
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 45

 At one point, Sebastian came to himself sitting on a ruined pier near the village of Marunvim. It was the middle of the night, and he didn't want to go back to Feldcroft at all. Where did Noah go? Is he okay? How badly did he hurt him? Will Garrett tell his aunt about the unforgivable spell? If everyone finds out, will he be sent to Azkaban?

 "I couldn't do anything. Why am I constantly spoiling everything?" In a fit of rage, he grabbed a rock under his arm and threw it into the water. Yes, and Noah's words did not give him peace. Of course, he knew that Ominis wanted to do the "right thing," but Anna? He didn't know that, did his own sister, his twin, really want to betray him?

 "No! It just can't be! He said it on purpose to get me out of myself, so that I... To me?!" Sebastian took his wand and wanted to throw it after the stone, to the bottom, where it belongs. His lips pursed into a straight line, a spark of despair flashed in his eyes; he was alone, completely alone. And he understood that only he was to blame for this.

 "I'll fix everything; we need to find Noah first." As if fascinated, Sebastian got up and walked towards the bridge. As a child, he and his parents traveled a lot in the summer when his parents were free from classes. Because of this, he had seen almost all the places of the magical world. Once they even went to the Muggle city; Sebastian almost did not remember it, but he remembered the happiness, the warmth of his mother's hands, and the care of his father. The bubbly laughter of his sister, freshly baked blueberry pie, and the smell of new books. For childhood memories, he himself did not notice how quickly he reached the house at the foot of the mountain. This was a point of rapid movement of public access. There was no one inside, and Sebastian decided to pour himself some volatile powder for the future. No matter how much he wanted to go home, he moved to Feldcroft, in the central square next to the well. Cold air and silence; all residents have been sitting at home for a long time or had a seventh dream. Slowly shifting his legs, he reached the house without raising his head, as if a suicide bomber was going to the gallows.

 Entering the house, he was enveloped in darkness and a feeling of complete loneliness. There was no need to worry about Anna; Ominis looked after her well, he trusted him. Sebastian sat down on the bed; his head was empty. Not a single thought came to him except for the cold fact that now he is an orphan and he and his sister have no relatives besides Solomon.

 It was already late at night; Garrett was sitting on the couch in the living room of his faculty, holding a mug of hot chocolate in his hands. He packed his things as his aunt had said. If it had been one of his usual days, he would have been asleep in his bed for a long time, but this day was strikingly different from his usual, measured life. There was no sleep in any eye; so much had happened in one day, he was on the verge of death. I never would have thought that Sebastian would behave so recklessly that he would throw himself into the abyss with him. Also, that strange sphere inside which Noah was.

 "What happened to him?" Garrett took a sip from his mug and analyzed the day until one unpleasant guess pierced his head. If the ministry comes here, surely they will interrogate him? What should I tell them? Should I mention Sebastian? Their fight? Or just pretend that nothing happened? Shuffling was heard in the aisle of the faculty; being in a panicked state, Garrett froze like a statue, expecting to see a crowd of obscurantists. Fortunately for him, it was Matilda, his aunt.

 "It's good that you're not sleeping; we need to talk, young man." She frowned her eyebrows and cast a gaze at him. Garrett shrank from this, expecting angry comments in his address.

 "Did Noah tell you anything about his outings outside the school?" she asked suddenly.

 "No, it seems nothing remarkable. We only talked to him during lessons, about homework or potions." Garrett tried with all his might to remember whether Noah had told him about his adventures, but only his advice on one or another of his stupid problems came to mind. To think how many times he pulled him out of one problem after another.

 "Did he use or show how he uses spells unknown to you? Or another, different magic?" With the gaze of a bird of prey, she literally searched for any wrinkle on his face in an attempt to lie. Images of Sebastian and Noah's battle flashed through Garrett's mind. A burst of pure, ancient magic that he had never seen and from which every cell of his body screamed danger.

 "No, I didn't see anything." Garrett didn't want his friends to get in trouble, so he swallowed his tongue and decided to lie to his own aunt.