
The Odyssey of Zagreus

Follow Zagreus, a headstrong and talented Youth on the path to Divinity. This is a harem novel, so before anyone complains, I'll publish it. The harem is not that big and it is slow. (At least 2chaps per week.) I love you guys. I don't own any stories I'm going to write, just my OC. The first few chapters aren't that long but I'll improve throughout the book, the Tags are kind of illogical but here are some Tags: #KungfuPanda, #Multivers, #PercyJackson, #HowtoTrainYourDragon, #DisneyMovies.

AbelWizard · Movies
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48 Chs

Chapter 18- Losses

Break Line

Valley of Peace

All residents of the Valley of Peace were evacuating their homes and shops, in a hurry and fear because of the new threat facing the Valley.

Everyone was feeling a little irritated by the second evacuation that has taken place in such a short time, but they know they can't blame the Masters who were personally helping them evacuate the city and save them while they remain in the Valley to risk their life to protect them .

It was late at night when the Masters managed to evacuate the entire city to the same spot behind the Jade Palace where they hid in the fight against Tai Lung, everyone was on the cliff near the Palace as they awaited the arrival of the new enemy.

"We need to defeat Kai as soon as possible, he is the one who controls the Jade Zombies so if we defeat him the Zombies fall like puppets whose strings have been cut."

Mantis says offering a plausible and well thought-out plan.

"But our priority is not to be controlled by him, every fallen Master means that Kai has become stronger."

Zagreus reminds his friends again, the last thing he wanted to see was his girlfriend in Jade Zombie form.

Everyone nods in agreement with the plan and stays there, together and ready for battle.

Break Line

North of the Valley of Peace, not far from where the Masters were.

Kai was running like a madman on all fours towards the Valley of Peace, the moment he knew where Oogway's disciples were, he started running towards them.

But at this moment, Kai throws himself to the left and dodges an ax blow, he gets up and looks for whoever attacked him, until he hears a voice in front of him.

"I finally found you, you attacked my village and I kept asking where the disciples of Oogway were, when you left I followed those green stones but after a while I lost sight, but as I knew where you would come, decided to ambush you here but apparently you have good reflexes."

Bear Master says that he unnecessarily told Kai how he got here and the reasoning that led him to it, apparently this werebear was a simple head of muscle.

"We will defeat you, you are no match for our Kung Fu."

Says the Master... Chicken, who despite being known for his cowardice, exuded an endless confidence.

Kai doesn't respond and just grabs the hilt of his blades and runs towards the two Masters.

Master Bear doesn't think at all about any specific strategy or technique and uses the most basic of his Ax moves to efficiently exert his innate superior strength.

General Kai crosses swords and defends Master Bear's double ax blow, Kai jumps and kicks with all his might at Master Bear's chest, the blow to his chest breaks his ribs which end up piercing his lungs and taking him out of the fight, this kind of wound in this world where medicine was not so advanced was fatal and only an experienced Chi Master could heal it.

Master Chicken was terrified of Master Bear's ridiculously easy defeat and tries to run for his life, but turning his back on an enemy like Kai is calling for death, and then a green blade is hurled into Master Chicken's chest and pierces easily until the tip of the blade comes out on the other side.

Kai with his years of experience leading an army into several bloody and horrible battles, not even moving from the wound in front of him, he wraps the chains around Master Chicken and Master Bear and applies Chi to the chains to make them float towards him.

The Jade Jailer then performs his most infamous technique that earned him that title, and takes the Chi from the two Masters in front of him who transform into Medallions and are added to Kai's large Chi collection.

Kai's body glows a sickly green color and he closes his eyes with the cold feeling that goes through his body, his strength increases with each Chi he takes, and even though the Chi of these two Masters is not great and it increases of strength was not so great either, but the more the better is a little or a lot.

The oxman opens his eyes and a manic smile graces his face, before starting to run towards the Jade Palace.

Break Line

Valley of Peace a few minutes later.

Kai arrives at the entrance to the Valley of Peace and sees a young man in a White Robe with his arms crossed that has been waiting for him, he looks at the young man he had seen through his Jade Zombies earlier and says.

"You must be the Dragon Warrior, chosen by the Legendary Oogway, your Chi is strong, I must say it's the strongest I've ever seen apart from mine."

"And you must be Kai, Oogway's forgotten sidekick aren't you?"

Zagreus says with a laugh at the end, which causes a growl from Kai who speaks right away.

"I will take your and every Citizen's Chi in this place and then I will..."

Kai doesn't finish his speech when Zagreus throws a rock in his face that he deflects with one of their swords, General Kai is shocked and angry at such disrespect before him, no one has ever disrespected him in this way.

"Let's fight soon, before your horns start to get heavy, how many times has your wife cheated on you for you to have horns this size?"

Zagreus laughs at the end of his line and Kai is now mad with rage and nearly spits blood from the rage he is feeling, but like an experienced General he calms down and grabs several Chi Medallions and hurls them towards the center of the Valley.

And at this moment the Furious Five and Master Shifu who were waiting for this moment attack the Jade Zombies while Zagreus takes care of Kai.

The Dragon Warrior with his faithful Sword of Heroes in hand, runs towards Kai who is prepared with the two Jade Swords in hand.

The battle begins with Kai hurling the Jade Sword from his left hand at Zagreus and grabbing the chain at the right moment causing the blade to hit Zagreus who deflects the Jade Sword with his Sword of Heroes.

And yet Zagreus feels that his sword is inferior to the Jade Sword as the sword in his hand is missing a piece of the blade where the Jade Sword was deflected.

So with that in mind, Zagreus activates the Skill [Seikuken] and runs towards Kai to slash him in the chest, the Jade Jailer strikes with all his might the Jade Sword and surrounds it with his Chi to increase its sharpness. , Zagreus also surrounds his Sword of Heroes with his yellow Chi and now the swords seem to be at the same level and he doesn't see the difference before.

The Dragon Warrior deflects the Jade Sword to the ground and Kai, who didn't expect this from a sword user, is surprised and disoriented for a moment when Zagreus' circular kick hits Kai's head and throws him away.

General Kai stands up with apparent anger on his face and comes face to face with a smiling and arrogant Zagreus.

"Is that all you got, Helper?"

Break Line

Near where the Battle of Zagreus and Kai was taking place, Tigress fought the Twin Beaver Masters using Neko-te on her fingers which glowed yellow increasing their sharpness and power on a large scale, thus successfully injuring the Zombies of Jade.

The Twin Beaver Masters fought with incredible synchronicity and it was as if they were of one mind, they completed each other's attack by increasing the attack area and decreasing the enemy's chances of dodging both blows at the same time, but in a situation where that even a Master would have a hard time dealing, Tigress was struggling and did not seem to be at a disadvantage and quite the contrary, she over and over again hit the Masters with claws in her fingers, which can easily be seen in the cracked bodies of the Twin Beavers .

And next to her was Monkey with his Staff in hand that glowed yellow and hit the Master Porcupine hard and disarming him then, the Master now without his bow seeks to retrieve it, but Monkey would not allow the enemy Master to get recover from this disadvantage.

Viper and Mantis were dividing the Masters they faced, Master Urso and Master Chicken, the duo Viper and Mantis used joint techniques to gain an advantage against the Masters who had an advantage against them, Viper who manages to break the Master Chicken - Jade Zombie's legs and Mantis finishes defeating him by hurling a Kunai full of Chi at Master Chicken's head destroying him in the process, the Jade Zombie pieces were not recovering due to the Chi containing blows that apparently blocked his recovery but it is unknown for how long .

Shifu had the task of facing the most difficult Master, as he faced Master Rhino Thunder who will die for Shen a few months ago.

But luckily the Jade Zombie didn't have all the power of the Legendary Master Rhino Thunder, but the defensive technique of his horn made the fight difficult for several folds.

And because of the difference between Shifu's old body and Jade Zombie's tireless body, Master Shifu is thrown against the wall due to the force of Master Rhino Thunder's Gigange Hammer, and Jade Zombie doesn't hesitate to strike the fallen Shifu with his Hammer, he gets up and with all the strength he can exert with his arms and pulls the Hammer down, Shifu who was trying to recover wouldn't even see what hit him.

But at this moment Rhino Thunder's zombie arm is sliced ​​into several pieces and Hammer falls to the ground due to lack of right arm support, and with a quick movement and with both hands on Jade Zombie's neck, the head of the same is cut off and Master Rhino Thunder falls to the ground defeated.

Over the fallen Jade Zombie's body, Tigress injured from her previous fight with the Twin Beaver Masters, smiles brightly at his adoptive father, Shifu smiles back at his daughter and then the two go to help the others with their enemies.

Break Line

Zagreus and Kai fight.

Kai fought like a demon, Zagreus has never faced anyone who fights that way, all the blows he made didn't hit more than once, the Dragon Warrior then decides to use his newest weapon and retreats dodging Kai's blows and summons his Martial Soul [Scythe Dragon God of Death].

A black glow surrounds him and an aura of death is now present on the battlefield, Kai is not afraid as he has faced so much bloodlust and aura of death on the battlefield that he was present.

Zagreus decides to finish this battle as soon as possible because he was getting tired, having to dodge, attack and think of new alternatives while fighting was too much for him, even his fusion of all techniques in [No Beat Style] didn't work so well against Kai.

With the intimidating looking Scythe in hand, Zagreus runs towards Kai and strikes him horizontally in an attempt to cut off his head and is parried by Kai's Jade Swords, who in response to Zagreus' attack he throws himself and performs a flying fly at the unprotected face of Zagreus.

And at this moment the Dragon Warrior hears the voices of his companions and friends, it seems that they had finished their own battles at the right time and came to help him.

But to his dismay, when he finally manages to get up with difficulty due to the sheer force of that blow, the first thing he sees is an Old Chinese letter made of green Chi coming towards him.

Zagreus feels his body contract and all access to his Chi is blocked, and the use of his powers from the CHEATS [Metahuman-BangBaby Physiology], [Descendant of Jupiter] have been diminished and his already weak control over them cannot. exercise more than just an increase in your reaction speed at the moment.

Kai laughs like a maniac and stabs Zagreus in the heart, the Dragon Warrior feels his blood red with a slight glow of gold come out of his mouth, General Kai rests his foot on his chest as he spins the blade inside the moaning Zagreus chest of pain.

"Now Dragon Warrior, watch everyone you care about have their Chi taken by me and then I'll take yours."

Kai pulls the Sword from his chest and turns his back on Zagreus.

Tigress who has just arrived sees Zagreus' body and her expression is one of pure horror she goes into shock and denial and she screams.


Shifu beside him trembles at the death of such a glorious warrior and Monkey, Viper and Mantis are shocked by what happened but they all look angrily at Kai and decide to avenge their friend and rid this world of such a demon.

Zagreus, who is on the ground bleeding and slowly dying, tries to talk to his companions.

"Please run away, run away, you are no match for him."

But all that comes out is a voice choked on the blood that was gone.

The fight that follows is completely one-sided, it seemed that Kai wasn't even trying as the Masters gave their blood to the fight.

In a fight like this, injuries are unavoidable and soon after one of Kai's throws he ends up hitting Shifu and opening a horrible wound in his chest.

Tigress was already crying tears of blood, her love and her father were hurt and apparently dead at this time, she tried more and more to hurt Kai but nothing had any effect.

And Kai soon did what he said he would, he took the Chi from Mantis that was already weak and wounded, it was too fast for anyone to react, and things followed like an effect on domino.

Zagreus, who died slowly on the ground without even being able to move, felt enormous repulsion for himself, since even though he had so much potential due to himself and the [Protagonist System], he was still on the ground and unable to do anything to stop the that was happening right in front of him.

Every friend of yours dying and having your Chi taken, Mantis, Crane, Monkey, Viper, Master Shifu.

Every friend of his that fell was a piece of his heart that went with them, Zagreus never felt so angry in his life.

[Dragon Blood Leveled Up]

[Dragon Blood Leveled Up]

Zagreus struggled to his feet, his teeth bared with rage and stained with blood, his palms pierced by his nails, and when Tigress's scene, the woman he loved was absorbed in a green light.

All the light in his life disappeared, there was no more reason to fight, there was no more reason to care about his cursed life, he always brought death wherever he went, to his friends and family.

Nothing else mattered, but even if he felt this way, he would still take revenge on the being that had inflicted him so much pain, he would take away everything Kai liked, his life, his power, his freedom.

The will of Chi that Kai had released Zagreus loses its strength due to the crimson aura that surrounded Zagreus, he gets up slowly.

"Ohoho, so you managed to free yourself from Chi's bonds, an interesting technique isn't it? Oogway who taught me it, or I learned it, I've always been very talented you know, but you're weak now, there's nothing you can do you can do so I ask you to give up and ."

Kai starts talking with his eyes closed, as he doesn't see any threat in Zagreus with such an injury, and if Zagreus wasn't Zagreus he would already be dead, so when he felt two arms encircle his neck as if to choke him, he was surprised to to say the least.

"I admire your Dragon Warrior willpower, but you can't do anything to me in your current state."

Kai starts chattering again and even with his eyes closed he sees a golden glow, and when he opens them and sees a golden dome in the shape of petals surrounding him, he is scared, he recognizes such a technique, the blow that sends anyone to the spirit realm, but it shouldn't have worked in him, he must have been thinking, but looking at the arms around him and seeing that Zagreus had sent himself to the spirit realm and planning to take him with him.

General Kai didn't react quickly enough and when he would act the dome swallowed them and they were sent to the Spirit Realm.

Break Line

(Author's Note)

So here's the chapter, sorry for the delay but I had some issues to sort out, hope you like it and Monday, I'll post the next chapter.

Comment and review what you are thinking about the book, now I'm going to sleep!

Zagreus doesn't know that Chi's technique imprisons and doesn't kill, I hope it's clear by tomorrow.

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