
The Odyssey of Zagreus

Follow Zagreus, a headstrong and talented Youth on the path to Divinity. This is a harem novel, so before anyone complains, I'll publish it. The harem is not that big and it is slow. (At least 2chaps per week.) I love you guys. I don't own any stories I'm going to write, just my OC. The first few chapters aren't that long but I'll improve throughout the book, the Tags are kind of illogical but here are some Tags: #KungfuPanda, #Multivers, #PercyJackson, #HowtoTrainYourDragon, #DisneyMovies.

AbelWizard · Movies
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48 Chs

Chapter 19- Long Term Goals

Kingdom of Spirits

Everything was absolutely silent, until a golden and glittering dome appeared on one of the largest islands that floated there.

From inside the dome emerge two Warriors, one completely annoyed and the other expressionless and thoughtful.

"You brought me back?! You cursed bastard, I'm going to take your Chi and come back, you can't do anything to stop me."

Kai said with absolute anger in his voice, for he was very humiliating that such a lowly mortal had deceived him and taken him back to this place.

Zagreus, who was a few meters away, still had that blank expression but still says.

"You took everything that is important to me in this world, I will do the same to you!"

The coldness in his voice could be felt, and an aura of death and blood that was scaring Kai on this level, but he didn't accept being intimidated by someone he thought was humble.

"I congratulate you Dragon Warrior, you saved those people, but this won't be forever, there's no way you can defeat me, I'll take your Chi even if it takes 1000 years!"

The yak man finishes speaking and hears a manic laugh, a laugh with no joy present in his voice, as if it were a cover for all the pain and anger that could be clearly seen in Zagreus' eyes.

"Do you really think I brought you here to save those people? Hahahahahaha, I don't give a shit about those people, if I could choose between my family and these people, I would even matter these people, I'm not a hero Kai."

Zagreus finishes saying, his horns start to grow and the scales cover more parts of his body that was recovering at incredible speed, he summons his Sickle and starts to float as black rays surround his body, he tightens his grip on the his weapon and black flames begin to cover his fists and the weapon's blade begins to be covered by the black flames

[The Black Flame Skill has been unlocked.]

"Everyone always thinks that I would sacrifice myself for the greater good, that I would sacrifice one to save millions, no that's not right, I would sacrifice everyone for my family, and I brought you here because here I can let go without worrying about nothing, here in this place between the dimensions where the control over the laws is weaker, my powers are stronger, in short, I will destroy you Kai."

'Eye of the Sage!'


Name: Kai

Titles: General Kai, Jade Hunter, Beast of Revenge, Widow Maker, Oogway's Companion, The Collector, Master of Pain, Warlord.

Age: 500+

Genre: Male

Race: Beast Man (Ox), Spirit Warrior.


Equipment: Jade Blades, Various Chi Medallions.

Skills:  [Blunt Weapon Mastery (Level 5)], [Blade Mastery (Level 5)], [Anatomy-Pressure Points (Level 5)], [Chi Manipulation (Level 5)].


Zagreus flies towards Kai and Master Yak doesn't stand still and also starts running and throws his Jade Blades at Zagreus.

The Dragon Warrior just dodges to the side and grabs the hilt of the Jade Blade and pulls with all his strength and hurls Kai away.

General Kai loses the chains of his right arm and flies away, when he manages to stabilize in his face the expression of anger and fear is easily visible.

In Zagreus' hands rested the Jade Blade, he keeps it in his inventory as a prize, and will retrieve the other pair of it of course.

General Kai has never met anyone with this much power, he asks Zagreus.

"What are you? How can you have so much power? You're just a mortal!"

"A mortal? Kai, your ignorance is funny, I'm the son of a god, I'm not proud of it, but the mortal here is you!"

As Zagreus spoke, an aura of terror surrounded him, the Black Fire began to cover more of his body making him even more frightening.

"You're like a frog in a well, you think the sky is just what you can see, but I open your eyes, the sky is bigger than you think."

"You are nothing more than a stone in my path to divinity, I will become the Supreme God and you will be remembered as nothing more than a mortal who dared to challenge me."

Zagreus says angrily in his voice, and then Kai follows his instincts and summons every Jade Warrior he has.

The Dragon Warrior seeing his attempt to summon the Jade Warriors, which also included his beloved, gets even more angry and all this feeling unlocks a power that makes all the Jade Warriors that were forming to be instantly defeated.

[The Conqueror's Haki Skill has been acquired.]

[A Quest was created.]

Kai who was already scared panics, he can't understand, because he feels so scared, so nervous in front of this boy, he was refusing to believe that this boy was some kind of God but now faced with such a feat, he can't avoid and feel fear of the unknown in front of you.

He does what he thinks is more reasonable in the current situation and starts running as fast as he can in the opposite direction to being with unknown powers, while running he thought.

'As this mortal acquired these powers, did he unravel the mystery of the Dragon Scroll? I need to step back for now and plan my next moves.'

And at this point the shadows around him grab his legs and start pulling towards Zagreus, Kai tries to break free and strikes the shadows with his remaining Jade Blade covered in his green Chi.

But when he destroyed one, another would appear in its place and he was just getting tired of it.

"Hahahahaha Kai, did you really think you could run away?"

Zagreus said with a mad laugh and in his mind received a notification from the System.

[The Umbramkinesis Skill has been unlocked.]

A smile adorned Zagrues' face that will become different, his eyes had a dangerous gleam and countless emptiness, his hands had sharp claws.

"There is no chance of victory for you Kai."

"Only death and disgrace await, your soul will never find rest, I as a child of the God of Death will ensure it."

Zagreus said and grabbed Kai's arm and slowly yanked the arm completely off his shoulder, and Kai even though he'd experienced torture in his General days, couldn't help but scream at it.

The Dragon Warrior didn't see blood coming out of Kai's body, only Chi, so he didn't care about Kai dying prematurely, and continued.

He yanked his left arm off after yanking out his right, and slowly yanked his legs out so that Kai could feel his muscles tearing slowly as his leg was ripped from his body.

Until a piece of what was a proud General was left, his horns he proudly displayed were broken, his legs and arms were missing and blade cut marks Zagreus had made with his own Jade Blades.

He was just something without arms, without legs, that if he stayed alive, he would roll around like turd, like turd in the sewer. (Who got the reference? Comment there)

Zagreus approaches the pathetic pathetic body of the one who had taken his family from him, he would not kill him, nor absorb his soul now, he would carry this burden forever with him, and then he uses the technique he learned from the man who was lying .

Green lights start to appear on Kai's body and he feels relief, a bliss that the hell he was going through is over, when all of Kai's remaining body has been covered in green light, even the ripped parts were glowing green and gone. forming a medallion in the shape of a yak in the hands of Zagreus, the demigod's body glows green and his strength increases a lot and in his eyes a green light tries to take over his consciousness but is quickly expunged by the system.

Zagreus had his eyes closed, so he didn't notice that the Medallions began to float and drift towards their places of origin, including the Medallions of his friends who disappeared from the Spirit World and went back to the Mortal World.

He also didn't see the incredible change that the Spirit World was going through, all the broken and destroyed lands were restructured and every place that looked more like a messy space, returned to its original form which looked like a floating paradise full of islands where each one rested.

Zagreus keeps Kai's Medallion in his inventory and notices the change around him and while he is enjoying the place around him, a familiar voice he has never actually spoken to can be heard by him.

"Dragon Warrior!"

"Oogway?! You're alive, but how?"

Zagreus says with a smile on his face as he talks to this legendary and wise turtle that he liked a lot, and even a little hope in his heart was planted, as Oogway's Chi was taken and he's here, so maybe his friends be well.

"You grew up, became an adult, and a skilled and true Warrior as I expected when I chose you as Dragon Warrior."

Oogway says with his usual calm and serenity, but I could see the joy in his tone when he saw Zagreus.

"This universe needed you, I don't know what brought you here, but when I saw it, I saw the future of Kung Fu, I saw someone who would change this world, that's why I chose you Zagreus, my true successor !"

Master Oogway has finished saying and bows his head slightly as he raises his arms and hands over the Staff made of Chi and on its tip was a symbol of Yin and Yang.

As soon as Zagreus catches him, he quickly assesses the Staff.


[Yin-Yang Staff]



[Description: A Staff found by Master Oogway in the Spirit Realm, able to open passages between dimensions and with the right knowledge, can open passages to other universes.]


'Uoohh, with this I can go home.'

He thought Dragon Warrior and then remembered a doubt he had in his mind.

"Master Oogway, Are my friends alright?"

"Yes my son they are fine, when you defeated Kai, all the Medallions returned to their natural state, that means they are out there."

Oogway responds in a sweet grandpa voice, then completes his sentence.

"You now have to decide whether to go or stay, before the rules of this realm turn you into a Spirit Warrior."

"I… I'm going back Master, I need to see her."

Zagreus feels a deep relief in his soul, and the anxiety of being able to see his beloved is eating him from the inside.

Oogway smiles full of longing and nostalgia for the time he was young, he instructs his successor how to use the Staff and after that receives a hug from Zagreus which Oogway widens his eyes in surprise before returning the hug.

"Thank you Master Oogway, until next time."

And then Zagreus moves the Yin-Yang Staff in fluid movements following the technique he was taught and a circle shaped like a golden dome encompasses him and takes him back to the Realm of Mortals.

Break Line

in the Valley of Peace

Six Chi Medallions appear in the middle of the Village in a golden light, from these six Medallions appear Shifu, Monkey, Viper, Mantis, Crane and Tigress.

Everyone seems to be confused about what happened, as the last thing they remember is Kai's laughing face.

Tigress is the first to recover from the mess and remembers seeing Zagreus bleeding and half dead at Kai's feet, so she starts looking for him with a worried expression.

The rest of the group seeing Tigress's change in attitude start to remember Zagreus and start looking for him, but Shifu who is an experienced Master already fears the worst.

"I think he sacrificed himself for us, otherwise we could never escape Kai, remember that Zagreus has the power of the Dragon Scroll so he may have powers we don't understand, but we must fear for the worst he is if sacrificing to defeat Kai...."

Master Shifu would continue to speak and would eventually be interrupted by Tigress who was already irritated by her father's words, but at this point, Zagreus in a golden dome appears.

He wore a white garment with gold details without any stains and a cape adorned his back, he also wore the classic Chinese conical hat and in his hands rested the Yin-Yang Staff.

All the Masters who were there had different expressions but the majority was the expression of shock and surprise and mainly joy.

Tigress who usually didn't show any of her feelings had tears in her eyes, but she couldn't help it as her last vision of him was of near death, seeing him now well and seemingly victorious in his battle was good for her.

Monkey, Mantis and Crane were happy to have their partner back, as Zagreus was not only their friend and fellow disciple but also their Master.

Viper was also happy with her friend's return, but for her as long as she's with Mantis it's okay with her.

(Yes, Viper and Mantis are together, I prefer it that way.)

Zagreus then lands and the light that surrounds him disappears, along with what he named the Cloak of Chi, he supports his body with the Yin-Yang Staff due to a previous struggle that left him exhausted.

But he couldn't support himself for a long time because right after he was hit by an emotional Tigress and without strength he fell to the ground but with a giant smile on his face.

The remaining Furious Four jumped up to hug Zagreus, all of them worried and now happy to have him back.

Even Shifu approached with a proud smile on his face and said.

"I didn't get a chance to say this but finally the student becomes the teacher, you've done a good job of training the Five to that level and....wait where did you get that Staff?"

Master Shifu starts to say in a serious way and in the end loses his posture when he sees the Staff in Zagreus' hands.

"Aaaa, this Staff was a gift from Oogway, with it I can open passages between dimensions and get back to..."

Zagreus is interrupted by Shifu who finishes his speech.

".... Home?"

Now it's Zagreus' turn to be surprised.

"Yes, I know you are from another dimension or universe, Oogway made this clear to me, but that doesn't matter, he saw greatness in you, you are an expert and determined warrior with a good heart. I know you will go to home someday, each one has their own way."

Zagreus feels happy and approaches Shifu and hugs him, this time Master Shifu doesn't dodge and returns his hug.

"I feel very happy to be back, but I have to confess, I can't stand to stand anymore."

The Furious Five just smile at Zagreus' antics and carry him to the Jade Palace dormitory and head towards the hideout where the citizens are hiding.

Break Line



Name: Zagreus Di Leoni

Titles: Son of Hades, Dragon Warrior,

Age: 15

Genery: Male

Race: Human, Dragon, Demigod.

Spiritual Energy: Rank 10 Martial Soul: [Scythe Of The Dragon God of Death]


Equipment: Sword of Heroes, Jade Swords, Chi Medallions (Kai), Yin-Yang Staff.

Skills: [Snake Style (Level 4)], [Monkey Style (Level 4)], [Tiger Style (Level 4)], [Crane Style (Level 4)], [Mantis Style (Level 4)], [Blunt Weapon Mastery (Level 3)], [Wise's Eye (Level 4)], [Blade Mastery (Level 4)], [Dragon Style (Level 5)], [Dragon Blood (Level 6)], [Shadow Journey (Level 3) ], [Leopard Style (Level 3)], [Anatomy-Pressure Points (Level 3)], [Chi Manipulation (Level 5)], [Creation of Talisman (Level 3)], [Seikuken (Level 5)], [Black Flame(Level 1)], [Conqueror's Haki(Level 1)], [Umbramkinesis(Level 1)].

Cheats: [The Strongest Disciple], [Aura of the Protagonist], [Metahuman Physiology - Bang Baby], [Descendant of Jupiter].


Break Line

(Author's Note)

Hope you like the chapter, in the next chapter I already plan to introduce the next world, and the chapter can come tomorrow or on Wednesday, commit and review history.

Love you, from your favorite author,

- AbelWizard

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