
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 30

When they were standing and talking, a girl who seemed to be a sophomore came out of a huge barrel.

"Hello! Could you please call the Head of House?" Garrett was a little nervous. The girl was embarrassed when she saw the seniors, and blushing slightly, she nodded in response and went back.

"What are you standing around for?! Drink the potion, quickly!" Garrett ran up to the entrance and waved, signaling for Sebastian to stay behind him. The Head of House didn't take long to arrive. She was taller than Garrett, which took him aback.

"Hello! I came to pick up Noah's things," before he could finish, he was interrupted.

"Listen, you've been trying to get into his room for the second time today, and that's not even counting the girls," she poked him in the shoulder, implying that he should leave.

Garrett clenched his fists and, burning with shame, said, "I'm actually Garrett Weasley! And Noah Omill is my boyfriend! He asked me to bring his things because he's sick, and I'm not leaving until I get them!" Garrett practically shouted. The girl froze at what she heard.

"I thought it was just a rumor!" She said embarrassed, but then collected herself and agreed. And so, the retrieval of Noah's belongings was successful.

"And it's cozier in here than in our common room," Garrett began to look around. Sebastian immediately recognized Noah's bed, a neat and clean corner where everything was in its place.

"Wow, it looks like he really has a crowd of fans," Garrett pointed to a bin overflowing with flowers, letters, and sweets. "What a waste! If he doesn't like sweets, he could have treated us," he reached for a box of chocolates.

"Weasley! Don't you dare," Sebastian hushed him, indicating that they were actually on a mission.

"Listen, I know that you and him are best friends, but could you tell me what Noah is sick with? I'm worried too," Garrett pulled the suitcase out from under the bed.

"The battle with the goblins. It wasn't easy for him and he still isn't fully recovered," Sebastian swallowed. - He's trying to recuperate from what happened.

Garrett frowned at what he heard, and they finally began to pack Noah's things.

"I overheard a conversation he had with his aunt once. He asked to stay at school," Garrett collected Noah's writing materials. - Does he not have anywhere else to go? I mean, like home, with his family?

"He never told me about his relatives," Sebastian realized that he knew very little about Noah's personal life, and he felt ashamed. He considered himself a friend, yet he knew so little.

"He's a bit reserved, don't you think?" They finished packing; they had one suitcase and a box of shoes.

"Looks like you're missing a few things. I have three suitcases, and that's not even counting my hand luggage," Garrett looked around the room again.

Sebastian handed him the luggage. "I'll use a Disillusionment Charm. Let's get out of here."

When Garrett opened the door, there were three girls standing behind it, all wearing unhappy expressions.

"Hello! Can I get through, girls?" He tried to squeeze past, but they pushed him. In fact, they pushed him so hard that all the things scattered and he fell to the floor.

"We know you used a love potion on Noah," the girl with long black hair, who stood in the middle, accused.

"Excuse me?" Garrett didn't understand where these false accusations were coming from.

"Yes! I saw you the other day running around with Amortentia potion and bragging about it," the blonde on the right drew her wand and pointed it at Garrett.

"This is a huge misunderstanding! I didn't mix anything in that potion, and in general, Noah and I are just friends!" Garrett tried to get up, but the brunette stepped on his robe, and he fell to the floor again. Previously, Sebastian might have found this scene amusing, but now it just made him extremely angry. The girls didn't stop there and started whispering, laughing at Garrett. Garrett felt a mix of anger and undeserved harassment, not knowing how to react.

"Serpensortia," Sebastian whispered, pointing his wand in the direction of the impudent girls. Seeing a huge snake hissing and crawling in their direction, the girls were overcome with fear and ran away screaming, pushing each other in their panic.

Garrett didn't understand what had just happened. Sebastian helped him to his feet and dusted off his robe.

"You were scared of those girls?" Sebastian laughed softly.

"You didn't see anything, okay?!" Garrett quickly repacked his things, and they left the common room in a hurry. As they reached the central hall, Weasley turned to Sebastian.

"Honestly, I didn't expect you to help me out," Garrett said with a chuckle as he returned the things to Sebastian.

"Well, we've had an adventure, that's for sure," Sebastian closed his eyes in mild exasperation. - Thank you for helping me!" He didn't particularly like Garrett, but he was starting to think that he wasn't such a bad guy after all.

"You're welcome, Sellow. Tell Noah to get well soon," Garrett said, extending his hand.

Sebastian shook his hand. "By the way, you live in Feldcroft, right?" Garrett asked.

Sebastian didn't quite understand why he was being asked about that.

"Yes, that's right. Why do you ask?" Sebastian replied.

"So Noah lives there too?" Garrett inquired, nodding. At that moment, the lights went out, and they bid each other goodbye and headed back to their respective common rooms.

The packed suitcases were already waiting for Sebastian in his room; he just had to put them together carefully. Using a Reducing Charm on them, he hurried to Apparate back to Feldcroft.