
The older brother of Simon Petrikov.

As a person is dying in his death bed he’s reborn as Simon petrikov’s older brother, what will change? And what will happens to the two brothers in the future? btw the book cover and all the art that I comment on the chapters belong to me .

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the sunset-chapter17-

(Marceline pov)

{,, It had been three months since me and Eva found this group, honestly, they are pretty chill when they get used to us, can't blame them, though getting almost killed by vampires daily isn't that fun, then having a weird girl that looks like a vampire and a man who can use magic show up to you,}

{, anyway, right now we are protecting these guys from vampires because I'm sure if we don't do anything, the vampires will drink the last drop of blood of the last human that they would have their hands on.,}

{, so yeah, not that much except two days one of those high-ranked vampires comes to our camp and tries to sneak up there, Eva and I found her and to our surprise, it was the same person who brainwashed Simon when he was still with us, ... Simon.}

{, we had to fight her but it was that easy to fight someone who can brainwash you by looking in their eyes and you can't see them, but then the girl with the bunny hat was watching us for a bush the Empress noticed her then she took her as a hostage so we don't stack her, oh man if that little girl back then didn't have the garlic in her hands I don't want to imagine what would have happened.,}

{, for short we finally got rid of her as I gained new abilities, }

{, Things are pretty calm now, but I can tell there are more of them coming soon, but that's fine with me, and Eva we will get rid of them,}

{, speaking of Eva, I'm kinda worried about him after we defeated the Empress he told me about some dreams he had before about a weird dark figure and a big bright owl with it, he always looked worried for every mention of it, I told him it was just a dream but he didn't look any different, I tried to cheer him up by showing him my new powers, he smiled as we continued our way to the camp. ,}

{, it's because of magic? I have known Eva since I was seven years old, he always had this weird stuff with messing with animals with magic, heck he wanted to do it on a vampire we were about to kill one time, it freaked me out to be honest, like it's some kind of obsession he has with wanting to learn more about it, not only on object but on everything, I know he isn't the best but he isn't a bad person I know it, }

{, he cares about me enough that he would help me with writing songs, he also helped me to sew hambo was the one and he was teaching me about stuff like maths and some history like how Simon was doing it before he was gone,}

{, and even more, Eva always cared about Simon, he always got mad at him when he was using the crown and he even teared up a little when he left, it was the only time I had seen Eva have sad tears in his eyes, he doesn't like to mention Simon after he left I always noticed he had some guilty look in his eyes, the magic seems to make him a little freaky about trying to improve it but I'm sure that he isn't a bad person he just dealing with way too much stuff, all of us are dealing with way too much but we can work it out together, }


(, after making sure nothing was out here trying to hunt any humans in the camp, she was back to it, it was sunset and the weather was cloudy but it was nice nothing less, every human was doing their on things as they seemed to be building a big boats, )

(, she looked around to find Eva sitting on a tree branch while holding his journal and his magic book,)

(, he didn't seem to notice her, so she floated behind him and,)


, ( Eva gasped as he dropped his journal, )

, Marceline, that wasn't funny and you shouldn't do that to people older than you.,

Eva said as he looked at the floating Marcy above him.

, come on Eva it was funny admit it, you are even smiling a little.,

Marcy said as she took the journal from the ground and gave it to Eva.

, hmm so where you were, you didn't tell me that you would leave.,

Eva took his journal and he asked the half-demon girl

, you know just checking around if there's anyone that needss to be stacked,

She said while waving her stack in the air .

, or you just don't want to continue study maths right?,

Eva asked her with a smirk on his face,

, ahhhgggg, do I really need to study this stuff man, it has no use here ,

Marcy said in an annoyed ton .

, as I said no guitar till you finish your daily homework.,

Eva said as he handed her a paper with some math problems in it .

, fine, fine I will do it, but I still believe that it's useless.,

Marcey said as she sat on the same branch with Eva.

, what up with this journal that you are writing lately,

Marcy asked Eva as she noticed that he had been writing on it.

, it's just…., I'm just writing everything we've been through so I can read it later, it's like to me how you play with your guitar and writes your song, I find it calming.,

Eva said as he closed his journal and looked at it with the magical book.

, I have a feeling big things will happen soon.,

Eva said.

, What do you mean by this?

Marceline asked

, the humans are building boats so they can flee from here marceline, also we killed a lot of vampires they even started sending high-ranked ones just like Empress.,

, I have a feeling that we will face the big ones soon.,

Eva said as he signed and closed his eyes.

, don't worry about it, Eva, just like how we finished the Empress we can do that to the rest of them.,

Marceline said as she looked at Eva ignoring her homework.

, marceline I have to tell you something.,

Eva asked her as he opened his eyes as he looked at her.

{, every time you say this it means it's a big thing.,}

Marceline thought to herself as she seemed to not like what this was leading in.

, take this,

Eva gave her an old-looking paper with weird language on it but it had a translation on the bottom of it,

Marceline took it as she seemed confused about all of this.

, what's this about,

She asked Eva.

, it's a spell to summon Hunson Abbader.,

He told her


She asked as she looked very worried.

, hep hep, kid don't thing of it that way I just gave it to you in just a case you were alone and needed help from someone that you can depend on.,,

He told her as he tried to calm he, Eva knew that Marceline always had a lot of problems with abounded issues from her mom leaving her to when Simon left.

, why would you need to have me this didn't you say that you would stay with me!!.

She asked him with a lot of anger and worry in her voice.

, kid I may be a magic user but I'm at the end of the day just a man in his mid-50th, things may get a little twisted so I don't want to just have you all alone yourself, I promise you that I don't want that to happen it is just in case, I would never leave you alone with all my will.,

He said to her as he patted her shoulders to calm he a little.

, but why do you think of it that way, I'm sure it won't happen, I will protect you Eva, I promise, I don't think what I will do without you, you and Simon were like the family I had when I lost my mom, I can't lose you, especially after Simon.,

, so please please, don't think of it that way we can do it and finish all these losers.,

Marceline said as she tried to smile to cheer things up but Eva said that she was crying a little.

, sight…, okay I won't say this anymore, this is all just a what-if scenario, don't worry I would never even think about leaving you, Marceline.,

Eva smiled at Marcy, he truly meant it when he said that he would never want to leave her.

, they watched the sunset and the humans building the boats together while sitting on the tree branch.,


, so now the Empress is dead, we should have taken them seriously from the beginning.,

The shapeshifter vampire said to his fellow group

, let sister moon handle them, and if she fails you will go with what's left of us,.

The vampire King ordered him

, but we can't just-

, do as I order,

The Vampire King said as hierophane and sister moon were left to follow the orders of their king.,