
The Older Brother (Solo Leveling)

This fanfiction is currently being rebooted, and may take some time; so, please understand the long wait.

chianlao · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 3 - Jinah's Birthday

It's been a couple of years since that small conversation me and Sung had and now we're both coming close to the end of elementary school.

It wasn't that eventful in school since the kids in the classes I had had continuously avoided me, but I didn't mind since they were annoying to talk to if I and when I wanted to engage in a conversation.

An important piece that I forgot is that Jinah, our beloved little sister of me and Sung was born not so long ago and she's probably nearing the age of five pretty soon.

Right now, we're going to do her birthday a little earlier than expected since our father won't be able to attend her birthday. She was pretty sad that we couldn't celebrate her birthday on her actual birthday, but she cheered up when she heard she was getting a pretty nice present.

You know, when I and Jinah were alone together, she would all of a sudden become very clingy to me and when she saw Sung coming to where we were, her eyes would crease out of annoyance and happiness. The annoyance which came out of her was because even though I wanted to keep a neutral relationship with Sung for now, I hung out with Sung more than her so she was becoming as red as a strawberry. For her happiness, it was because when I wasn't with Jinah and Sung, they made a deal that if either one of them is with me first, the other one wouldn't be able to hang out with me for a single day.

To those two siblings of mine who were a pain in the ass to deal with, whatever I said was absolute, and when I said or ordered them to do something, they obliged without a single word. Of course, there were times when they would ask questions about the things they were tasked to do, but that was mostly because they wanted to fulfill my order to the tee.

Anyway, back to the present day when we were going to be celebrating Jinah's birthday early our parents invited kids that were friends of Sung and Jinah while none was from me because I didn't want to befriend kids.

I was currently setting up the tables where the guests would sit and where the cake and snacks would be placed.

"Kyung! The guests for Jinah's birthday are here!"

"Alright, I'm coming."

Quickly setting up the paper plates and snack bowls on the table, the kids and parents were led by my mother to the living room since she thought we needed more time to set up the room.

'Why is she worried about how it looks even though this is something for Jinah and not those kids?'

Peeping into her mind for a second and seeing why she was so focused on pleasing them, I found that one of the guests was an influential person for movies.

Now that I understood why she was so attentive to how she was acting and how our house looked, I looked at the man in question and peered into his mind to see if he was suspicious.

When I did look into his mind, I found a not-so-pleasant memory from him since I saw how his child was born.

Because I had an ability that made it so I had a perfect memory, I couldn't forget it so the next best thing was to lock it deep inside my mind so that I wouldn't try to bring it back to light.

"Is everything fine, oppa?"

Looking at whoever said that it appears Jinah had both a worried and curious look on her face as she closed in on me.

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Well, it's because you have a frown on your face!"

Hearing that she said a frown was on my face, I swiftly changed it into one of boredom since when I was around people, I don't change my face all that much.

Anyway, the man wasn't a good or bad person, but he hadn't done anything so horrendous for me to get him out of this house and away from us.

Still, even though I'm trying to lock away that horrid memory deep inside my mind, it keeps randomly popping up like when an unexpected jumpscare happens so I just accepted that I would be seeing it a lot.

Both Sung and Jinah were playing tag with their friends all over the house but since one kid kept looking behind them, they ran face-first into the hard wall.

"Are you okay!?"

There were a bunch of screams from both the adults and children since a kid had just run with all their speed into a hard wall, but when someone checked the kid it seems he only got a bloody nose.

'Well, it only looks like he got a bloody nose but he's hurting really bad and his brain is now permanently damaged. I could have saved him from that, but I have no intention of interfering when someone gets injured if they aren't in the story.'

This should teach both Sung and Jinah that whatever actions they do even if it's good or bad reasons, their actions will always have consequences.

It should also especially be helpful to Sung since he's going to need that when he's inside the gates.

Sighing since I have to keep this act of mine for a couple of years, I went into the dining room and started looking for something to eat.

After some time since I was a picky eater in my last life, I chose to eat chicken, rice, and eggs.

"Hey, oppa? Why aren't you eating any of the snacks?"

"The reason why I'm not eating any of the snacks is that they're too sweet and because I just like chicken, rice, and eggs."

Realizing this sentence of mine was longer than usual since one of my passing times when no one was around was to eat food, I looked at Jinah's joyful face.

"Can I have that chicken?"

"No. Don't ask for something someone is already eating. You need to get it yourself."


There were a lot of things that I wouldn't give away to people. and somewhere in the top three is giving someone my food when you can get it yourself.

"You can eat the cake if you can't reach the counter where the chicken is."