
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 16

After Noah sold the ill-fated plants to Madame Green, he was finally free.

"Are you going to Sirona?" Ominis asked, seeking relief from the heat in a cool place.

"You go ahead, I wanted to check out the sweet kingdom," Noah replied, taking off his school vest and putting it in his bag.

"Choking on chocolate in this heat?" All Ominis wanted was a cool drink.

"And I wouldn't mind some chocolate," Sebastian looked at Noah. "We'll wait for you at the Three Broomsticks." He put his hand on Ominis' shoulder, and they left.

Hogsmeade was bustling with people as the end of the school year approached. Many were buying gifts for their families, while others were enjoying their last moments before going home. As Noah reached the sweet kingdom, he was almost knocked over by a group of first-years carrying mountains of sweets in their hands. Noah's eyes were captivated by the variety of treats, some of which he had never seen before. He decided to buy something eye-catching and headed to the cash register, where he noticed a lemon cake.

"Please wrap me a piece," Noah couldn't resist.

Fortunately, there weren't many people at the Three Broomsticks. Ominis and Sebastian found a place on the second floor and ordered lunch along with mugs of cream beer.

"I really dislike this heat," Ominis commented, wishing he could be in a cool crypt at that moment.

"Well, it's summer now," Sebastian looked around. "What do you think Noah didn't finish saying about amortentia? It's been on my mind."

"You mean who?" Ominis laughed.

"I think it's Poppy," Sebastian began thinking about all of Noah's friends.

"Well, yes, they seem to spend a lot of time together," Ominis gulped down the contents of his mug. Sebastian considered it, but Noah was very popular at Hogwarts, especially now. If he wanted to, he could have found a suitable match for himself long ago.

Noah joined them on the second floor.

"Ominis wants to know how you feel about Poppy," Sebastian used his friend without a hint of guilt.

"I didn't say that!" Ominis hissed like a snake.

"Just as a little sister, don't try to offend her, or I'll skin all three of you," Noah placed a bag of sweets on the empty chair.

"What about Natty?" Sebastian continued his questioning.

"She's a tough girl. If anything, she'll put you in your place, and I'll be there cheering her on," Noah looked at the guys. "Are you both interested in girls?"

"No!" Ominis and Sebastian said in unison.

"Then why the interrogation?" Noah took a bite of bacon without taking his eyes off them.

"I've noticed that you've had a lot of fans lately. Some of them tried to find out your tastes and preferences from me, but I defended your honor," Sebastian made a slight bow.

"Really?" Noah was shocked. He didn't expect to be popular with girls. This fact flattered him a little, and he blushed with embarrassment.

"For Merlin's sake," Sebastian stared at him. "Don't let it get to your head!" He playfully hit him on the fingers with a spoon.

"What? Can't I be happy?" Noah withdrew his hands from the table.

They spent the evening in the restaurant, discussing various topics. Time flew by quickly, and Noah cherished this pleasant day in his memory. He could only dream of spending his time like this before.

Before heading back to the common rooms, Noah made sure Ominis went ahead, and he stopped Sebastian, who was taken aback by this. Noah pulled out a box of chocolate frogs from his bag and put it in his pocket. Sebastian gave him a puzzled look, and Noah nodded back at him, smiled, and walked toward his house.

"Sebastian, are you coming?" Ominis called out, noticing his friend's absence.

"Y-yes! My shoelaces are untied. I'll be right there!" Sebastian quickly squatted down, his face burning with embarrassment. "He was just joking about wanting chocolate!" Perhaps it was these small joys that kept Sebastian going.

In the common room, Noah noticed that many students had already started packing their suitcases.

"Mr. Omill, I heard that you finally got your release!" Poppy handed him a large bag.

"New pet food?" Noah responded, sharing lemon caramels with Poppy.

"I guess I'll never understand your love for these sour fruits," Poppy mumbled as she ate the candy.

"They're not sour, but sweet," Noah took one from her and popped it into his mouth.

"Listen, can I ask you something?" Noah made sure no one was eavesdropping on them. "How do you know when you're in love with someone?"

Poppy almost choked on her candy.

"Well, I haven't experienced it yet, but according to the books, it's described as having butterflies in your stomach. When you see the person you adore, you feel anxious or constantly think about them," Poppy blushed with embarrassment.

Noah realized that he didn't feel anything like that for Sebastian. Perhaps the amortentia had been mistaken.

"I thought so, just a misunderstanding," he thought.

"Who is she?" the one you like?" Poppy whispered in his ear.

"No one, I was just asking," Noah replied. Saying goodbye, he entered the common room and began sampling all the sweets.