
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 32

"So you're saying that you've experienced more than a dozen memories of strangers?" Sebastian and Noah were sitting in bed.

"Yes, I honestly thought it would never end," Noah replied as he sat wrapped in a blanket. He had long since realized that they were in Sebastian's house.

"You must be hungry. Here, try to eat." Sebastian handed him a sandwich, but Noah pushed it away, saying he had no appetite.

"By the way, when I went to get our things, Garrett sent his wishes for a speedy recovery," Sebastian mentioned, hoping to distract Noah from his sad thoughts. But Noah merely grunted in response and turned away. Sebastian was concerned that something might happen to him again, so he made it his mission to keep a close eye on him for the next day.

Noah hardly got out of bed for four days. He ate with difficulty and reluctantly engaged in conversation. Sebastian took care of him to the best of his ability, even feeding him with a spoon at times. On the fifth day, Noah suddenly seemed to change, as if the past few days had been nothing more than a common cold. He got out of bed, cooked breakfast, cracked jokes, and announced his intention to go for a walk. Initially, Sebastian flatly refused, but the hope that Noah was on the mend overcame his doubts. When Noah left the house, Sebastian decided he would simply keep a covert watch over him. However, the moment Noah ventured a short distance into the forest, he Apparated away, leaving Sebastian slapping his own forehead in frustration.

When Noah found himself back in the rescue room, he expected Dick to be there to greet him, but Dick was nowhere in sight. The situation in the room appeared unchanged, as if Noah hadn't been gone for long. The changes seemed to have affected only him. When he descended to the second hall, he caught sight of his reflection in a mirror hanging on the wall. A white strand of hair, sunken eyes, and dark bags beneath them stared back at him. If any of his acquaintances saw him now, they'd likely think he'd encountered a Dementor. Exhaling, he walked over to an old cupboard where he kept rare books and scrolls. He searched for a book that might be interesting to read, eventually settling on an old one with a black binding, analyzing all permitted types of magic in detail, from basic household spells to natural disasters. As he skimmed the pages, he remembered encountering it in the Peplumb camp. Placing the book in his bag, he used Floo Powder to transport himself to Hogsmeade.

Once in the central square, Noah sat down on a bench. This town held a special place in his heart, always feeling like the coziest place in the magical world. The scent of freshly baked bread and sweets wafted through the air, and the lively chatter of the crowd was soothing. The summer breeze added to the pleasant atmosphere. After sitting for a few more minutes, he got up and headed to the sweet shop.

"Hello! Do you have blueberry pie?" Noah asked the shopkeeper, who wore a kindly smile. The shopkeeper pointed to pre-cut slices of cakes, as Noah decided that they would suffice. When he left the store, he ran into Madame Snellings.

"My dear, it's been so long since I've seen you!" The woman quickly approached him and immediately noticed his hair.

"Hello, yes, it really has been a long time," Noah replied, scratching his head.

"I see you urgently need to spruce up! Come, let me take care of you." She gestured toward her salon and led the way. Noah decided that he did indeed need a haircut. Madame Snellings tried her best to persuade him to dye his gray hair, but Noah vehemently declined, only allowing her to adjust his hairstyle without removing the length of his hair. Afterward, over a cup of tea and amidst Madame Snelling's gossip, the time began to approach evening. Noah bid her farewell and used Floo Powder to return to Feldcroft, Sebastian's house.

"Where have you been?!" Sebastian immediately rushed up to him, appearing restless throughout the day.

"I took a walk. I told you I was fine," Noah replied, taking out his suitcase and beginning to sort through his belongings.

"I thought you meant just a leisurely walk, not... well, whatever that was." Sebastian followed him closely, expressing concern that Noah might not be completely well yet. Noah removed his shirt, and as he turned towards Sebastian, he suddenly stopped talking and stared at Noah's bare torso.

"Are you nagging me like a wife?" Noah teased as he put on another shirt and continued. "You're changing too."

"S-Sorry if I came across that way." Sebastian was so flustered that he began to stutter. "I was just worried about you. You disappeared, and I had no idea where you'd gone. Do you know how scared I was?"

"Sebastian, do you trust me?" Noah extended his hand toward him, and when Sebastian took it, they Apparated away.