
The Omniverse Adventure

This is a major wish fullfilment story with a OP MC and some cringe so if its not your thing pls dont read! What happens when a extreamly unlucky person gets killed in the funniest way possible and gets to transmigrate as a OP MC! Lets find Out!!! (REWORK)

P0R0tastic · TV
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15 Chs

Chapter 1: Surprise Mothafucka

As i regained my sences i found myself in the middle of a grassland tottaly buttnacked

"WTF!!" I yelled out loud only to find a note floating in front of me saying the following.

"AHAHHAHA, SURPRISE MOTHAFUCKA!!! But in al seriousness brat i put you on a masive uninhabited island in the sunset sea, the inhabitants of this world cant get there due to a poisoness fog but i wil remove it and apply the background you write down for your self and your kingdom and tear this note so i suggest you first build up a base here. bye bye have fun brat." "Fuck you dude at least you should have spawned me with clothes on dammit."

Al of the sudden i heard in my head "Ding installation of System with AI J.A.R.V.I.S also known as Just Another Random Virtual intelligence system is now commensing, progress 1%...7%...16%.....25%.....50%.....81%.....99%....100% installation comepleted."

"Good afternoon sir." said Jarvis "Hey Jarvis" I responded "Excuse me for interupting sir but would you mind me asking as to why you find yourself in your current predicament sir?" he asked. "What predicament Jarvis?" i asked "The one as to why you are currently naked, sir?" he asked "Ah that is due to ROB Jarvis he did it to troll me." I said in responce.

"Understood sir, shall i get you some clothes from the shop?" he asked. "Before that let me bath in the solar radiation to get all the benefits from my kriptonian / doomsday physique but i would like to ask if you to send out a reconnaissance pulce across the planet to collect data on the population capabilities of both its people and the wildlife along with its geographic data, and please make sure no one notices ok?" "Yes sir that is quite possible, but it will take around 30 minutes to complete." he informed me "Ok then do it please in those 30 minutes i can i get adjusted to my body and its new abilities and experience from my first wish." i said.

As Jarvis was cunduction his reconnaissance i sat down in a meditation position and started getting used to my new powers and after 10 minutes i was so immersed in my meditation i did not realise i was floating a 1000 meters of the ground, gaining perfect control of my abilities, after 30 min that seemed more like 3000 years to me Jarvis completed his reconnaissance. "Reconnaissance complete sir!" "Thank you Jarvis, did you find anything interresting?" i asked.

"Yes sir, when it comes to the human population i have found that they are relative in lifespand from 50 years to around 75 years but i have also detected several anomalies, several of these individuals range from 300 years to one particular one who my sensors have detected is around 10.000 years these individuals can be found mostly in the northern lands of always winter and the east in the place they call shadow lands and beyond what the natives there call the bone mountains." he explained

"How about the wildlife?" i proceded to ask , to wich he replied "I have found that several creatures that would be considered to be of a mythological nature in your past world sir."

"explain?" i asked "It would be better if i make a quick list sir." He replied.

Suddenly i saw a HUD in front of me with the following list of information:

Special animals of particular note:

Land Mammals: Aurochs,Direwolf, Little Valyrian (lemur), Mammoth, Pouch tiger (thylacine), Shadowcat, Unicorn, Zorse, Giant Apes.

Reptiles and Birds: Lizard-lion, Phantom tortoise, Walking lizard (dromaeosaurid)

three eyed Ravens, White raven,

Insects: Bloodfly, Manticore (insect)

Marine Life: Kraken, Leviathan (giant whale), Old Men of the River (giant turtle)

Magical creatures: Dragon, Firewyrm, Wyvern, Giant ice spider, Basilisk, Centaur, Cockatrice, Griffin, Harpy, Hellhound, Sea dragon, Sphinx

Domesticated animals: Camel, Cat, Aurochs, Cow, Ox, Chicken, Dog, Elkhound, Mastiff, Black mastiff, Sand dog, Shaggy dog, Sheepdog, Wolfhound, Donkey, Falcon, Gyrfalcon, Merlin, Peregrine falcon, Goose, Goat, Hawk, Goshawk, Red-tailed hawk, Horse, Courser, Destrier, Dray, Garron, Mule, Palfrey, Pony, Rounsey, Sand steed, Shaggy mountain horse, Stot, Zorse, Pig, Raven, Sheep, Black-nosed sheep, Bear, Snow Bear,

"Damn there are a lot more mythical creatures in this world than shown in the tv show!" i yelled out in surprise. "Indeed sir." confirmed Jarvis.

"Jarvis i asume you also scanned the undead in the land of always winter?" i asked, "Yes sir" he confirmed " What do you think Jarvis can modern weapons destroy them? i asked hoping i could just nuke them to oblivion in advance. "Yes and no sir, modern weapons wil be able to destroy their physical form but their souls would remain in this plane of existance so the nightking would be able to use magic to repawn them, they would have to be destroyed by either magic infused items and weapons to disrup the magical hold on their soul or purify the soul directly with a divine weapon, the night king on the other hand has a indestructible body and soul and kan only be killed by having a magic or divine weapon thrust into the magical core in his chest ." He explained and to his explanation i immediately had an idea for a kingdom and backstory in this world.

"Jarvis are asauchi swords from the soul reapers in the bleach univerce capable of killing white walkers?" i asked "Yes sir they would do the job perfectly but i think the release of their shikai and bankai might be a bit much." Replied Jarvis worried. "Dont worry Jarvis i am not planing to bring soul society to this world; just planing to inbue regular swords with their anility to purify souls, Jarvis use a HUD and point me to center of the island." I said smirking only to realise i was floating in mid air "Oh so i can fly already, cool!" i exclaimed.

I fly in the direction pointer out to me on the HUD and was able to get there pretty fast too fast if you ask me took me literaly 1 sec of flying.

"Ok Jarvis lets make our kingdom here, open up the schematics for the kingdom of Sparta."

"Ready sir, do you wish to continue?" he asked "Do it Jarvis!" i confirmed and soon the island was shrouded in lightparticles as they morphed in to building after building from simple houses to markets, farms, hospitals, schools, military and trade buildings; any building we might need was summoned with its appropriate personel and materials that would be needed for them to function indefinitely, of course i did not forget to include 7 large statues in honor of the deities i met and yes that included one for ROB.

"Sir now that the city is completed it's best that you summon some people to manage your kingdom, especially if you would like to travel to the main continents."Jarvis adviced.

"Indeed that would be a good idea jarvis can you process an system panel that would allow me to put people in certain possitions to run my kingdom, loyalty wont be a problem as anyone summoned by it has unbreakable loyalty to me." i asked; "Certainly sir, give me a moment." Jarvis said "Processing 0%.....100% Process complete sir, i will now display the needed possitions." confirmed Jarvis.

City Governance

Prime Minister :

or hand of the king

Minister Of finance:

or maester of coin

Minister of heath and education :

or grand maester

Minister of foreign affair:

or spy maester

Secretary of state:

or maester of law

Secretary of defence:

or commander of the kingsguard

Secretary of the navy:

or maester of ships

"Ok so these are the possitions i need to fill, and i am asuming the alternate names are what these possitions are called here; correct?" i asked to wich jarvis confirmed with "yes sir, as long as they are in place, your kingdom should grow and thrive."

" Ok lets think of a minute." i said.

After a couple of agonising minutes thinking about my choises i was finally ready.

City Governance

Prime Minister : Zhuge Liang

or hand of the king

Zhuge Liang or Chu-ko Liang (181 – c.September 234), courtesy name Kǒngmíng or K'ung-ming was a Chinese statesman and military strategist. He was chancellor and later regent of the state of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period. He is recognised as the most accomplished strategist of his era, and has been compared to Sun Tzu, the author of The Art of War. His reputation as an intelligent and learned scholar grew even while he was living in relative seclusion, earning him the nickname "Wolong" or "Fulong", meaning "Crouching Dragon" or "Sleeping Dragon". Zhuge Liang is often depicted wearing a Taoist robe and holding a hand fan made of crane feathers.

Zhuge Liang was a Confucian-oriented "Legalist". He liked to compare himself to the sage minister Guan Zhong and Yue Yi, developing Shu's agriculture and industry to become a regional power, and attached great importance to the works of Shen Buhai and Han Fei, refusing to indulge local elites and adopting strict, but fair and clear laws. In remembrance of his governance, local people maintained shrines to him for ages. His name has become synonymous with wisdom and strategy in Chinese culture.[citation needed] Zhuge Liang is depicted in the Wu Shuang Pu(Table of Peerless Heroes) by Jin Guliang.

Minister Of finance: Marco Polo

or maester of coin

Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant traveller whose travels are recorded in Livres des merveilles du monde, a book that introduced Europeans to Central Asia and China. He learned the mercantile trade from his father and uncle, Niccolò and Maffeo, who travelled through Asia, and met Kublai Khan. In 1269, they returned to Venice to meet Marco for the first time. The three of them embarked on an epic journey to Asia, returning after 24 years to find Venice at war with Genoa; Marco was imprisoned and dictated his stories to a cellmate. He was released in 1299, became a wealthy merchant, married, and had three children. He died in 1324 and was buried in the church of San Lorenzo in Venice. Marco Polo was not the first European to reach China, but he was the first to leave a detailed chronicle of his experience. This book inspired Christopher Columbus and many other travellers. There is a substantial literature based on Polo's writings; he also influenced European cartography, leading to the introduction of the Fra Mauro map.

Minister of heath and education : Hippocrates

or grand maester

Hippocrates is considered to be the father of modern medicine. He lived in Greece between 469 and 470 B.C., establishing the doctrine of Hippocratic medicine and initiating a revolution in this field of knowledge.

The hippocratic doctrine was separated from mysticism and philosophical thought. Through observation and deduction, specific procedures were established to promote patient improvement – such as the use of clean water or wine to clean wounds or giving importance to rest as part of treatment.

Hippocrates was the first physician to describe diseases as "acute," "chronic," or "epidemic, laying the foundation for today's medical language. His knowledge of thoracic surgery is relevant even to modern medicine, and his school gave rise to the Hippocratic Oath, a document that indicates the ethical basis to follow during the practice of medicine.

Minister of foreign affair: Hattori Hanzo

or spy maester

Hattori Hanzo is probably the most famous ninja of all. He was a vassal and samurai in the service of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and was a major driving force in Ieyasu becoming the shogun and ruler of all Japan. Growing up in Inga, Hanzo first distinguished himself in battles throughout the 1570s. His most famous act came in 1582: When Oda Nobunaga was killed following the betrayal by one of his vassals, Akechi Mitsuhide, Tokugawa Ieyasu was suddenly thrust into a highly dangerous position in close proximity to Mitsuhide. To facilitate Ieyasu's passage through the Iga province to the safety of the Mikawa province, Hanzo brought together his fellow Iga ninjas—along with their former rivals, the Koga clan—to escort Ieyasu to safety.There are also some sources that say that Hanzo helped rescue Ieyasu's captured family. A master spear-fighter and tactician, Hanzo served the Tokugawas loyally all of his life. Under his leadership, the Iga ninjas became the palace guard of the Tokugawa shogunate at Edo castle, eventually becoming the shogunate's covert agency under the name Oniwabanshu. After Hanzo's death in 1596, his successor would take the name "Hattori Hanzo" for himself, a practice which became a tradition of the Iga leaders and perpetuated a myth that Hattori Hanzo was immortal.

Secretary of state: Lycurgus

or maester of law

Lycurgus was a legendary king of Sparta, who lived around 800 B.C. During his life he traveled in many different parts of the known then world, such as Crete and Athens inside Greece, but Egypt as well, and Libya. Once he returned to Sparta he decided to reform the Spartan policy and law system. Legend says that he left Sparta forever, only so the law system would not change from his fellow Spartan citizens, who had sworn not to do so, unless Lycurgus was alive and present helping as an observer. The basic characteristics of the new Spartan laws (that were blindly followed for centuries) written by Lycurgus included the iron discipline of the citizens and the common education for boys and girls, as well as war techniques introduced to the citizens from early childhood; they also included the ban on use of silver and gold coins so the citizens could move easier, and as well the obligation of youth to obey and take advice from the Spartan elderly, especially on matters related to war and the security of Sparta.

Secretary of defence: Guan Yu

or commander of the kingsguard

Guan Yu, courtesy name Yunchang, was a Chinese military general serving under the warlord Liu Bei during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. Along with Zhang Fei, he shared a brotherly relationship with Liu Bei and accompanied him on most of his early exploits. Guan Yu played a significant role in the events leading up to the end of the Han dynasty and the establishment of Liu Bei's state of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period. While he is remembered for his loyalty towards Liu Bei, he is also known for repaying Cao Cao's kindness by slaying Yan Liang, a general under Cao Cao's rival Yuan Shao, at the Battle of Boma. After Liu Bei gained control of Yi Province in 214, Guan Yu remained in Jing Province to govern and defend the area for about seven years. In 219, while he was away fighting Cao Cao's forces at the Battle of Fancheng, Liu Bei's ally Sun Quan broke the Sun–Liu alliance and sent his general Lü Meng to conquer Liu Bei's territories in Jing Province. By the time Guan Yu found out about the loss of Jing Province after his defeat at Fancheng, it was too late. He was subsequently captured in an ambush by Sun Quan's forces and executed.

Guan Yu's life was lionised and his achievements glorified to such an extent after his death that he was deified during the Sui dynasty. Through generations of storytelling, culminating in the 14th-century historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, his deeds and moral qualities have been given immense emphasis, making Guan Yu one of East Asia's most popular paradigms of loyalty and righteousness. He is still worshipped by many Chinese people today. In religious devotion he is reverentially called the "Emperor Guan" (Guān Dì) or "Lord Guan" (Guān Gōng). He is a deity worshipped in Chinese folk religion, popular Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism, and small shrines to him are almost ubiquitous in traditional Chinese shops and restaurants.

Secretary of the navy: Yi sun Bin

or maester of ships

Invented the first ironclad in the world, the Turtle Ship. Even winning a miraculous victory with only 13 naval boats against 300 japanese naval ships at Myeongnyang.

Quite deservedly the national hero of Korea and an outstanding example of duty and honour. 'The Marshal Lord of Loyalty' was the man who many argue single-handedly saved Korea and then went on to make the ultimate sacrifice of giving his life to serve his homeland.

In the face of an overwhelming adversary and corrupt allies, he still managed to win just about every battle he fought and near single-handedly stopped the Japanese invasion. Not only was he a brilliant tactician, but he was also an excellent strategist, setting up his own factory for producing war equipment on an island so it was safe from Japanese attack.

It was the incredibly personal hardship he endured that made his military achievements that much more unbelievable - he endured imprisonment, torture and being stripped of his rank to a mere sailor. It was his replacement's death and the destruction of the vast majority of Joseon's fleet that allowed Yi to return to his original position as Admiral.

"Ok Jarvis i am ready with my choices, but before you summon them, give them all the knowledge thay will need be it lingual or from their respected possitions and fields especially for Hippocrates as medicine is exteamly Important also lower Guan Yu's arrogance a bit he needs to know that other people can be great heroes as wel." I said

"Yes sir, Implementing knowledge and changes now; 20%.....100% changes complete, summoning now" confirmed Jarvis and 7 portals appeared in front fo me and they walked out one by one and fell on one knee in from to me "'My lord!" X7 they all greated me but started giving me a deadpanned look when they rose to look at me.

"Huh, what?" i asked when they looked me up and down, i followed their gase only to look at my still naked self and yell.


to be continued!