
The Omni-Rose Huntress - Ruby Rose

The Omnitrix, a weapon capable of the either intergalactic peace or massive universal destruction. In one universe, the prototype was created by Azmuth of the Galvan and landed in the hands of a young Benjamin Tennyson. But in this universe (this story), not only was it created by another alien, but it also landed in the hands of a more... simple soul. (Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING (Except for original content)

Kai_Serioku · Others
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4 Chs

Training Wheels

Ruby woke up as she heard the faint sound of chirping birds outside, making Ruby pull the curtains on her bed over to see that it was morning, which had also told Ruby something important. "Welp, I guess we're finally gonna see what you can do, Omnitrix." Ruby said, looking at her left wrist, and what was on it at the moment.

(Last night…)

"This is insane, you're telling me a WATCH is what made that sonic boom Blake heard?" Weiss asked Ruby as she and the rest of RWBY and JNPR looked at the Omnitrix.

"Well, it was more like what was holding it, but yeah, effectively." Ruby told her.

"It's so simple, yet futuristic looking." Pyrrha commented.

"I can feel the potential power in it, and it's not even doing anything." Ren muttered.

"What can it do?" Nora asked.

"Well, I think it's best if we asked the Omnitrix directly." Ruby said as she raised the Omnitrix up to her. "Hey Omni, you can come out now." Ruby said to her AI companion.

Omni suddenly flashed into existence as she looked to Ruby's friends. "Ah, so you must be Ruby Rose's most trusted compatriots, I am Omni, the AI that manages the Omnitrix and all functions within it." Omni introduced herself with a bow.

"Amazing… an actual artificial intelligence from space." Blake muttered in amazement.

"And in the form of a hologram nonetheless." Weiss added.

"This is incredible. I've always thought about the possibility of life beyond Remnant, but I didn't think we'd be able to reach or see them." Jaune said.

"Yeah, so… Omni, what CAN the Omnitrix do?" Nora asked as Omni spoke up.

Omni looked at Nora before speaking. "Well, the most notable thing is…"


(Back in the present…)

Ruby was fished out of her thoughts as she heard someone call her name, she looked down and saw Weiss and Blake looking up to her and Yang was hopping down onto the floor. "Are you ready for today?" Weiss asked.

Ruby sighed as she pulled the covers of her bed off herself. "As ready as I'll ever be." She responded.

It was currently the weekend, and Ruby and her friends learned about the basics of the Omnitrix, letting them form a plan that would help them understand what the Omnitrix could turn Ruby into, if it could in Weiss's words.

They're planning on going to the Emerald Forest after breakfast and prepping for note-taking on what things Ruby could do with the Omnitrix.

"Welp, let's get down to the mess hall to catch something to eat. Then we're going to the Emerald Forest for some… 'training'." Yang said with air quotes on that last word.

"Right." Ruby said as she came down from her bed to get dressed.

(At the mess hall for breakfast…)

Both teams RWBY and JNPR were hanging around their table of choice, eating the breakfast as Nora was finishing up retelling a dream she had last night.

"And that's how I discovered I was the descendant of a god." Nora said with a smile.

"Wow… ain't that a thought." Yang said as she was eating some scrambled eggs.

"That's certainly a crazy dream you had last night. I even heard you make sound effects of what may have been going on sometime around when Jaune's alarm clock woke us up." Pyrrha commented.

"I'm just glad I got the alarm clock, we've been having trouble waking near the beginning of the year, so it really helps." Jaune said.

"Well, at least you're thinking ahead." Blake said as a compliment.

Meanwhile Weiss was focused on two things. One was eating her breakfast, with the second being…

"Ruby, are you alright?" Weiss asked her partner.

Ruby seemed completely disconnected from what her friends were talking about, resulting in her not saying a word until Weiss spoke to her. "Huh, wh-what?" She managed to let out.

Her friends looked at her in worry. "You know, you're kinda acting like Jaune when Cardin was bullying him, don't you think?" Ren commented.

Ruby slightly recoiled from that comment and sighed. "Sorry guys, I just can't stop thinking about… you know…" She said, waving her left arm around without unveiling the Omnitrix that was under her sleeve.

"Hey, Ruby, it's okay, Omni and the eight of us worked out what's going to happen with us and the Omni-." Yang said, until Blake slapped her hand over Yang's mouth.

"Shhhhhh." Blake shushed Yang, making Yang realize her slip-up.

"Oh… sorry." Yang apologized after Blake retracted her hand.

Ruby saw the display and laughed a little. "It's alright. I'm just nervous is all." Ruby admitted.

"You don't have to worry. We're here for you." Weiss told her.

"Weiss is right, you'll be happy to know that if you end up losing yourself in… using that, we'll be there for you." Ren told her.

"Yeah, we're here to help." Nora chimed in.

Ruby saw her friends have adamant expressions on their faces, making Ruby smile. "Thanks guys." She said with gratitude in her voice.

"Hey guys, how ya doing?" A male voice said to the eight of them turned to see Sun Wukong, a student from Haven Academy, and Coco Adel, a second-year at Beacon Academy, walking towards them.

"Yo, you guys look a little tense, strategy meeting of some kind?" Coco asked them.

"O- oh, no, not really, we're just planning on going to the Emerald Forest for some special training is all." Jaune said, barely thinking up something to say.

"Really now, are you preparing for the Vytal Festival?" Coco asked them.

"Yeah, you could say that, just some training for the inevitable future is all." Weiss said on the spot, praying to whatever deity was watching that things wouldn't go south.

Only for those prayers to be ultimately dashed. "Sounds like it could help us out just as much as it could for you, can my team join?" Sun obliviously asked.

Both teams RWBY and JNPR felt like their souls got turned into blocks of ice and shattered. "Ummm… why do you ask?" Blake asked, her nerves slightly leaking out.

"Well admittedly, I personally am able to fight well in a forest environment, but Scarlet and Sage could use the strength and speed training respectively, and Neptune could use some quick-paced combat training too." Sun explained.

"I admit, while we are second-years, my team could use some training in some areas as well, I know Yatsu is really strong, Fox is speedy and has his senses, and Velvet is our wildcard, but we could still use a boost for 'the inevitable future' as you put it." Coco explained her reason, making Weiss mentally kick herself.

Ruby could quite literally feel things go from bad to worse, as they did have well-intended reasons, but if eight more people completely unaware of the Omnitrix came along and saw her use it to turn into an alien as Omni stated, things would get complicated and very risky really fast.

Ruby kept thinking about a way out of this, until she felt a warm sensation from her wrist. She silently gasped as she remembered this sensation from last night, when it felt like Omni was trying to tell her…

"Everything will be alright."

Yang began clambering for an answer or something to respond with while Ruby was thinking. "We- well, we weren't intending to bring anyone else along, I mean, don't want the competition to get the lowdown on ou-" Yang was interrupted by Ruby when she said.

"Alright, you can come along." Ruby told them.

Her friends were shocked at her action, as Sun and Coco only smiled, extra goofy in Sun's case. "Awesome, sounds like we're on for some Vytal Festival training." Sun cheered.

"Alright then, how about we go to the forest in an hour?" Coco proposed.

"That sounds good, take your time." Ruby answered.

"Right, see ya then." Sun said as he and Coco ran off to tell her friends.

Ruby looked at the two team leaders with a smile before making an awkward toothy smile while facing her friends, who were gobsmacked at the sudden development. "Ruby, are you crazy?" Weiss whispered to Ruby.

"It was supposed to be only us in the Emerald Forest, if we can't figure out how to use the you-know-what in secret, how're we going to use it to do good properly?" Blake asked her.

"Guys, I know this looks bad-" Ruby tried to calm them.

"Bad doesn't begin to describe it, Ruby." Ren told her.

"I think what you mean is… downright awful." Nora said.

"Guys." Jaune ushered everyone to calm down. "Why don't we let Ruby explain her reasoning for letting them join?" Jaune suggested.

They went silent as they looked at Ruby. "Well… my reason is…" Ruby began to speak.

(One hour later...)

Both teams RWBY and JNPR were waiting by the entrance to the area leading to the Emerald Forest for Sun and Coco's teams, SSSN and CFVY.

"Welp, it's been one hour, they should be here soon." Weiss said, looking at the time on her scroll.

"Let's be patient, if they're gonna learn about the Omnitrix, they'll have to be here to see it." Yang told them.

"And If they don't come, at least we'll be able to go in by ourselves." Nora said optimistically.

Blake, secretly having the eyes of a cat thanks to her Faunus genetics, looked around and saw the aforementioned teams fast approaching. "There they are." Blake said, pointing to them.

Sun and Coco approached them alongside their teammates and friends.

Them being Scarlet David, Sage Ayana, Neptune Vasilias, Fox Alistair, Velvet Scarlatina, and Yatsuhashi Daichi. All of which had their choice of weapons ready for the 'training'.

"Well then, we're ready for this training." Sage stated.

"You bet we are." Neptune said in agreement. "Time to see what we can get done and down pat." Neptune said, punching his left palm with his right.

"I certainly hope it won't be too bad." Scarlet hoped.

"I hope we get to work on some combination maneuvers today." Velvet also hoped.

"You needn't worry, I'm sure we'll be fine." Yatsuhashi said.

Fox only silently nodded in agreement with Yatsuhashi.

"So, you guys ready to do some training?" Yang asked them.

"Tsk, if we weren't ready, would we be standing here, Yang." Coco said while lowering her glasses a little.

"You got that right Coco, so let's do some training!" Sun exclaimed enthusiastically.

Ruby stepped forward and spoke up. "Okay, we'll go into the forest to do some scouting out for a decent training spot, and then we'll get some… hand-to-hand combat done first, you never know when you're gonna be disarmed after all, right?" Ruby said.

The two other teams were shocked at this revelation, hearing Ruby openly talk about hand-to-hand combat and why it's important. "Come on then, let's get moving people, we're burning daylight here." Yang said, attempting to lower the suspicion on her sister.

The four teams worth of students were partially confused and partially ready for what was going to happen soon, mentally preparing for what would come.

(Twenty minutes later…)

In the time it took for the four teams to find a decent spot, both RWBY and JNPR came clean about why they're really out here.

Ruby showed them the Omnitrix, and told them about the Omnitrix's purposes and capabilities.

Teams SSSN and CFVY by the time Ruby had finished explaining the situation to them, were shocked at the fact that she had managed to obtain a watch from outer space with an AI in it, and even more shocked at what it could do. "Man… I still can't believe this…" Sun muttered.

Velvet was able to hear him. "I know, I never expected Remnant's first encounter with something alien to be from Ruby." She admitted.

"So all that talk about training really was a big ruse, huh?" Coco asked Yang.

"Yeah, we were hoping against hope that we could find some way to keep you out of this, but Ruby was insistent on you guys coming along." Yang stated.

"Is that so?" Yatsuhashi asked as Fox raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, indeed she was." Weiss responded.

(Flashback to one hour and twenty minutes ago…)

"My reason is that I feel like some people are going to find out about this anyways." Ruby told her friends.

"What do you mean?" Nora asked.

"Well, I don't know why, but I felt as though, as long as it's those guys, we'll be fine in terms of keeping this Omnitrix business a secret." Ruby explained her reasoning.

"So you mean… you want this secret known to people you can trust?" Pyrrha asked her, as Ruby nodded.

(Back to the present…)

"Wow, you trust us that much?" Sun asked.

"Yeah, you're some of the closest friends we could ask for." Jaune commented.

"That means a lot, even if we don't know TOO much about each other, I'm glad you're willing to trust us by trusting Sun and Neptune." Sage said to them with a light bow.

"Okay, this should be a good place for the testing of the Omnitrix." Ren said as they soon walked into a large clearing that was about thirty feet in radius.

"Ha! This is perfect." Nora declared, zipping around the clearing.

"Alright, now that we're here, are you ready to use that Omnitrix of yours?" Coco asked.

Ruby took in a deep breath and let it out, and had a face of determination on her face appear. "Alright, let's do this." Ruby said adamantly.

"Good, you got those notebooks and pencils, Ren?" Jaune asked his teammate.

"Yes I do." Ren responded, pulling a duo of notebooks and a couple of pencils out of a bag he had on his person.

"Okay then." Ruby pulled the sleeve on her left arm up, revealing the Omnitrix as Omni projected herself over it. "So Omni, how do I use the Omnitrix?" Ruby asked.

"It's fairly simple, believe it or not." Omni said before kneeling down onto the surface of the Omnitrix's hourglass symbol. "First, push the button in the dead center of the side of the band facing you." Omni directed, making Ruby look to see a small button below the hourglass symbol.

She pushed the button as she saw the Omnitrix's hourglass symbol pop up, causing the number 1 to show up on the symbol itself. "Okay, just so you're aware, the Omnitrix has an organized fashion implemented into it that makes it so transformations are organized into a playlist of 10 aliens, for both functionality and ease of navigation." Omni stated as Ruby nodded.

"However, given what has happened in my crashing here, until things get sorted out, I can only make it so you can only use 3 playlists?" Omni told her. "Next, pick a playlist by turning the faceplate on the rim of the Omnitrix's core and then push the button you pressed before again once you made a choice." Omni instructed as Ruby scrolled through the available playlists to see that there were only three, but in the end she settled for the first one, as she pushed the button she pushed before, causing the hologram of a humanoid that appeared to have what looked like flames around its limbs. "Finally, turn the faceplate below the holograms to select an alien, and when you finish picking an alien transformation, simply press the core down into the Omnitrix and let the magic happen." Omni told her.

Ruby understood all of what Omni told her as she eyed the hologram of what had to be an alien being of some kind, not turning the faceplate.

"Hmmm…" Ruby hummed to herself as she held her hand over the faceplate.

Her friends were in suspense the entire time Ruby was making her selection.

Ruby finally mustered up her courage, put two fingers on the Omnitrix on top of the Omnitrix's core…

And pressed it down.


The Omnitrix sunk into Ruby's arm as flames burst out of where it was.

The flames began traveling up Ruby's arm and coated her entire body in flames, until Ruby's skin was entirely replaced by a fire-like substitute. Bright flames burst out of Ruby's wrists, shoulders, and above her ankles, with even more flames of the same color bursting out of her head with the Omnitrix reappearing on her chest.

In Ruby's place was a humanoid wearing a black and red bodysuit with an orange visor over her eyes, and arms and legs made from yellow flames, with flames of the same color flowing out from her shoulders and head, and the Omnitrix was on her chest.

(End Transformation)

For everyone watching her, Ruby's transformation was completely instantaneous, being done by a bright red flash of light eclipsing her entire person. And their reaction to the end result was fairly understandable.

"Holy crap! You're HOT!" Yang exclaimed upon seeing Ruby's new form.

"She's like… a living flame made into a human shape!" Blake commented.

"Incredible…" Ren let out as Weiss and Jaune had their jaws dropped and their eyes white with black circles around them.

"So… freaking… AWESOME!" Nora shouted in sheer awe.

"The AI wasn't lying, the Omnitrix CAN turn the user into aliens!" Velvet said, shocked at what had just happened.

Coco lowered her glasses to get a good look at Ruby's fiery form. "And this alien looks kickass." She commented.

"I always wondered what life beyond our world could be, but… this blows everything I thought it would be out of the water." Neptune commented.

Meanwhile, Ruby looked down at her hands and saw the flames and her fire-like skin.

"This is weird…" Ruby let out, her voice seeming to be distorted from normal. "I'm on fire, but… I'm not getting hurt." She noted.

That was when Omni's voice was heard from the Omnitrix. "That's because you're an alien literally made of fire. Currently, you are a Solarosapien from the sun-like planet, Solaris." Omni explained, shocking everyone.

"Wa- wait a minute… the SUN-LIKE planet, Solaris?" Scarlet repeated.

"As in…" Weiss pointed up to the sun in the sky. "Something like that bright ball in the sky?" She asked for clarity.

"Technically the sun orbiting this planet is in space, but… effectively speaking, yes." Omni answered.

"That's… unbelievable. A race of aliens that live on a sun…" Ren said.

"It's not just that…" Ruby stated. "I can feel something in my mind right now, it's like… an instruction manual on how to use this thing's powers." She said looking down at her hands.

"Powers?" Weiss said, grabbing a notebook and pencil to take notes just in case.

Ruby looked down at her hands and clenched her right hand, as all of the sudden she felt something forming in it. She opened it, revealing a ball of fire that seemed to be asking to be tossed.

Ruby looked at a tree near the clearing, and, with a hard throw doing so, threw the fireball right at the tree.

The force of the throw combined with the fireball itself caused it to strike the tree so hard it blew a hole in the side of it, causing said tree to collapse under the weight of what was left to support it and fall over, the hole left in it charred from the fireball striking it.

Everyone saw what happened and was left silent. Which was when Ruby concentrated her fire abilities on her feet, which in turn caused her to hover two feet off the ground.

"No way…" Yatsuhashi muttered in shock.

"She has pyrokinesis and fire-powered flight!" Sun exclaimed in shock and awe.

"That's incredible!" Weiss said as she began writing the details in a notebook she was holding.

Ruby wanted to see more of what this alien could do, but she thought about the possibility of accidentally triggering a forest fire and withheld from doing so.

She looked down at the Omnitrix and tried pushing it. Which in turn caused another bright flash of red light to go off and turn her back to her normal self.

"That was… crazy." Ruby said as she had no idea what to think about what had happened to her.

Nora was starry-eyed until she spoke up loudly. "DO IT AGAIN!" She said excitedly.

"Nora! Calm down, she literally just turned into a humanoid ball of fire, she needs time to process that." Ren lectured her.

"Oh, sorry, it's just… a real-life alien transformation." Nora said, until she gasped at an idea she had. "We should NAME them!"

Ruby raised an eyebrow at this idea. "Name them?" Ruby repeated.

"Yeah, if we name the alien transformations you use, it might be easier for you to identify them, and besides, with something like this, it's be a SHAME to not name them." Nora rationalized.

Omni's holographic form materialized above the Omnitrix. "That IS a good idea, if we make code names for the transformations you use, you'll be able to access them more easily, you can even try allocating the transformations to vocal command if used right." Omni told her.

Ruby smiled at this. "Wow, that does sound awesome." Ruby said with a sparkle in her eye, but it faded when she had trouble with something. "But what do I name the alien I transformed into just now?" Ruby asked.

Weiss spoke up next. "The alien she turned into in question looked like a living bolt of fire…" Weiss commented in a low tone, which was when she snapped her fingers as she got an idea. "How about Firebolt!" Weiss suggested.

Everyone looked at Weiss and wondered about the name until Yang spoke up next. "That's… actually a really cool name." Yang admitted.

"Yeah." Neptune added his own two cents. "Firebolt really does sound like a fitting name for an alien literally made out of fire." He said.

"Alright then, let's go for another alien." Ruby looked at the Omnitrix again before pushing the button facing her on the band.

Omni faded as Ruby was presented with the same playlist as when she first used the Omnitrix, she selected playlist 1 again and cycled through the aliens in it. She wondered what to use next until she stopped on another humanoid alien, the only difference was that this one had a large head and two horns on the sides of it with a marginally slender build.

Ruby couldn't guess what this alien could do at a first glance, so she pushed the Omnitrix down as a bright red light eclipsed the area again, blinding her friends for a brief moment.

After the light dissipated, in Ruby's place was a humanoid alien with gray skin, long black hair that went down her head past her shoulders with a small amount of hair of the same color on her chin, two horns on the sides of her head, a long gray tail on her tailbone, sharp eyelashes and pupils in her eyes, and she wore a black and red combat suit with shoulder guards and long wristbands wrapping around the lower part of her arms, and the Omnitrix was on her waist attached to a red and gray belt.

"Wow, now this is what I can picture when I think of aliens." Neptune muttered.

"As narrow-minded that may be, I can see why." Yatsuhashi admitted.

Ruby's new transformation was silent for a few moments until she looked down at her hands. "So, do you feel anything, any powers come to mind?" Blake asked Ruby.

"Hmmm…" Ruby hummed as she tried to think on that, but she was drawing blanks. "How peculiar, this form doesn't appear to display any major abilities that could be classified as abnormal or not human, while I do not feel any sort of noticeable changes, I am able to identify that I have some sort of increased physical traits." Ruby analyzed as she spoke in a way that left everyone shocked, which Ruby noticed. "What appears to be the problem?" She asked.

"Did… you just talk in an intellectual and well-mannered fashion?" Weiss asked, gobsmacked at Ruby's choice of words in that small analysis of this new form.

Ruby herself had a surprised expression when she realized what she meant. "Y- Yeah! I did, it's amazing actually, I can feel all sorts of things flowing through my mind, equations, advanced theories and facts, and…" She looked down at the Omnitrix as her eyes widened. "A near-perfect understanding of the inner workings of the Omnitrix." She muttered.

Omni's voice spoke from the Omnitrix itself. "That would be because the alien you are now is a Weza Izumokita, the race of beings that made the Omnitrix." She told her. "The Weza Izumokita aren't particularly strong or fast, compared to most other alien life at least, but they make up for it in their advanced level 20 intelligence." She told them.

"This alien race is the one that MADE the Omnitrix?" Sage repeated.

"That's amazing." Blake said softly.

"But that's not all." Omni said. "If you'd turn your attention to the horns on Ruby's head, you'll be able to know that they're not just decoration." Omni told them.

"What do they do?" Yang asked.

"They're effectively like a sensor, or a long-range motion detector. They can pick up the slightest disturbances in the air around them and transmit that info to Ruby's brain, allowing Ruby herself to know and react to what caused those disturbances in the first place, and plan accordingly." Omni told them.

Jaune was amazed at the ability the horns gave this alien as Weiss was jotting down notes on the subject. "So the horns are like an organic radar?" Jaune deduced.

"It certainly does sound like that's the case." Ruby commented as she searched through her mind and the near-limitless intelligence it provided her, she brought her right index finger up to her head in response. "Amazing, I feel so smart, it's almost like the brightest minds of Atlas itself are but a speck of sand on the beach by comparison." Ruby muttered, as she felt like turning back to normal eventually.

She touched the Omnitrix again and turned back to normal, only this time she felt really dizzy. "Ohhh man… that change from super-intelligent to not as intelligent is gonna take some getting used to." She said as she clutched her head.

"Are you gonna be alright?" Ren asked.

Ruby's dizziness faded as she felt a touch better real soon. She shook her head rapidly as she nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine now." She answered.

"So if this naming thing is gonna happen, what should name that super-smart alien?" Jaune asked.

"I don't know, uh… Smartypants?" Yang asked with an unsure expression, which only earned a bunch of looks from everyone, even Omni.

"Really?" Coco asked.

"That's the best you can come up with, Ms. I'm in love with cracking puns?" Sun rhetorically asked.

"That sounded even worse than your dimwitted puns." Weiss said with a serious face.

"Oh, well okay then, you guys come up with a better name… And my puns aren't bad!" Yang snapped before pouting.

Everyone was thinking about that until Jaune spoke up. "Given how she sounded like one, how about… Intellectual?" Jaune suggested, as they were unsure of that name.

Velvet tried thinking in addition to everyone else when a thought came to her mind with a smile. "How about… Brainblast?" She proposed, to which everyone smiled as they liked the sound of that.

"That sounds pretty clever as well." Ren admitted.

"Yeah, sounds like something a super-smart kid would say when he has an idea." Nora said in a joking manner.

"Alright then, Brainblast it is then." Ruby said with a smile.

Everyone chuckled a little as Omni appeared above the Omnitrix again. "I must admit, I am having quite a bit more fun here than I had anticipated." Omni said. "My creator warned me about the dangers of me winding up in the wrong hands from a literal perspective, but… this is nothing like what I feared for such a scenario." Omni added with a smile on her face.

Everyone knew what she meant by that, given the nature of what the Omnitrix is, but Ruby decided to say something. "Hey, it's alright, if there's something that you need to say, feel free to say it, okay Omni." Ruby told her.

"Thank you, Ruby." Omni said with a slight bow, earning another smile from Ruby and the people watching the two of them. "If there is anything you require of me, I'll assist you to the best of my abilities." Omni told her.

"Thanks." Ruby then looked at the Omnitrix that Omni was hovering over, and remembered something. "Actually, about that, is it possible for you to… switch the Omnitrix's position to my right arm, I'm left-handed." Omni raised an eyebrow, but realized what she meant.

"Oh of course, give me a moment, could you hold your wrists close together while I get the necessary processes done." Ruby nodded as Omni went back into the Omnitrix with Ruby holding both her wrists close together.

The faceplate of the Omnitrix suddenly blinked a couple of times before it detached from Ruby's left arm's wrist and switched over to the one on her right arm. "There you go, optimized positioning for your convenience." Omni said as she popped out of the newly repositioned Omnitrix.

"Thanks Omni, has your creator ever told you how nice you are?" Ruby asked her.

Omni thought about that. "Hmmm. A couple of times, I know she said as much and stuff similar to it at least more than double what I can count on my hands." Omni stopped at that and looked down at her hands and all ten digits on them. "So at an absolute minimum, twenty times." Omni clarified.

Yang raised an eyebrow at that. "Huh, you'd think she would say that a lot more times than just that much." She said, not sure of how to fell on that

"Oh, that's actually because she's only been able to say so within a small time frame compared to how long the Omnitrix has been worked on." Omni told her.

"Really?" Blake asked. "How long has the Omnitrix been worked on exactly?" Blake pressed in curiosity.

Omni tapped the side of her forehead as she answered. "Approximately 15 years, give or take a month or two, and me, the AI within the Omnitrix itself, I have been worked on for about… 17 months." She answered.

"Wow, I guess that's why you sound so mature to a degree." Coco commented.

"Indeed." Omni said before looking up at the blue sky. "I was created for the purpose of being utilized by a being chosen to bring about peace and defend those in need from dangerous threats. But also…" Omni had a small frown grow on her face. "I'm a manifestation of my creator's dream in solid form." She said.

"Her dream?" Nora repeated, wondering what she meant by that.

"Oh, apologies, I think it's best if I don't explain that for now." Omni stated.

"Alright then. Let's see what else I can transform into." Ruby said as she brought up the selection mode for the Omnitrix.

Going back into playlist 1, she looked at the different aliens until she found an alien that seemed to look like a capsule of some kind with arms and legs and a floating head within the visible part of its body above the part with its limbs. "Huh, wonder what this one can do?" Ruby wondered.

Omni was going to say something, but was stopped when she saw Ruby's hand flying right towards the Omnitrix's core. "Oh boy…" Was all Omni could say before Ruby pressed the core down completely.

The area was covered in a bright red light for a moment and disappeared just as fast, only for every one of Ruby's friends to see… nothing.

"What the?" Coco asked.

"What did Ruby transform into this time?" Yang wondered.

"I don't see her anywhere." Jaune said, slightly nervous about what might've happened.

Blake was getting worried that she might've chosen a bad alien to turn into, until her cat ears perked up from underneath her bow, with the same being same for Velvet's rabbit ears, as Ren and Fox looked down on the ground where Ruby was standing. "There she is." Ren said with a sigh of relief following his words.

Fox was able to sense what Ren was talking about, as he walked up to where Ruby was standing and bent down, as if he was going to pick something up, only for something to leap onto his right hand, which he held down to the ground. "Guys, guys, it's me, Ruby!" A squeaky voice said from Fox's hand as everyone looked at Fox's palm…

To see what they confirmed was Ruby standing on it.

She looked exactly like the alien the Omnitrix's holographic depiction showed, she had four limbs, two legs and two arms with hands that had four digits on a suit-like bottom that was black in color with red lines around parts on her lower body with the Omnitrix in the dead center, and above the suit was clear container-like dome that held light blue liquid in it with blue spheres inside with the largest having a mouth and black goggles with silver lens on it. But the main thing that everyone present could see, even if Fox himself was blind, was that Ruby's new form was literally about 6 inches tall in height.

"Woah… you're tiny." Yang bluntly commented.

"You think I can't see that, Yang!" Ruby shouted at her, though the only thing that did was make her look and sound adorable.

"Oh my goodness, you look so cute." Nora gushed while looking at Ruby's small frame up-close.

Ruby recoiled at the sight of Nora's large (in comparison to her) face so close to her. "So this is what Nora's pancakes feel like when she drools over the sight of them." Ruby muttered.

Ren pulled Nora back while she still stared at Nora while thinking about how cute she was in this form with Sun walking up and lowering his face to Ruby's level. "So, any idea what this form can do?" Sun asked out of curiosity.

Ruby felt a little uncomfortable with how tall everyone was to her. "Guys, can you just give me some breathing room, I'm feeling like some sort of cool-looking-" Ruby would've continued while pointing her right hand at Sun's face, if it weren't for her unintentionally firing a beam of cryonic energy at his head, covering Sun's whole head in a thick block of ice as Sun recoiled from the shock. "... Ice sculpture…" Ruby muttered as she finished her sentence in the most monotone voice she let out in her current form.

He began clutching his now frozen head with panic evident in how the rest of his body was moving. "HOLY SHIT! Don't worry Sun, I've got you." Yang declared as she raised her fist up and brought it down on the ice, cracking it as it shattered a few seconds later, revealing Sun's face shivering from the cold he was experiencing as he breathed into his hands and rubbed his face to warm it up.

"Dude! Are you alright?" Neptune asked, concerned for his partner's wellbeing as he did the same thing Sun was doing to the top of his head.

"I felt like I saw major events of my entire lifetime flash before my eyes." Sun managed to mutter through his teeth chattering together.

"I think we ought to… deal with that transformation sometime tomorrow." Weiss suggested as she wrote down what notes she could on this transformation.

Ruby's head from inside the glass dome on her body nodded as she raised her hand up to tap the Omnitrix and turn back to normal.

Yatsu and Sage gasped at what Ruby was going to do where she was as Sage spoke up. "No. Wait!" He exclaimed as Ruby looked at him, only to wind up tapping the Omnitrix while doing so.

And proceeded to fall onto the ground right on her butt due to her still standing on Fox's hand, who couldn't support her weight on one hand alone.

"Sorry… Ruby." Fox let out, deciding to openly apologize to her with his voice.

"It's alright, no one was hurt badly." Ruby said with an embarrassed smile as she stood up and looked at the Omnitrix. "Omni, what alien was that?" Ruby asked, in shock at the experience she just went through.

"Yeah, that alien she was just now was no more than a few inches tall." Blake noted as Weiss heard that and got ready to write some notes on the transformation itself.

Omni appeared above the Omnitrix as she was visibly awkward. "That… was the Omnitrix's version of a Pharmagelo from the moon-like Medibliz." She explained as she pushed her index fingers together.

"Huh… those sound like very on-the-nose names." Neptune admitted as he and Sun were done warming the head of the monkey Faunus himself.

"They have the ability to shoot fairly potent beams of cryonic energy from their hands that can freeze anything they hit without fail, in addition to their small size, they have the ability to shrink even smaller than what you had seen and float off the ground by a few feet." Omni continued.

"Wow… a super small alien that has floating and ice powers. What do we call that, though?" Velvet wondered as some of the Huntsmen-In-Training in the area thought on that.

That was when a smirk came across Yang's face. "I've got the perfect code name." She said with a smile, as Weiss and Blake felt a pit in their stomachs from how Yang looked so confident.

That feeling became known to Ruby as well. "What do you have in mind?" She asked, both honestly curious and reluctant to know what Yang had thought off.

"Well, since we need to see what that alien could do in the future. We'll need it to take… a Chill Pill!" Yang declared with a wide smile on her face while pointing finger guns at Ruby herself.

Everyone looked at her with a deadpanned expression as they were shocked at the pun of a name the blonde suggested.

Coco readjusted her glasses as they slid down her face before breathing in hard with her hands pushed together. "Yang, I'm going to say two things." Coco told her. "One, that is a somewhat good name idea. And two… that was still a bad pun." She said as many of the people in the vicinity groaned at the name suggestion.

"Oh, COME ON! You have to admit that's a perfect name! I mean… it has ice powers, it's really tiny, heck, it even LOOKS like an actual pill. Throw me a bone here, guys." Yang exclaimed.

"But there has to be a better name than that?" Weiss said loudly, completely against the name suggestion.

"Okay, what have you got for that then?" Yang asked her.

Weiss found herself unable to answer properly as she didn't think about any immediately, until she was able to think of one off the top of her head. "How about… Icedrop!" Weiss proposed in desperation.

Everyone raised an eyebrow at the name until Jaune nodded. "Considering that it's not Chill Pill, I, for one, like it." Jaune said.

"I agree, it's also a lovely name." Pyrrha commented, silently praying that Yang would let the other name go.

"Bu- but, but Chill Pill is-" Yang tried to argue against the name, but was cut off by Nora.

"I like the name too, it's like the alien fell out of the sky like… well, a drop of ice." She said with a smile as Ren nodded.

"Yep, I like it more than Chill Pill myself." Coco as her teammates agreed with the sentiment.

"Indeed, it's quite poetic in a way, like how Nora described it." Yatsuhashi added as Velvet and Fox nodded in agreement.

"Bu- but…" Yang continued to try and speak, but was cut off by Sun and his team.

"While I am a bit salty about the transformation freezing my head in a block of ice, I will say that that's a nice name." Sun said as his team nodded.

"I think it's quite elegant in a way." Scarlet said, adding his two cents on the name itself.

Yang looked at Blake in desperation, but Blake just looked at her and said. "I have a feeling you'll get it one day, but not today." She said simply.

Yang pouted with her cheeks puffed out as she folded her arms and kicked the ground. "You guys are no fun." She muttered.

"Alright then, Icedrop it is." Ruby declared as she looked at Omni, who nodded back at her. "Now then…" She activated the Omnitrix again.

"What's next?" She wondered.

(Meanwhile, on the shattered moon of Remnant…)

The moon that orbited Remnant was a historical oddity to the people who lived on the planet itself, no one knows why it's shattered in the first place, but at the same time, since no one from Remnant has been able to travel to Remnant's moon, everyone could care less as to how exactly.

But that didn't stop anything from outside of Remnant from landing on it.

On the surface of the moon was a large black ship with blood red stripes running along the outer hull that had a long spear-like protrusion pointing forward with a logo on the right side, that logo in question being that of a skull with a red and gray dagger embedded on the left side of it while the right side had a hole blown into it. It had three mechanical legs supporting the front of it while the back was being held up by two large rocket thrusters that planted themselves into the moon's surface.

Within the black ship, was a humanoid with azure blue skin that was typing away on a holographic keyboard in front of him as data kept running from the left to the right on a computer screen embedded in the wall above it.

He stopped for a moment before pressing one last button on the keyboard. This caused the screen in front of him to bring up a smaller screen over the data which displayed a map of some kind.

The map zoomed in three separate times until it focused on a large area of Remnant itself, a wide circular area of the map was highlighted as it had multiple spots within the area brighten up.

"Gotcha." The humanoid muttered in an ominous tone as the left lens in his goggles became clear to reveal an eye with a green iris and white sclera.

Suddenly, a steel tentacle with four turquoise claws attached to the tip slithered out of his back and removed his goggles as he gazed down at a jet black gauntlet on his left arm.

A touch screen appeared on the gauntlets surface and showed five symbols that consisted of a rectangular object similar to a smartphone, a bulky humanoid robot, a beetle-like insect on a screen, a spiraling galaxy, and a large sword, all these symbols connected by hexagonal shapes.

He tapped on the smartphone symbol as four logos replaced the five on the screen, these logos consisting of a cloud with a bolt of lightning going down from it, a side shot of an eagle with a scar on the eye that was visible, a fist with what looked like spiked brass knuckles on it, and the head of a cat with purple eyes with blue slits on it.

He pressed the thief of those icons as he then heard a voice from the gauntlet, sounding heavy and masculine in tone. "Hey boss, what's up?" The voice asked.

The humanoid being spoke up with a smirk on his face. "I've isolated the location of the Omnitrix." He said with his eyes visible, with his right having blue sclera and a gray iris and ominously glaring at the screen that depicted a geographic location of a wide area on Remnant.

Specifically, not that he had known, the area consisting of both Beacon Academy and 80 percent of the Emerald Forest.

I hope you like what this story has to offer, feel free to comment in whatever fashion you'd like about how this story looks thus far.

Kai_Seriokucreators' thoughts