
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 7

Noah's gaze was caught by a tree at the end of the greenhouse, which grew right out of a kind of well. "Is it something like a huge flask?" He approached and squatted down to examine it. An idea suddenly struck him. He pulled out his wand, closed his eyes, and waved it to release some ancient magic. The water fry began to jump out of the water and hover around Noah, as if they were swimming in the air. He couldn't look away, mesmerized by their movements.

"I'm doing it!" Noah couldn't contain his delight and was about to get up when suddenly everything started swimming before his eyes, and he fell straight into the water, getting tangled among the tree roots. His head felt heavy again, making it almost impossible to get out.

A Gryffindor boy came out of the classroom first, holding a bucket of tools in his hands. He descended the stairs to leave his things there. When he looked up, he noticed the floating water fish. Surprise was evident on the child's face as he had never seen such magic. The fish seemed to beckon him, reflecting the sun's rays and shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. When he touched one of them, they all swam back into the water under the tree and disappeared. The boy followed them and noticed a guy in the water who wasn't moving.

A child's cry full of horror filled the terrarium.

"What happened?"

"Poor children... well..."

"We managed to..."

"I'm telling you!"

"Quiet! ... Wing..."

Noah regained consciousness in the evening. He didn't immediately realize where he was. It seemed like he had a bad dream.

"Mr. Omill, how are you feeling?" a nurse approached Noah.

"What happened?" His throat was sore, and Noah grimaced and cleared his throat.

"You swallowed a lot of water in Herbology class. Don't you remember anything?" She touched his forehead. "You'll need to stay here for three days to recover. Don't worry, I've informed Professor Weasley, and she'll take care of everything." The nurse took a potion out of her pocket and placed it on the bedside table.

"Drink it now. I'll bring more before bedtime. Dinner will be in two hours," she said, closing the curtain and leaving.

"Thank you very much. To be honest, I don't understand how it happened," Noah awkwardly tried to justify himself, but the nurse just smiled in response and left.

Noah drank the potion and stared at the ceiling. Warmth began to spread through his body, and he felt himself falling asleep again. Right before he drifted off, he saw the curtain move, or at least it seemed that way.

On the second day, he felt noticeably better, and Noah even began to review his textbooks so he wouldn't fall behind in his studies. It was almost lunchtime, and he soon grew bored of the activity. He walked over to the window, where life was bustling. Noah longed to hop on a broom and fly away wherever he looked.

"Omill?" Noah heard a familiar voice.

"Ominis? I'm so glad to see you!" He wanted to approach him, but Ominis started scolding him.

"Why is the patient not in bed? I heard you almost died!" Ominis waved a bag, which Noah couldn't take his eyes off of.

"No, the rumors are exaggerated. I just fell into a puddle!" Noah tried to laugh it off, but he could tell from Ominis' expression that the joke wasn't appreciated.

"I was really scared," Ominis said, lowering his hands.

"Sorry for worrying you. I always manage to get into scrapes like this," Noah sat back down on the bed. Ominis handed him the bag, which Noah had been fixated on.

"Is this for me?" As soon as he opened it, the smell of fresh pastries wafted into his nose.

"This is a gift for you from Anna. There should be a letter inside." Ominis opened the curtain, sat down on the bed opposite, and continued, "Did you tell Sebastian?"

"Yes, about that," Ominis paused for a moment. "I'm going to tell him today." He extended his hand to Noah.

Noah set the bag aside and shook his hand.

"Thank you. You saved her life. I don't even know how to thank you for that." Ominis finally looked relaxed for the first time. Noah asked him about his studies and life. They chatted a bit more, and then Ominis left the hospital wing.

After seeing him off, Noah reached for the bag, finding a packed blueberry pie and a letter inside.

"Dear Noah,

I vividly remember our first meeting, and I know you are a very kind and brave person. I would like to meet you, but I'm leaving tomorrow. I know this may sound selfish, but please, can you look after my brother? I love him very much, but my heart is broken, and I don't know if I can ever forgive him. I believe he can handle it, but until then, please support him along with Ominis.

With eternal gratitude, Anna."

Noah took a bite of the pie.

"It's sweet."