
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 10

Sebastian felt as if he had been slapped in the face.

"It seems our friend needs help," he said to Ominis.

"Tell me everything, from beginning to end, without hiding anything," Ominis felt like a stranger among them all this year. Such events were happening around him that his head was spinning, and all this time he seemed to be standing in one place. He wanted to help.

"I'm not sure if Noah will appreciate it," Sebastian gathered his things from the table and continued, "we'll meet after classes in the crypt, I'll tell you everything."

Noah walked blindly until he reached the Quidditch pitch. Where did this anger come from? He had never snapped at anyone before. And what had gotten into him? And in front of Sebastian and Ominis, he was so ashamed; he wanted to disappear. They just wanted to support him, and he...

"Mr. Omill, have you come for additional tasks?" Professor Ronen asked, chuckling, as he sorted out the Quidditch equipment, where he held student competitions.

"Sorry, I have a Defense Against the Dark Arts class right now," Noah thought he was alone there.

"And that's why you decided to come here? It seems Hecate's class is in the Dark Arts tower," he finished his work and approached Noah. "Is something wrong with you, Mr. Omill?" Professor Ronen, as usual, looked very cheerful.

"I think my admission to Hogwarts was a mistake, Professor," Noah looked deeply depressed.

"Well, of course, when children your age face difficulties with their studies, many tend to feel that way," Professor Ronen began to explain that he hears such words from his students every year. Noah sat down on the lawn and started to listen to Professor Ronen. "I know what challenges you've had to face this year," Professor Ronen, choosing his words carefully, sat down next to him, "although I don't know all the details, I saw how you and Eleazar saved the entire school from a horde of goblins." He looked at Noah. "You faced a tough challenge and fought back, and that's worth a lot."

Noah didn't know where to put himself; he felt sick inside knowing that everyone considered him a "hero." He felt like an impostor.

"Thank you, Professor. I think it's time for me to get to class," Noah got up, dusted himself off, and was about to leave when a letter fell on his head. It wasn't Noah's owl; it was larger in size and darker in color. Noah even thought, at first, that it was a mistake, but his name was on the letter. Unfolding it, he read that it was from Sebastian and that he and Ominis would be waiting for him after school in the crypt.

"I guess I haven't been late for a while," Professor Ronen said, standing up. "And if that's the case, come with me. I'll let Madame Hecate know later that I detained you."

"But it's all my fault," Noah wanted to refuse, but Ronan was insistent. He decided to give recommendations for the upcoming O.W.L. exams. They moved to the charms classroom, and Professor Ronen advised which books to read, which tricks could be used for certain spells, and which questions were commonly asked on the subject. Noah knew that Professor Ronen's lessons were never boring, and just listening to his useful advice was very interesting.

"Well, I think we spent the remaining time usefully. Next time, don't miss the lesson," Ronen gave the final instruction and left Noah.

Noah gathered his courage and went to meet Sebastian and Ominis. All the way, he turned thoughts over in his head, trying to figure out how to explain his behavior to them. The crypt's gates opened with a screech, and Sebastian and Ominis were already waiting for him.

"You came!" Sebastian approached him with a smile.

"About this morning, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me," Noah began to apologize.

"Yes, it's all those guys and their questions. You were just overwhelmed, and they..." Sebastian tried to justify him.

"Can you still fill me in on your secret affairs?" Ominis raised his hands to get their attention.

"Well, even I don't know everything," Sebastian looked at Noah, "except for the story with Isidora, how she opposed the keepers, right?" He sat down on a nearby barrel, indicating that it would be a long conversation.

Noah didn't know where to start. "Well, I'm the only one who can see and use ancient magic at the moment. Does that make sense?"