
The Omni Money System

What runs the world? Money! Alex understood this well, born as an unwanted child, he grew up under the roof of a billionaire yet lived like a homeless man. He would have been homeless once he turned 18 years old, but his uncle helped him marry into a rich family as a live-in son-in-law.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

The System 2

{Bonding complete. greeting the host, I'm the Omni-money system} the system voice sounded while Alex slowly opened, he was still in the car and it was currently the middle of the night. 

A screen appeared before Alex, Alex looked at the screen which showed the system currently had zero OP, which stood for Omni Points. he looked through the system to find the many things the system had.

the system had a store tab where he could buy anything, but currently, the store was empty and needed him to have at least a 1 million OM balance. he didn't need to pay, he just had to have that amount.

next to the Wheel Of Luck. on this well, one can pay a small amount of OM to win good things, but it was locked as he needed 10 OM to unlock.

Next was the Upgrade window. One can use OM to upgrade anything, even one capability can be used. to unlock this needed one to have at least 100 OP.

1 OM equaled 1 dollar. of course, over time this would increase. Soon, 1 OM might equal 100 dollars and more. So, it was best I start converting OM while it was cheaper.

'Where is my starter pack? do I not have a storage tab?' I asked to which a second mini window popped in front of me, showing a box that was waiting for me to open. with a thought, the box opened, and from within, a few things flew out.

[The Host you have gained, [100 OM], [Strengthen Condition], and [3 Free Spins]

[Strengthen Condition] (LVL 0)]- this is a skill that can strengthen its user. but it's not limited to physical strength as one's whole ability is strengthened. A basic name, but it does as the name says. To improve these skills, one just needs OM. 

LVL 0- basic human capability.

[3 Free Spins]- allows one to use the Wheel function of the system 3 times for free. just make sure it's unlocked first.

'... I'm stronger.' I thought feeling my body going through a transformation. I didn't work out much, I wasn't all that healthy, I was more on the skinny end. my mind was stressed out. 

But with this ability, I grew some fat, I grew slightly taller, and my strength improved to the basic level of humans, as well as my mind. With this improvement, I almost wanted to upgrade [Strengthen Condition] but stopped myself and went to the Wheel

The Wheel and Upgrade window has been unlocked since I had 100 OM. so I went on to use the Free spins. the wheel appeared before me and began to spin at high speed, I was too much in a hurry I didn't get the chance to look at what could have been on the wheel.

{Good Luck Next Time}

A nullification appeared before me, leaving me speechless at the sight... no, it wasn't that I got nothing, it was that out of the 100 things the wheel could have landed on, at least 70 of them were good luck Next time.

If that wasn't a rip-off, I didn't know what was. annoyed that I wasted a Free Spin, I went to the Upgrade Tab of the system and went on to Upgrade [Strengthen Condition], which cost 1 OP. As soon as it upgraded, I felt my strength increase.

My strength reached the Athlete level. I could feel my mind was sharper, my reaction speed was far higher, my muscles grew, and my senses were even sharper. I went on to upgrade it one more time, which was the most I could do with my current OM, which just dropped to 89.

Now, the skill was at level 2. with this, my strength reached Peak human capability. I felt like I was some old sage who had spent years training to reach the peak of human potential... yet it took me only 11 dollars.

With that being everything I could do with the system for now, I closed the system and got up. I wanted to go run slightly, wanting to see the full limit of my capability. Just as I got out of the car, my eyes landed on a fly. the fly was moving fast, but I moved quickly, catching the fly in between my fingers.

I let go of the fly, and as the fly tried to run away, I was able to easily catch it again. My reaction speed was fast enough to keep up with the fly. my hand movement was fast enough to catch the fly many times over easily... this was the peak of human capability

{Peak human capability. the absolute limit of what a human could do. pretty much, you're 10 times more capable than the normal human... of course, that's not completely true. You can reach speeds of 40 miles an hour, while the normal human is around 8 miles an hour. The normal human can lift around 150 lbs, you can lift up to 2500. the normal human reaction speed is 250 milliseconds, you are 50 milliseconds. there is more, such as you process information faster, and so on. You're like 10 humans who fused, but that doesn't mean your capability is only 10 times better. in a street fight, you can take on more than 10 people like those martial artists in movies.} the system said leaving me stunned at my capability.

'Okay, with my capability what is the best way I can make money...' Getting into the car, I pulled out my phone and went on to search for the best way I could make money. After searching for some time, I remembered how some YouTubers made a lot of money thanks to boxing. 

With this in mind, I couldn't help but open up my uncle's contact number. there seem to be chains holding me back from calling. but a steeled my heart and called. the phone rang for some time before the call was answered.

"Alex, why are you calling me so late at night?" A deep voice came from the other side of the phone. I took a deep breath before speaking. 

"I... I want to start working." I said softly, causing the phone to go quiet for a moment. this caused me to grow nervous, I was unsure how he would react to this.

"What type of work?" He asked calmly. I secretly let out a breath,

"Well, I want first to show you my capabilities. You will understand after you see it." I said softly, causing him to let out a deep breath.

"Alright, I will hear you out when you arrive." He said before ending the call. hearing this my body relaxed greatly. now, I will only have to show my uncle my physical capability. The strongest person of all time was only able to lift around 1,000 lbs. I was stronger with me being about 2.5 times that. 

But I couldn't show my uncle my full capability, it would be too abnormal, although I could lie and say I have been feeling stronger ever since I moved into the Smith family. why would this work? well, barely eat at my parent's house. At times I would go days without food,

Driving off, I headed towards my uncle's mansion. My uncle was the richest man in the city... no maybe the whole country being a part of the Williams family, the amount of money he had was unimaginable. the Williams family was a family that had stood tall for hundreds of years. the family had many branches, with each branch responsible for a different type of income.

my uncle was responsible for the family's income from the many products they created. But this was further divided into different businesses, such as car companies, phone companies, and so on.

The drive was only 50 minutes long... to Americans, that wasn't long. some drove an hour to work.

I soon arrived at a huge mansion. the mansion was huge, my uncle owned the whole land for miles, and just driving here without his permission could lead to one being arrested or even shot.

Pulling up to the entrance to the mansion, which was a gate with steel doors. the doors opened on their own, allowing me to enter inside. I went on to park the car, where a butler was waiting for me. Long the way, many guards could be seen, closely watching me.

"Greets master Alex." The old man said respectfully, to which I nodded lightly before he led me inside. the mansion was like a whole school building, well, I wasn't new to such a scene. I grew up in such a house... but I couldn't help but feel bitter. born from two billionaires, yet my life was shit from my first breath.

"..." Sighing, I looked at the many expensive stuff all over the halls of this mansion. As it was night, there were not many maids, just those taking the night shift. I soon arrived at my uncle's office, and I entered, I saw my uncle who was working on a few papers. He ignored me, and I didn't mind and simply stood, waiting for him to finish up.

It took a few minutes before he put the papers aside and looked at me. he sized me up for a moment before his eyebrow raised. how couldn't it, My uncle was a man who had seen many things. he knew the perfect physique when he saw it...

"... Flex your muscles." He said calmly, I was caught off guard by the sudden question. But I did as he asked, and flexed my muscles. My muscles grew, and there was no hint of fat anywhere to be seen. Muscles were so strong, that they acted like body armor. if one were to see my back, they would even see my muscles forming a face. My shirt was already ripping, unable to handle this.

"... when did you start working out?" My uncle asked in shock,

"... I never worked out. I just grew stronger the better my health got. this is what I wanted to show you. I could make a living as a boxer or maybe a bodyguard." I said softly, causing my uncle to be stunned for some time before he spoke.

"Eating made you this strong?" He asked, not believing my words. I just nodded slightly. He was quiet for a moment before he had me follow him. he wanted to see the full limits of my capability...