
The Odyssey of Zagreus

Follow Zagreus, a headstrong and talented Youth on the path to Divinity. This is a harem novel, so before anyone complains, I'll publish it. The harem is not that big and it is slow. (At least 2chaps per week.) I love you guys. I don't own any stories I'm going to write, just my OC. The first few chapters aren't that long but I'll improve throughout the book, the Tags are kind of illogical but here are some Tags: #KungfuPanda, #Multivers, #PercyJackson, #HowtoTrainYourDragon, #DisneyMovies.

AbelWizard · Movies
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48 Chs

Chapter 17- Attack on the Valley and Origin of Kai

On a farm east of the Jade Palace.

A kind of black hole of green light absorbed the earth around the fertile farm, the couple that consisted of a man with Rabbit ears and a simple woman with black hair and feathers, the husband and wife pair who were taking care of their Plantation notices the green glow and a huge hole forming in the farm floor.

The light dims and the pair can't hold their curiosity and head towards the hole, when they get close enough to see what's in the hole, they see a man with supernaturally large horns and short swords with a chain tied to the hilts, in his waist rested medallions made from the Chi of each of the Masters who were in the Spirit Realm, and in particular was a turtle-shaped medallion around his neck, the Chi of the Legendary Master Oogway.

The Man-Ox gasps in exhaustion from his return trip, he takes a deep breath and looks with his terrifying green eyes at the curious couple, when they saw this scary man they tried to flee in fear for their lives.

But Kai doesn't allow them to flee and hurls his sword towards them and guides the blade to cut through the earth around the couple, they see no alternative escape and sit on the ground with fear and despair visible on their faces, the woman with feathers it even lays an egg by accident, which breaks when it falls to the ground.

Kai calmly walks up to them and asks.

"What place is this?"

"This…this is my brother's farm."

The rabbit man with a shaky voice, Kai seemed unsatisfied with the answer, he opens his eyes as wide as he can in an attempt to scare the trembling couple even more, he asks another question with a serious tone.

"If I step on your head, would you die?"

The couple scared of what looked like a veiled threat, the two quickly nod their heads and the woman lays more eggs that break on the ground due to the fear she felt.

"The Realm of Mortals! Are you hearing this Oogway? I'm back, THE KAI IS RETURNED!"

Kai screams with insane glee in his voice, the scared couple are surprised they've never heard of such a name, but remain silent in fear for their lives.

General Kai grabs a handful of the medallions around his waist and tosses while using the Chi technique to activate the medallions and Jade Zombie Warriors appear from each of the medallions, Legendary Warriors such as Master Porcupine, Master Twin Beavers, Master Gorilla and Master Rhino Thunder.

"I want you to find the Oogway disciples, and bring him to me."

And so, all the Masters split up and started running towards different Villages.

"When I'm done with them Oogway, there won't be anyone who remembers your name."

"Hahahahasha, Hahaha, THE KAI IS BACK."

Break Line

Jade Palace a few days later.

Zagreus and the Furious Five ran at full speed towards the Jade Palace, arriving at the training area, they see their Master Shifu with a serious expression.

Shifu hasn't changed much in these three months, he still had the same expression of someone who ate and didn't like it, but his clothes and the old Staff of Oogway gave him an aura of wisdom and respect, he says very seriously.

"Several letters from Masters in neighboring Villages have arrived, all of them are being attacked and the Village Masters themselves are turning against each other, the enemy or enemies apparently have some mind control technique to dominate the Masters."

"We need everyone here for a possible..."

And at this moment a loud bell sound is heard, symbolizing that an attack is taking place on the village.

"...attack, all of you be careful in this fight, flee the moment you see a move or technique you've never seen, we can't lose anyone."

""Yes, Master""" All the disciples scream and start running to locate the enemy, they have just arrived more like protectors of Peace, there is never real rest.

Zagreus is the one ahead of them all and jumps into free fall to the Valley of Peace, as it was at the end of the day, at sunset, the shadows reigned, and he travels among them, after he merging with the shadows, Zagreus easily spot some strange Warriors fighting and beating some villagers.

As there were only two of those Warriors with a green color, Zagreus didn't wait for his companions and went after the warrior who used a bow, always take down the Campers first.

The Dragon Warrior takes his sword from his inventory and strikes the short man with thorns on his back, Zagreus makes a sword thrust with both hands and all his applied force cuts horizontally towards his head.

The sword of heroes who have never let him down is deflected to the side by a staff of Jade.

Zagreus quickly dodges another swing with the bat coming from behind, apparently the Dragon Warrior hadn't seen them all and almost paid the price for that mistake, he didn't wait another one moment and immediately activated the Skill [Seikuken] and deflects a mirror that was thrown by the now out of reach, the Warrior who used a bow.

And at this point the Furious Five arrive and divide the enemies' attention, Tigress fights Master Porcupine, Viper and Mantis against one of the Master Twin Beavers and Zagreus who was fighting the other Twin Beaver, was helped by Monkey.

The fight doesn't last long as there were six Masters against 3, maybe if the Furious Five didn't have the training they had, then yes, the fight could take a lot longer and with more risks, but now the new Furious Five team, all with a knowledge of miraculous techniques and knowing how to infuse Chi in all your blows.

The Furious Five could even be called the Chi Masters, if they didn't lack experience and creativity in the use of Chi, the fight was over and the enemy Masters were lying on the ground in defeat.

Until at one point all the Masters began to speak at the same time in a frightening voice.

"Hahahahaha, I found you, your Chi will soon be mine, but... how do you have so much Chi? It doesn't matter, I'll go after you, Dragon Warrior, and take your Chi from each of you, Kai will come to you ."

Zagreus had no knowledge of such a name, but it was to be expected, but the Furious Five and even Master Shifu had confused expressions on their faces, none of them knew who Kai was.

But they didn't have much time to think as the Jade Zombies chose and turned into Chi Medallions, they levitated and headed towards their Master.

Zagreus obviously wouldn't let the Medallions go, so he grabs two Medallions while Tigress takes another, but the Medallion that was in Tigress's hand turns energy and continues on its way, so does Zagreus.

"So, you can't collect these stones back, and these Warriors are made of Chi? But why are they green? Chi should be yellow right?"

Monkey tells what just happened and makes a good inquiry about the abilities of this new enemy.

"Shifu, is there anything on your mind that might help us understand what just happened?"

Zagreus asks Shifu, who seems to be trying to remember something.

"I remember reading about Kai a few times, let's go to Jade Palace, we need to research this before our house is attacked again."

Everyone headed towards the Palace in a hurry, upon arriving at the Hall of Heroes, Zagreus, Shifu and the Furious Five begin searching all the thousand scrolls for information about Kai.

A few hours later and the entire Hall of Heroes is a mess with all the Scrolls scattered all over the place, but still no information about Kai, until Shifu says.

"Finally found it."

Master Shifu says and in his hand was a Green Scroll that seemed obviously connected to the new enemy they were facing.

Shifu opens the Parchment and begins to read the story told there.

(History of the Parchment) (Summary)

Master Oogway in his youth led a large army in China, Oogway at this time ended up getting close to Young General Kai, the two were brothers-in-arms and close friends.

One day in one of the battles that Oogway will lead his army, Young Master Oogway was seriously wounded by his recklessness, even the Great and Legendary Master Oogway made many mistakes but the difference between him and the others is that Oogway learned from mistakes and he grew up as a person and moved on regardless of the criticism or praise he received.

General Kai who was very close to Oogway at the time, went into a frenzy and managed to avenge his friend by killing the one who had hurt him, Kai goes to Oogway and realizes that his wound is fatal and feels a deep sadness thinking that he could lose his friend.

But, Kai remembers stories about the miraculous techniques that were in the Village of Pandas, so General Kai stops Oogway's blood and carries his friend for hours without stopping, upon arriving at the Village of Pandas, the Chi Masters use the technique of giving Chi to Oogway healing him in the process.

Master Oogway was marveling at the awesome power of Chi, the Pandas agreed to teach it and teach Kai as well, while Oogway realized how much good this Skill could do, Kai just saw the use for himself, he realized he can give the Chi but he could also take it, General Kai performed the technique of giving the Chi in reverse and strengthened his body as a whole and the Chi was added to his, this technique of taking the life force and absorbing it was vile but useful.

General Kai the Jade Jadeer took the Chi from many Pandas the same night when he first did it as some sort of horrible addiction, until Oogway confronted him and saved the Panda that Kai was about to take the Chi from.

The battle that took place between the two Masters shook the earth and leveled the hills and trees, the battle lasted for days and the two seemed to be equal and for a few small blows that Oogway came out victorious in this battle.

This fight that should have gone down in history was simply buried and forgotten, Kai was forgotten along with it.

And Oogway at the end of this story says that only a Chi Master could defeat Kai.

(History end)

Shifu lifts his head from his reading of the Parchment and asks Zagreus with hope and anxiety.

"Zagreus, you showed me an incredible aptitude for Chi the last time I saw it, did you train your Chi technique in these three months?"

"Yes Master, not only have I trained my Chi control to the level where I can be called a Chi Master with certainty, but I also instruct my friends to a level where they can infuse Chi in their attacks as you saw in the fight against Zombies of Kai's Jade."

Zagreus responds with pride in his voice, and relief that he doesn't have to deal with Kai alone, the Masters in their respective martial arts planned the best option for the inevitable fight against Kai, they wouldn't go after Kai, as they now they have the advantage of terrain and time, they took advantage of it and decided.

The Valley of Peace would need to be evacuated again, the citizens' lives come first (For some), and they would prepare for battle against a Master who went up against Oogway.

Without wasting any time Master Shifu, Monkey, Crane, Mantis and Viper will help the people to move faster to the safe place, leaving behind the couple in love.

Tigress looks at Zagreus seriously and tells him.

"We'll get over this one, as we've always done, concentrate and we'll make it, not everything will work out but let's make the hits more effective."

Tigress says with concern in his voice, Zagreus in response to that concern, smiles and responds.

"Don't get so tense, remember, Inner Peace always helps in this kind of situation, we'll both come back! That's what I promise you."

After saying this, the two lovers share a chaste kiss full of love and affection.

"Now come on, we need to help the people and we prepare for battle."

Break Line

(Author's Note)

Sorry for the delay in posting, I had some problems today and I didn't have that much time, tomorrow I will have to try to solve them again so the chapter will probably come out tomorrow morning or later in the day, please comment and review the story if you're enjoying it. , there's only one review left to get the average of the book, please review the story, it's very quick, but what I really like is when you comment and ask. Love you, from your current favorite author,


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