
The Odyssey of the Chosen One

A hardworking youth who always pray for excitement and happiness was heard by the most powerful being of the vast universe. Giving him the power to fulfill his wishes through conquering other worlds and finally becoming his successor. Can he really find his happiness on his quest on becoming a True God? Or something will happen on the way that will make all his efforts to fail? _____________________________________ Worlds: 1. Douluo Dalu - Completed 2. God Eater - Completed 3. Magi - Completed 4. Toriko - Ongoing _____________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this FF will only update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.) _____________________________________ Be warned: This novel will be full of mature contents. (This is a novel where I write whatever comes to my mind.) Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the novels, animes, and movies. [2] Pictures are copied from Google so whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference. However, if you don't like, just let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately. [3] This book is a world of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents does not intent to represent real-life counterparts as this books meant for entertainment purposes only (ENTIRELY FICTIONAL) and should not be constructed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Alter_Fanfic · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

Chapter 84 - Armament Haki


---One week later---

In the garage,

Many things had happened during the past week, one of them being Alisa starting to cooperate during missions, Lenka being able to use his God Arc skillfully while Kota was also improving his supporting skills, and most especially Lev's relationship with Sakuya.

Right now, on the other hand, Lev and the others could be seen gathering in the garage as Lev told them that he would be away for some time for personal reasons and that he had some business to do outside.

"Lev, are you three good on your own?" Sakuya asked but you can notice a bit of worry in her voice as she really wanted to join them, but she couldn't as she was needed in the headquarters.

Lindow and the others, on the other hand, were just looking at Lev and his group without asking where on the fucking place he would go out there in the wasteland.

"Yeah, no need to worry. Also, take this." Lev replied while giving her a dagger with his imprint on it. He decided to take a leave for a while as he wanted to train somewhere far from the headquarters as he didn't want to be observed and also to continue his mission.

"Lev, how long would it take for you to come back?" Lindow suddenly asked. Though he was not that affected by his leaving, he admitted that their performance during missions increased a lot since he appeared.

"Hmmm, I think it would take at least a month or so." Lev answered. A month of training would be enough since he was there to supervise them. He also wanted to let loose after holding back his capabilities after joining the base.

"We will wait for your return then. Stay alive." Lindow said thinking that a month would pass soon. He then just throws a pack of cigarettes toward Lev as a gift even though he knows that he wasn't using one.

"Hahahaha, I think we need to go now." Lev replied as he caught the pack of cigarettes and put it inside his inventory. He then just looked into the sky and thought of leaving already since they still needed to find a place to stay outside after seeing that it was about to rain.

Following that, Lev, Sia, and Shio, then bid farewell to everyone, especially to Sakuya as their relationship took a very big step during the week that had passed.

Tsubaki, on the other hand, could not see him off as she had work to do but she compensated for it the night before as she pushed herself to the limit to savor Lev's cock as she couldn't taste it for a whole month.

Meanwhile, Alisa, who was silently standing at the side just looked at them quietly, but she also felt sad for some reason after all the both of them had trained together for the past week while following his instruction.

"By the way, Lev. Major Amamiya ordered us to give it to you." Eric said while giving Lev a sealed envelope. He was there together with Lenka, Soma, and Kota who were quietly standing at the back with smiles on their faces.

Getting the unknown files, Lev then finally bade farewell to everyone, and together with Sia, and Shio, the group took their leave while riding his motorbike and left the base as the weather wasn't good looking.


Johannes's office,

While everyone was busy bidding farewell to each other, Johannes could be seen together with Dr. Sasaki inside while the latter was sitting quietly drinking some tea whereas the former was looking at the monitor.

"Is it Lev?" Dr. Sasaki suddenly asked as he also knew about him leaving the headquarters. He was quite surprised that Johannes accepted Lev's leave, but he could also not blame him since Lev really had surprised them for the short time that he was here.

Johannes, on the other hand, was thinking of a different matter and that is even after staying on the base for almost two weeks, his investigation regarding Lev did not even progress a little bit especially regarding the matter of his blood samples.

Following that, the two of them then just talked in the office about some things regarding the Aragamis after seeing Lev leave the headquarters.


In the operating hall,

Meanwhile, Tsubaki could also be seen looking at the monitor and seeing Lev leaving the headquarters. Though she was sad about the idea of him leaving, Lev promised her that she could ask anything from him after he returned back which she could not wait for a month to pass soon. She looked at the monitor for a while before returning to work after seeing him already outside the wall.


Outside the base,

This time, Lev and the others were now on their way toward a location where Lev decided to train for a month. It was something that needed to be done since he could hardly move inside. Getting used to the new weapon he had, he needed a place large enough to do it.

"Let luck bless us." Lev suddenly muttered before accelerating as he could now tell that the rain was about to fall down any second seeing how dark the sky had become. Feeling this, Sia who was on his back then held him tightly while Shio who was in front, was smiling happily after seeing how fast their motorbike had become.


In the wasteland,

After traveling for a while, Lev and the others finally found a shelter to eat and probably also to stay for the night as the rain was already pouring down and it didn't seem to stop any time soon.

"Lev, do you have a place in mind where we are going?" Sia suddenly asked while eating as she was still clueless about their destination. Though she didn't care where it was as long as she was with Lev, it was safer to know about the place firsthand.

"Well, I found a place from the map that Tsubaki gave me as a good hunting spot for medium-type Aragamis." Lev replied while looking at the map Tsubaki had given him and thought that they were still far from that place.

"Medium Type?" Sia asked with excitement. For the past year that they have lived, she never once had any battle against a Medium Type as Lev was always the one to solve them. Knowing that they were heading to their habitat made her feel like she could now have the chance to face them.

"What, are you afraid? Haha. Don't be since your strength might already surpass them. You might as well train with me and sharpen your dual spearmaship." Lev asked while smiling at Sia.

Following that, Lev, Sia, and Shio then finished their meal before deciding to stay for the day and continue traveling tomorrow.



On the bed,

As the rain continued to pour down outside, Lev could be seen closing his eyes while having a good time and at the same time moaning as his hands were holding something from below.

"Hughg." Lev groaned and suddenly opened his eyes as he looked at Sia and Shio doing their best to please him by sucking his cock with their small mouths.

"Sia. Shio. You two were getting good at this." Lev said with a smile while feeling that the two of them kept on improving the more they did it.

Upon hearing this, Sia and Shio got happy and sucked Lev's cock excitedly while using their tongues skillfully to please him more with Sia focused on sucking the tip of his cock while Shio was dealing with his balls.

"Ugh." Lev groaned in pleasure after the change of gear of the two and felt that he was about to cum soon. He then grabbed Sia's head with both hands and started moving it up and down to his cock faster and it only took a minute before he ejaculated inside her mouth.

Sia, on the other hand, widened her eyes while starting to get unconscious as she was having difficulty breathing while taking in Lev's semen.

Lev noticed this and loosened his hand and let her breathe while his semen was spilling into every corner of her mouth. With that, Shio then do the work and licked the spilled semen on Lev's cock not wanting to waste any of it.

Not before long, Lev then caressed their heads before taking a bath together again before finally sleeping.


---The next day---

After raining for the whole night, the street and ground had become wet and it was hard for some to travel but it didn't stop Lev and the others from continuing their way as they only stopped to eat and rest while also dealing with the Aragami that were following them.

"Lev, are we almost there?" Sia suddenly asked after being bored upon not doing anything, however, she was also surprised to see new places especially the ruined ones in the wasteland.

"Hmmm. We might arrive there tomorrow if nothing happens." Lev replied as they were now a bit close to their destination. Good thing that they have his bike or else they would be trapped since the Aragamis continued to follow them.

"I think we should take a rest again in the next city." Lev followed before accelerating. Sia and Shio then just looked at the surroundings trying to find if there were Aragami coming after them.



In a building,

Night came and Lev, Sia, and Shio finally decided to stop somewhere in the wasteland after finally finding a place to stay for the night upon arriving at some sort of a small city on their way.

"Sia, I will transfer something directly into your mind so bear with the pain." Lev said as he pointed out his finger on Sia's forehead as he thought that it was now time to transfer it to her.

Sia, on the other hand, just looked and nodded at Lev and let him do what he wanted since she trusted him more than anyone in the world.

"Skill Transfer: Observation Haki." Lev said and activated a skill. He knew Sia already decided to wield a spear given by the job that she acquired so what she needed now were supporting and useful skills on her own.

[In what Tier of Observation Haki the host want to transfer?]

Seeing the notification, Lev was surprised since it was his first time encountering such a thing. He never thought that he could choose which tier he would allow to transfer. He stopped for a while and pondered about it.

'Is there a limit to what Tier I could give to her?' Lev asked about the system since he was very curious about it.

[Yes. The Tier for which the host was in would be the limit that he could transfer to the other.]

'Hmmm. So that's how it is. Then, transfer to the very limit.' Lev said while smiling. He already decided that he would not be stingy toward his women so giving her the same mastery skill was only natural.

Right after Lev decided, Sia then immediately stiffened and a great headache pierced through her head while sweating hard after feeling a lot of information flowing through her mind.

Shio, who was looking silently, looked at Sia curiously as she didn't know how she suffered such pain as Lev just touched her forehead and did nothing else.

It took for a while before the Skill Transfer lasted which Sia passed out directly and fell in Lev's embrace. Lev, who was ready for such a reaction, then just caressed her head and waited for her to wake up while looking at Shio.

"Shio, do you also want to try?" Lev asked Shio while smiling as he thought that it would also be good to transfer it to her.

Shio immediately touched her forehead while shaking her head in fear after seeing Sia passing out just by doing that. She didn't know what Lev just did but it must be painful, and she did not like to feel hurt.

"Hahaha. Then let's wait for her to wake up." Lev said while laughing upon seeing her refusing. Though there was a matter of compatibility between skills, he didn't think deeply about it since the system would probably notify him about it.

'It's now time to buy it.' Lev thought as he opened the system store and directly headed to the system store and search for a particular skill on the list. It was something he needed for the weapon he bought to be more effective and powerful.

[Armament Haki

Tier: 1

Type: Active

Description: Allows its user to augment their body via their own spiritual energy, greatly increasing their power and resilience.

Price: 1,000,000,000 True God Coins]

'Buy it.' Lev then decided from which he then closed his status as he looked at Shio deciding to prepare their dinner since Sia might probably take some time to wake up. With that, the two busied themselves with the portable kitchen and cooked something.


---Two hours later---

Even after two hours, Sia still hasn't woken up. Lev and Shio then decided to let her lie comfortably on the bed as they started eating dinner.

"Is sister Sia alright, Lev?" Shio curiously asked while looking at Sia. Even after two hours had passed, she still hadn't shown any signs of waking up and she started getting worried about it.

"She's fine but we might stay in this place for a while." Lev answered. He already asked the system about it which answered him that it needs a day for her to absorb all the information since the mastery level was too much for her to handle.