
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 1

Noah was sitting at the very edge of the cliff, his legs dangling down, admiring the sunset. . In the reflection of the ocean, the waves, dyed scarlet like blood, mirrored the bloodshed and pain he had experienced.

- Amazing beauty.

A month ago. After the victory over Ranrok, the teachers found him wounded and almost in himself, sitting next to the body of his mentor, Professor Fig. For a whole week he lay in the hospital wing, where no one was allowed to see him, and Noah himself did not want to see anyone. He was tired of explaining to everyone that Ranrok was killed by his hand, and Professor Fig was the victim of a mad goblin. Professor Weasley, with her insight, noticed that the guy was hiding a lot of things, but she did not pry, in view of his deplorable condition.

The cool wind ruffled the hair that had grown over a month, bruises under his eyes due to lack of proper sleep, pale skin. Only his shadow seemed to remain of his former self. Noah has not relaxed like this for a long time, before that he used to run tirelessly like a mouse in a wheel. The eyelids began to close, the consciousness was trying with the last of its strength not to fall asleep. Another second, two, and Noah almost fell off the cliff, but an owl flew up in time with a letter and flew right at him. From such a turn, adrenaline surged, allowing him to dispel the remnants of sleep. Finally, as he regained his composure, he glared at his owl with displeasure.

- I asked you to leave all correspondence in my room, why did you come here? - Noah wanted to wave her off, but noticed the Weasley seal in the letter. He knew perfectly well that it would not be so easy to dismiss "her", so he quickly opened and read the contents of the letter.

"Memorial dinner tomorrow"... "Farewell to Professor Fig"...

Noah took out his wand and abruptly brushed the letter out of his hands. The wind picked up the paper, slowly sinking down, it began to burn. Noah did not take his eyes off her, waving his wand once more was pleased with the result. Burning down, the fire took the form of a bird similar to a finch. After a few flaps of its wings, the fiery bird vanished, leaving behind only ashes. The gaze unfocused again, the smile disappeared.

After sitting there for a few more minutes, Noah got to his feet, put on his raincoat, took a handful of dry food from his bag, and fed his loyal postwoman.

It was time to go back to Hogwarts. His head felt like lead, and Noah grabbed his the head

- Now you are the keeper of the hidden power. What are you going to do with it?

Noah tried to pull himself together, the memories hurt him.

- Stop thinking about it! He clutched his head. My hands shook, and blood gushed out of my nose. Noah quickly reached into his pocket for a handkerchief, and it was almost covered with dried blood.

- He decided to wash up. After dealing with his nose, he headed straight to the infirmary, fortunately finding no sign of the elf. Quickly putting himself in order, he left this place.

Noah made his way to the great hall, his feet seemingly moving on their own, while his thoughts remained distant. Students flashed before his eyes, each busy with his own business, Noah did not even pay attention to how Peeves walked right through him intending to frighten the negligent student, but he did not move an eyebrow.

The great hall was already almost empty, dinner time was coming to an end. Noah trudged to the desk of his faculty.

- Wow, what kind of people, and I thought, where did you disappear to? Arthur Plummly sat down next to him.

- I was unwell - Noah pulled out a semblance of a smile.

- It's obvious! You're very pale, maybe you should go to St. Mungo's Hospital. - Arthur suggested, but Noah just ignored his words, staring at one point. Realizing that the conversation was over, Arthur went to look for more talkative conversation partners. Forcing himself to swallow a few slices of bread, Noah made his way back to the Hufflepuff common room.

- Noah! Poppy grabbed his arm, looking at him with a worried look.

- Sweeting, long time no see! How are you? - Noah was pleasantly surprised by the meeting

- Have you lost weight? Where have you been for a whole month? Why didn't you write? - questions poured in one after another, and he honestly didn't want to answer any of them. Under her insistence, he literally felt the last of his strength leaving his body.

- Let's talk later, I'm very tired and would like to rest - removing Poppy's hand, Noah turned around and slowly walked towards his room. Poppy had no choice but to follow him with her gaze.

When he saw that there were several letters lying on the bedside table next to the bed, he rolled his eyes. The only thing he wanted at the moment was to go to bed and forget himself in a restless sleep.