
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 19

Noah couldn't believe he had almost set up his friends. He should have guessed from the very beginning that it was them. After all, the tail belonged to someone from the school, and liquid flowed from their lips. Noah brushed off the black goo on his hand and suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if his head was being squeezed in a vise.

Sebastian, chasing after Noah, noticed when he abruptly descended on his broom.

"What the hell?" Sebastian didn't have time to understand what was happening as Noah fell off the broom and into the black lake. Acting quickly, Sebastian dived into the water after him, using the Accio spell to reach Noah. Diving, he swam towards Noah, who was unconscious and appeared to be not breathing. Sebastian's gaze caught sight of a small island nearby, so he swam in that direction, still holding onto Noah.

As his feet touched the lake bottom, Sebastian used all his strength to pull them both ashore.

"Please, hold on," Sebastian pleaded, unable to gather his thoughts. His hands shook from both the cold and fear. Slapping himself lightly, Sebastian managed to regain focus. He tilted Noah's head back, pinched his nose with his fingers, took a deep breath, pressed his lips tightly against Noah's, and exhaled. Noah opened his eyes, pushed Sebastian away, and started coughing. The last thing Noah remembered was leaving the cave, then darkness. He looked at Sebastian, who was wet, covered in mud and algae, and visibly scared.

"What happened?" Noah still hadn't fully recovered. Sebastian put his arm around him and pulled him close. Noah didn't have the strength for anything, so he buried himself deeper into Sebastian's warm shoulder and fell into a deep sleep.

Sebastian couldn't hold back his tears; he had been so scared. The realization hit him that it wasn't just friendship, it was love—pure and all-consuming love.

Embracing Noah and feeling his heartbeat was a wonderful sensation. If not for the circumstances they found themselves in, Sebastian would have wished for this moment to never end. He made a decision, no matter the cost, to bring back the old Noah—the one before the tests of ancient magic, before his hands were stained with blood, when they could still laugh together genuinely.

Before sunrise, the lake was shrouded in fog. Sebastian sat on the shore, holding Noah in his arms. Noah clung tightly to him and didn't want to let go. Sebastian made a few attempts to free himself, but failed. Regardless, he didn't mind this arrangement at all.

"You know, Noah, I don't know when I'll gather the courage to tell you this while looking into your eyes," Sebastian leaned over and whispered into Noah's ear, "I love you."

Noah woke up in a cozy bed, still feeling the remnants of a pleasant dream. Opening his eyes, he felt confused, unsure of where he was. Sebastian sat in an armchair opposite the fireplace, flipping through a book.

"Sebastian, where are we?" Noah asked, sitting up in bed.

"We're at the Three Broomsticks. Sirona allowed us to stay with her for today," Sebastian replied, placing the book on the table. "Yesterday, our pursuit failed, and you fell into the black lake. I fished you out of there like a goldfish," Sebastian chuckled and approached him. "How are you feeling? Did you get enough rest? It's already evening. If something hurts, drink the rowan broth," he pointed to the bedside table where Noah's clothes and belongings were placed.

"No, I'm fine. Just tired, that's all," Noah recalled how he had almost drowned the previous day and how Sebastian had saved him. "Why did you chase after me? You should have gone back to Hogwarts with Ominis."

"If I hadn't followed you, you might have died," Sebastian sat down on the bed beside him.

"I have to go back to Hogwarts," Noah began to get dressed, finding his pants and shirt in place. His sweater and shoes had been removed and placed beside him. After putting on his shoes, Sebastian grabbed his hand.

"You did something with ancient magic, didn't you? I'm not blind, Noah. I saw your eyes—they were red again," Sebastian needed answers right then and there.

"It's none of your business, Sellow," Noah replied, stuffing his sweater into his bag without putting it on. He left the room.

The pub was quiet. Sirona noticed Noah and Sebastian hastily leaving through the top-floor exit.

"Impudent boys, didn't even say goodbye," she said, relieved to see that they were okay.