates with the big burger and box of fries. She then left.

"Huh, what a normal choice, I'm disappointed," He said nothing about how intimate sharing a drink was? The pink milk shake had two straws. Wasn't this something that couples did?! I squirmed in my seat blushing.

"Well let's get to it shall we," He took a bit of the burger then offered a bit to me.

"Eat your hungry aren't you?" My stomach betrayed growling loudly I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning? We had really slept a long time.

I hesitantly took a bite of the burger and started to chew. Really anything I ate would've tasted good as I was so hungry. It flavours spread in my mouth and I swallowed. Then Akuma tasted some of the milkshake, and licked his lips looking me in the eye. He gave a laugh that sounded like smooth honey.

"You should try some as well," I slowly bent forward and took a sip out of the other straw, my fists were curled on my lap. He then took a sip at the same time as me our faces close together. I immediately jumped away my eyes wide. Akuma had a cocky smirk, with that I knew he was trying to fluster me by purpose...

Me trying to swap between the actual plot and just the romance...

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