
The Omniverse Adventure

This is a major wish fullfilment story with a OP MC and some cringe so if its not your thing pls dont read! What happens when a extreamly unlucky person gets killed in the funniest way possible and gets to transmigrate as a OP MC! Lets find Out!!! (REWORK)

P0R0tastic · TV
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15 Chs

Prologue 2: Meeting ROB and wishes

AN: XD Guys for those that thing the number of years going by was random 707,513,800,837 then type it on a calculator and turn it upside down!!! XD

"As i was exploring i acctually remembered that i was waiting for Rob to appear but he did not, and i soon lost my paitience i mean what kind of ROB could not find a single soul in wandering arround in his relm, so i thought fuck it and went looking for him myself."

"Another 707,513,800,837 went by in a flash and although i could not find the big man upstairs known as ROB, i did come into contact with several small deities who gave me some small blessings as a reward for entertaining them, and how you might ask wel with some of the corniest joke you could imagine as the simplicity of them is what sold it, let me tell you who i met, and then ROB finally found me after feeling someone receiving blessings."


"I met several deities at once, how you might ask, wel i was searching for ROB arrount UY Scuti the largest star recorded with a size 1700 times the size of Sol. There were six deities in a group with five of them competing in something and the only female among them was spectating the event."

"As i was approaching them, the female amongst them noticed me and was actually surprised i was there."

???:"Oh my, a soul out here???" She exclaimed loudly. Suddenly the other five deites turned and asked the female deity,"what's the matter Athena?" They all looked at me and one amongst them went "Wel this is new? A soul out here?"

"When i finally was amongst them i did my best Obi Wan Kenobi greeting i could do." "Hello there? Might i have the honor of knowing your names?"

Athena:" Hello there little soul, I am Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom, handicraft, and warfare and they are:

Ptah, Egyptian patron god of craftsmen and architects,

Kagu-tsuchi, Japanese patron god of blacksmiths, ceramic workers, and fire,

Gofannon, Welsh god of blacksmithing, ale, architecture and building,

Hephaestus, Greek god of metalworking and the forge,

Dagda, the Celtic god of fertility, agriculture, manliness and strength, as well as magic, druidry and wisdom."

"It's an honor, my name is Michael, might i ask if you know were i can find ROB so i can get reincarnated?" to wich Gofannon replied "Unfortunately little friend, we cannot we are currently having a competition."

"Interesting, would i be allowed to spectate?" i requested the group of deities.

Dagda responded with a snarkey comment typical of a deity"You have a lot of balls for a mortal soul kid, i like you. How about this, you make us laugh and we wil not only let you watch, i might even give you a reward in the form of a blessing, i think my felow deities and lady Athena wil do the same, correct?" "Sure" they all replied, including Lady Athena.

"Deal!!! I shouted with excitement. As i thought about it for a moment, i realised i could use a simple joke, and adapt it by using deities they knew as a reference so i took a shot with a joke i read in a fanfiction called "A superman in the Multiverse (MHA,DC and Marvel)" So while looking in the eyes of Athena with a serious look i asked, "So you all know Ares the god of war?" "yeah" they replied so i continued "How did he realise that that violence is not always the answer?" "they shrugged not knowing the answer" so i continued " When a mosquito landed on his bare testicles!"

Suddenly all of them includding Lady Athena started to laugh so hard the surface of UY Scuti acctually started vibrating.

Gofannon who was actually drinking ale was actually choking on the ale from laughing so hard. after composing himself he actually said "Damn, kid!!! i almost died!!! ahahahaha"

Even Lady Athena was laughing at the expence of her half-brother Ares, "By the gods that was funny, even with all my wisdom i did not see that comming!!! ahahahaha i am so sharing this joke in my home pantheon."

Ptah, Dagda, Hephaestus and Kagu-tsuchi conposed themselves and Ptah said "Kid that was brilliant!" "yeah kid, that was awesome!" replied Kagu-tsuchi " I must admit, i never heard someone say something so true in quite that context before." said Hephaestus.

wiping himself up from the ale that Gofannon spit on him, Dagda said" Damn kid, your cool saying that about Ares, you truly have balls made of 10th metal. Wel a deal is a deal kid, come closer and float in the middle of our circle"

I floated to the center of their circle and said " I gotta ask is this gonna hurt?" "ofcourse not little one" replies Athena and she followed up by saying she was blessing me first.

Athena:" Little one i give you my blessings of wisdom, handicraft, and warfare."

Gofannon:"Kid i am giving you my blessings for ale and building."

Ptah:" I shall give you my blessing of craftsmen and architectur."

Kagu-tsuchi:" My friend i shall give you my blessings of ceramic workers, and fire control of exact temperature."

Hephaestus:" My blessings of metalworking any metal and the ability to forge any metal."

Finally Dagda came up to me and said " Kid not only did you make me laugh, you also proved you are manly enough for me to reward you so i am giving you all my blessings: "fertility, agriculture, manliness and strength, as well as magic, druidry and wisdom." and i hope we can meet again in the future.

"As i stood there receiving there blessing i could feel al their knowledge in their blessings fill my head but did not feel any disconfort, i actually felt very confortable and soon i felt a foreign energy that soon became a part of me."

After the blessings were done i asked "So shall we continue you competition, i would like to spectate it and learn alot from you guys, who i would also like to consider friends." "Sure!" they replied exitedly. "But soon the competition came to an end and actually ended in a draw and although none won i actually learned alot."

"What i was totally not expecting was the shout we heard as we were talking about random things."

???:"WTF!!!! these you are you little shit!!! Do you know how long i have been looking for you, you mothafukka, 1,415,027,601,674 years!!! You dont think that i as someone who has to oversee this damn Omniverse has anything better to do? huh?"

"Huh?" we al reply in shock at this random deity who looked surprisingly like Samuel l Jackson's raging rant. "Huh who are you and what do you mean, 1,415,027,601,674 years, as far as i know i have been here for a year at most, right? and why do you look like Samuel l Jackson?"

???: "No you dumbass!!! to you humans time is linear but out here in the omniverse all linear of all universe timelines run concurrent with eachother multiplying time almost infinitely so a moment for you is hundreds of years for me, the one who oversees this omniverse dumbass. why did you move from were you were." "Wait so your..." I did not even get to finish when ROB interupted me saying "yes i am the one you call ROB, and if you had not moved from the spot where you spawned i would have found you already and send you to reincarnation, but no you just had to move from there and make my life hell."

meanwhile the 6 deities that were spectating were facinated by the whole situation

"It's not my fault, i waited for 3 weeks and you did not show, so i went exploring as this place you guys live in looks so interesting, besides aren't you omniscient?" "The problem is that you so unlucky that even my omniscient does not work on you for some reason." he replied "What? come on my luck can't be that bad right?" i asked "Actually when a human is created by my boss, the big man upstairs uses a complete random equasion, and your luck is actually in the negative values." Rob informed me.

"Damn, i knew it, i was fucked over since birth, this sucks so hard, please dont tell me this is carried over when i reincarnate?" i asked worried i would. "Actually no" Rob said and he *snapped* his fingers and suddenlly i was feeling really refreshed. "There, now your luck vallue is reverced to possitive from the negative margin." ROB said.

Rob:" Now let's get this show on the road shall we, and he once again went *Snap* and suddenly a round table with 8 chairs appeared for us and the six deities. "Please sit and brother Gofannon can you get us some drinks while i review his life in his book of life?" "Sure" he replied and waved his hand and we all got a nice single malt wiskey bottle of divine Isabella's Islay with glasses all made of a single block of diamond each. "Damn Gofannon you really went all out with your choise." I responded as i could find out the make, the flaws, and worth of both the drinks and the glasses due to their blessings, the glasses alone were enough to ruin earths economy ten times over.

As we drank and talked and joked arround about everything i had learned from their blessings, ROB was casually reading my life from his book with the occasional comment about my family life like "Damn every one in your family sucks except your sisters!" or "fuck your brother, he truly a grade a cunt!!!" earning a glare from Athena for his crude comment. A couple of minutes later he had several comments to say about my love life (oohh boy, here we go i thought), "Wel shit, your bad luck really fucked you over huh, 17 relationships and all of them either, abused you, stole from you, cheated on you or straight up fucked you over with anything they could!" he proceded to take a picture of me saying while trying hard not to shit and giggle that he would post it as a image in the deities encyclopedia for the definition of a unlucky bastard, to that i commented "wel fuck you too, dude!" and he burst out laughing. But the worst reaction he had was arround 30 min after that and what he shouted acctually made every deity at the table to both laugh and pity me due to the bad luck i had in life before.

(pppphhhhh!!!!!) ROB spit out his drink and shouted at the top of his voice "NO FUCKING WAY!!!!! ahahahahahahaha, you actually died do to slipping on a pile of shit and craking your skull???? ahahahahahahaha how unlucky were you!!!! ahahahahahah" "WTF really?" i asked, "I honestly dont remember, i was rushing downstairs to a client when suddenly it all went black and i found myself here. If that's true then i died in a really embarrassing way, fuck!!!" i commented while every deity there looked at me with pity and laughter at the same time.

After composing himself ROB said "Anyway little brat, you have two choices, one move on the afterlife or two due to dying prematurely you reincarnate in a another world with some benefits, what would you like?" "How many benefits are we talking about?" ROB:"We wil get to that in a minute brat, first make your choice." "Wel of cource i am gonna choose the seconde option bro, the nerdking in me demands it! I all but shouted while sporting a grin

"Awesome! Lets get this started" ROB said moving his hand in a all to known gesture and (SNAP!!!!) and two giant electronic roullets appeared. " Now normally other beings like me all base the world and benefits based on a souls karma, but not only does that remove the possitive karmic value that said soul built up from his passed life it limits the strength of the benefits one can receive, so we wil use this method i came up with. You will spin these two babies right here and they wil determine the world you go to and the amount of wishes you get it could range from 0 to 10, simple right? Also be aware that the stronger the wish the more wishes you have to use as payment for that wish, got it?" "Yeah!" I replied exited

I floathed up to the world roullet and rammed myself on the spin button and i did not have any hands or feet as a floating ball of light, and soon saw the worlds and there au versions on the roullet spinning by: Harry Potter worlds, Marvel worlds, DC worlds, Pokemon, HxH worlds, Lord of the Rings/Hobbits worlds, Naruto worlds, World Of Warcraft Worlds, Starcraft world, Star Wars worlds, Star Trek worlds, Gundam Worlds, One Piece worlds, Dynasty warriors worlds, Romance of the three kingdoms worlds, and so on and as it started to slow down planetos came in to view and it finally stoped on A song of ice and fire canon. "Hell yeah! No AU bullshit!!!" "Good roll, little brother that world will suit you wel with your blessings from us alone you would thrive there." Athena said, "About that, normally i would remove the blessings you got from them but as i am in a good mood from laughing so hard i will allow you to keep them." said ROB "thanks ROB" i replied

"Alright now remember the next role determines the amount of wishes you can get it goes without saying you cannot wish for the big three O's, Omnipotence OmniPresence and omniciense, everything else is fair game." ROB reminded me.

" That's ok, i would rather not know everything about everything and would rather be surpriced once in a while, and there are other ways to become powerfull." i said to ROB, to which he grinned knowing what i would probable do with my wishes.

Once again i floathed up but this time to wishes roullet and rammed myself on the spin button, i started to worry i knew ROB had reverced my bad luck values but i couldn't help it so i looked away till i heard the finale click of the roulette and heard some gasps from the deities, quickly turning arround i looked at my roll and there it was, a number so high i thought i was dreaming till ROB confirmed it "Congrats kid, 8 wishes not bad." "How? i thought you had reversed my luck to normal, how did i get a score so high!" "not quite, you had a value of -88 luck so i reverced it to a positive value of +88, ahahaah you should see your face, ahahaha" I floated there shocked at his reply.

"Anyway kid take some time thinking of your wishes" ROB said, "ok!" so i took about 30 minutes to come up with my wishes and soon i was ready. ROB noticed and said "go ahead kid" "Ok so, my wishes are as follows:"

"My first wish is two parts 1: i don't want to be reborn but transmigrate to planetos in with a perfect high human body but with my original almost black hair colour and green eyes and not as a baby, i don't want to deal with all the adult mind in a baby crap, and 2: i want it to be with all the knowledge, charisma, presence, combat experiance, powers, tactics abilities and strategy of the following people; Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Steven Strange, Thor Odinson, Odin Borson, Thannos the mad titan, Oda Nobunaga, Date Masamune, Uesugi Kenshin, Takeda Shingen, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Hattori Hanzo, Honda Tadakatsu, Miyamoto Musashi, Cao Cao the hero of chaos, Guan Yu the god of war, Lu Bu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Zhang He, Yue Fei, Liu Bei, Zhou Yu, Xu You, Xun Yuo, Xu Shu, Guo Jia, Hagoromo Otsuzuki, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Itachi, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Jiraya, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Yamamoto Genryusai, Gol. D Roger, Edward Newgate aka White beard, Mokey D Garp, Kaido, Shanks, Edward Teach aka black beard not the cunt from one piece but the real black beard, Sun Tsu, Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, Julius Ceaser, Hannibal, Leonidas of Sparta, Alexander The Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, King Arthur, Charlemagne, Ragnar Lothbrok, Vlad the Impaler, Aragorn II, Lord Elrond, Celebrimbor, Sauron the deceiver, Morgoth, Darth Vader, Darth Sidius, Darth Tyranus, Darth Revan, Grand master Yoda, master Mace Windu, Obi Wan kenobi, Luke Skywalker."

*Long wistle*" Damn kid that's a long list, but i did say anything goes so a deal is a deal." Rob said.

"My second wish is simple enough, i want to have infinite stamina/endurance/magic/qi/chi and so on for any world i visit and apply this to both my physical and mental side along with the phisique and adaptability of a ancient Kriptonian and Doomsday along with immunity to all toxins, venoms, poisonsc curses and diseases, all of them, human, magical, divine and or demonic" i stated.

"So basicaly you will only die of old age. smart kid." Rob smirked

"so you would think" i smirked back. he looked at me and suddenly realised something. "No way!! Kid are you really gonna go for that?"

"Fuck yeah!! i want eternal youth, with a body and mind that does not age after 30 years of age along with the ability to pass it on to my lovers if i choose to." Suddenly Athena said a little grumpy. "Planing on a harem, are we, little brother?" while having a stare that could poke a hole through adamantium. "Only if you be the main wife, my beautyfull big sis!" i said with a smug look while wiggling my eyebrows like jiraya when he was perving arround, that resulted in a blushing Athena going "oh my!!" and the others to smirk. "Ahahah anyway, granted kid, now on with the rest of your wishes." ROB said.

"My forth wish is that i would like a system with a Ai like JARVIS to buy or summon anything from it, be it passive or active abilities from any world or even small trinkets to large structures, factories, armies, vehicles and weapons along with the personel and resources needed to use and maintain them indefinately and also infinate points to buy them." "ppppfffffff, you are really going for it huh kid, done." Rob said. "Damn straight!!!" i shouted.

"My fifth wish is that anything i summon will always be loyal to me and never betray me, don't want to be backstabed by my own troops." "Simple enough kid." Said Rob.

"My sixth wish is to be able to travel to other universes so i can conquer them and make the first Multiversal empire." "Now that's some crazy ambition kid, me likey!" Dagda said. "Very well kid."Rob said.

"My seventh wish is a blessing for any land i conquer to prosper and the peoples loyalties to always remain high to me." "A wel thought out wish but still simple, good choise kid" said ROB

"My last wish is that my family and by family i mean my sisters and their children, be able to achieve anything they want in any of their lives and to be blessed with long and happy lives." "Respect kid" ROB commented with a grin and i responded in kind.

"Ok now that you wishes have been granted, where do you want to respawn and what time kid?" Rob asked me

"Respawn me 1 year before the tv show as for where surprise me!" i said grinning "OH i will surprise you alright, but before that" he said while snaping his fingers and i found myself in my new body. "Wow, i feel awesome!!!" i shouted. "Yeah i made it so your wishes would be applied immidiately on you new body so you wont feel the pain of adjustment, so anyway kid i guess this is goodbye for now, me and the others wil be hoping to meet you again when you pass on from your new adventure but it probably wont happen." ROB said grinning "He wont die but he will definately come visit, Right?" said Dagda while asking me and the others agreeing. "Of course." I responded " Wel kid are you ready? asked ROB "As ready as ever, and i know you guys are gonna watch my new life, but please not when i am in bed with someone, ok?" i asked worried, only to hear Athena giggling and hear her say "No can do, little brother, i will definitely use that as teasing material for when we meet again!"

"OOOHHH HEEELLL NNNOOO......." (SNAP) ROB snaped and i was gone before i could complain.

to be continued.