
The Oddity By: DGmoonlit

As the young man wandered the streets in search of a late night snack. But little did he know, his journey would come to an abrupt and tragic end. However, death was not the end for this brave soul. A higher being saw fit to grant him new life in a foreign land, imbuing him with extraordinary powers. As he adapts to this strange new world, the young man is faced with a choice: will he use his abilities for the betterment of those around him, or will he succumb to the temptation of power and become a figure to be feared? The path ahead is uncertain, but one thing is for certain: this young man's journey will be one filled with emotion, adventure, and the unknown. Will you join him on his quest to find his place in this new world?

DGmoonlit · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 11: Memories

Lily's body trembled as she remained frozen, unable to escape the overwhelming fear that gripped her. She dared not meet the gaze of the entity before her, her eyes darting around in a desperate attempt to avoid direct contact.

"Who are you?" she asked once more, her voice filled with trepidation and uncertainty.

"Leave!" Revenant's voice resonated calmly but with a commanding tone. It served as both a means to survive and a warning. Lily felt a surge of desperation as she mustered the strength to stand, her trembling knees supported by her shaking arms. But before she could take another step, Revenant extended his hands, and with a wave, a portal opened behind Lily. In an instant, she was forcefully expelled from my mind, the cocoon breaking apart, and both of us thrown against the walls with a resounding impact.

"Aaron!" Claire shouted in concern, still on the floor and unable to stand. She crawled towards my unconscious body. Lily, however, was stunned for a couple of seconds before slowly standing back up. She raised her head and looked directly at me.

"What the hell was that?!" Lily demanded as she approached my unconscious form. Claire, with a burst of determination, reached out and grabbed Lily's leg.

"Stop!" Claire yelled, trying to protect me.

"Why won't you give up!?" Lily exclaimed in frustration and anger. "Everyone gives up at some point, no matter who they are." Lily forcefully kicked Claire away, causing her to release her grip.

"You fight desperately to protect Grace and this man, yet your people abandoned us. We cried for help, yet you abandoned us!" Lily's voice echoed with frustration and anger as she advanced towards Claire. She knelt down, gripping Claire's hair tightly and raising her head.

"How does it taste to feel hopeless, Princess?" Lily whispered into Claire's face, her words laced with a mixture of vindictiveness and triumph.

Claire's eyes widened in shock and confusion. "How did you-"

Lily interrupted her, her grip tightening as she leaned in close. "Your father, he visited the slums. I saw you as a kid there with him sometimes. But back then, it wasn't called the slums, was it? It was once part of your glorious kingdom. Grace and I lived in this very orphanage building at that time when we were kids."

"She released her grip on Claire's head and continued to speak, her voice filled with a haunting air. Claire's eyes followed Lily as she paced back and forth, like a storyteller recounting a dark tale.

"Grace and I were once inseparable," Lily began, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "We would venture to the fields, picking flowers and sharing laughter. Each day was filled with joy in her presence. But happiness, as we know, is fleeting."

Standing upright, Lily resumed her narrative, her gaze fixed on a distant memory. "It was then that a gang from foreign lands sought refuge in our humble orphanage. The head of the orphanage, our own brother, agreed to let them stay, but only for one night. However, as time passed, more wretched souls sought solace within these walls. This very place transformed into an underground lair, sheltering the abominable."

She knelt beside Grace, her touch gentle yet filled with a haunting sorrow. "Grace and I made a pact, a solemn promise. We vowed to steer clear of them, to avoid any contact with those malevolent forces. Even the other children agreed, for we understood the lurking danger within this tainted sanctuary."

"A couple of weeks passed, and we allowed ourselves to believe that perhaps they weren't so bad after all," Lily continued, her voice filled with a mix of uncertainty and regret. She rose to her feet once more, the weight of the past weighing heavily upon her.

"Little did we know, it was a deceitful calm before the storm. One fateful night, Grace and I gathered the courage to approach our brother's room upstairs. We wished to propose the idea of sleeping together, seeking solace in each other's presence. As we neared the door, shadows danced beneath the narrow gap, hinting the presence of multiple people inside. We pressed our ears against the door, listening intently."

Lily paused, her voice trembling as she recalled the events of that haunting night. "And then, a resounding 'Bang' shattered the silence, as if someone had been struck by a heavy object. Filled with terror, Grace and I fled downstairs, retreating to the safety of our own rooms. The following day, we learned that the guild master had expressed an interest in adopting a child from our orphanage. Hope blossomed within us, mingled with the collective excitement of the other children."

"The day arrived when the guild owner was scheduled to visit and select a child for adoption," Lily continued, her voice filled with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. "But before that momentous occasion, Grace and I hurriedly made our way to our brother's room. We swung open the door, revealing our brother seated in a chair, his head cradled in his hands, lost in deep contemplation. As he caught sight of us, he rose from his seat and knelt down to meet our gaze. His voice quivered with genuine concern as he spoke, 'I promise, I will ensure both of you are taken away from this place.' I could sense the gravity of his words, the weight of his worry etched upon his perspiring face."

As Lily continued her pacing, consumed by the memories, Claire's attention momentarily shifted towards my unconscious form. With a glimmer of hope, she noticed a subtle movement in one of my fingers, stirring a flicker of anticipation within her.

Claire moved her fingers to check if she could move now, and she did. "I just need to follow her story to distract her," Claire thought to herself. Building up her courage, she challenged Lily's narrative. "So what? Everyone sounds good in your story."

Lily's smirk only grew wider upon hearing Claire's words. She seemed amused by the remark. "Ah, my dear, you misunderstand," Lily retorted, her voice dripping with a smug undertone. "I've merely presented the story from my perspective. I never claimed to know the full extent of my brother's experiences, nor did he confide in me. However, the remnants of the gangs' presence were undeniable. Each time we saw our brother, we couldn't ignore the bruises on his head and body. The gangs never left, you see."

"When the time came, the guild master arrived with his wife. My brother ran directly towards them and engaged in a conversation. He pleaded with them to take both of us, Twins, and give us homes. However, the guild master and his wife had their own preference-they only wanted one child. It was a choice between me and Grace. In that moment, Grace rushed to our brother's side, begging to stay with him, and he agreed. The guild master and his wife retreated to the living room to discuss my adoption.

Meanwhile, I was in the kitchen, occupied with cleaning, while two members of the gang conversed nearby. I could feel their eyes fixed on me, their gazes unsettling. Then, I overheard one of them uttering words that sent a chill down my spine. 'Sad to see this one going, she'll look tasty when she grows up.' Before I knew it, one of the men approached me and touched me inappropriately.

Just as I thought I was trapped in that nightmare, my brother stormed into the kitchen, his presence commanding and determined. He glared at the two ruffians, and with an assertive voice, he said, 'Lily, you're going home.' As I started to walk away, I caught a glimpse of Grace, smiling and waving goodbye. But the fear of those men harming her consumed me. I threw a tantrum, sobbing and pleading to stay, and to my astonishment, they agreed to switch. They took Grace with them instead."

Lily clenched her fist, her voice filled with anger and frustration. "After Grace was adopted, the gangs took over the slums. They started committing crimes, stealing, killing, and doing unspeakable things. My brother couldn't do anything. They threatened him, saying they would harm the children if he spoke up or tried to stop them."

One late night, as I was walking through the orphanage to get some water, I could hear the cries of children coming from the underground facility. The door hatch was partially open, piquing my curiosity. I ventured inside, descending the stairs cautiously. What I witnessed there was a scene of horror. Women and children were being violated and abused by the gang members. The children screamed in terror, and the women pleaded for help, but no one came to their rescue. Fear consumed me, and I ran, scrambling up the ladder to escape. However, my attempt was in vain as a gang member discovered me. He forcefully dragged me to the living room and began tearing at my clothes. I was just a child then, and I believed it was the end for me. But in that moment, my brother appeared, delivering a powerful punch to the assailant. Together, we fled for our lives, seeking refuge as far away from that place as possible.

"We were scared, my brother wanted to protect the children in the orphanage, but his kindness was betrayed by the gang members. They sought our help, pretending to be victims themselves. We went to nearby knights and asked for assistance, but they ignored us, thinking we were crazy. With nowhere else to go, my brother and I searched for a place to stay, but the weight of fear and despair took its toll on him. We found ourselves sleeping in an alley, and when I woke up, I discovered my brother's lifeless body. He had taken his own life, unable to bear the pain any longer."

Lily's brows furrowed in anger as she stared at Claire, who was lying on the ground. She kicked Claire in the stomach multiple times, each kick making Claire cry out in pain.

"Where were you?!" Lily shouted. "We pleaded for help, and when I was alone, I pleaded for help, but what did you do?! Instead of fixing this place, your father separated it, like throwing food that you don't need only to rot!"

Claire coughed up blood and saliva as Lily continued to kick her. "Now those children, those abducted women, and those orphaned kids are either dead or are dying somewhere. But no matter, after we resurrect Sitan, despair, pain, and conflict will be left in the past."

As Lily spoke, her hands started to glow with dark electricity. She pointed her palm at Claire and said, "Goodbye, princess."

Claire's words dripped with accusation as she said, "You're willing to sacrifice your own family to rid Despair? How hypocritical." Her smirk wavered weakly on her face.

With closed eyes, Claire braced herself for what was to come. In an instant, a piercing scream pierced the air, jolting her senses. As she opened her eyes, she witnessed Lily's hand being severed, leaving her on her knees in agonizing pain. Lily grasped her injured arm tightly.

"What the hell?!" Lily exclaimed, bewildered by the sudden turn of events. When she glanced behind her, I stood there, my body moving as if possessed by an otherworldly force. It was as like that time with Fenrir. My body moving like it's in it's auto self defense mode.

A sword materialized in my hand, radiating an intense energy that pulsed through the room. The people in the Kingdom of Aurora felt its weight, causing knights to scatter and adventurers to panic.

Lily clutched her severed hand, blood gushing from the wound. Determined to halt the bleeding, she channeled her magic onto the injured stump, employing her powers to staunch the flow. Rising to her feet, she extended her remaining hand towards me, a surge of dark electricity coalescing within her grasp.

My body advanced towards her in a deliberate, unhurried manner. Each step exuded a calculated intensity, foreshadowing the impending climax. Lily launched a barrage of attacks, firing shots at my body, but it moved instinctively, effortlessly evading every assault with an almost teleport-like agility. Unyielding, Lily made another desperate attempt, but my body surged forward, closing the distance until our faces nearly touched. With a swift motion, I seized her by the neck and forcefully propelled her out of the room, hurtling into the expansive chamber beyond.

Lily's body tumbled, colliding with the wall with a resounding thud. "This can't be!" she exclaimed, disbelief evident in her voice as she struggled to regain her footing. Her breaths came in heavy, labored gasps.

My body approached Lily with deliberate slowness, every step exuding a sense of inexorable purpose. Sensing an opportunity, Claire seized the moment to rise to her feet and make her way to Tem. With a feeble voice, Tem's eyes fluttered open, his weakened state apparent. "Where's Sir Aaron?" he inquired, his voice barely audible. However, Claire remained silent, her gaze transfixed by the overwhelming power emanating from my body. Tem followed her gaze, turning his head in the direction she was looking.

Surprise widened Tem's eyes, and he exclaimed, "What is that?" His gaze remained fixed on me, filled with curiosity and awe.

Unexpectedly, my body spoke, words flowing forth without my command. "I am here," it declared with a resolute tone, promising protection and security.

"What?!" Lily retorted, her body pulsating with dark electricity, causing her form to glow ominously. The clash of our released powers intensified, sending tremors through the surroundings. "I WILL TAKE THAT TALISMAN AND FULFILL MY DREAMS!" she proclaimed, determination fueling her resolve. As we braced ourselves for the final battle, the sound of footsteps from above reached our ears—a heavy, armored presence approaching. We knew it was backup.

Claire approached us, carrying Tem. With a confident smirk, she inquired, "What's your move, Lily? The cavalry has arrived."

"No?!" Lily's voice wavered as she took a step back. "This can't be. I'm so close to achieving my it," she lamented, her eyes darting frantically around the room. In a desperate move, she raised her trembling palm once more, aiming it towards me. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she breathed heavily.

"Darn it!" she screamed in frustration. With a swift motion, she raised her hand and directed it upwards, unleashing a powerful blast that tore through the ceiling, creating a gaping hole above the underground chamber and the orphanage itself. Seizing the opportunity, Lily utilized her teleportation ability, forcefully ripping the Talisman from Grace's head. My body attempted to intervene, lunging forward, but Lily transformed into a spherical shape, soaring through the gaping hole and making her escape.

Claire approached me with cautious steps, reaching out to grab my hand. "Aaron? Are you alright?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern. However, my body remained unresponsive, frozen in place. Claire noticed the lingering tension in my form, the grip still tight around the weapon born of my powers. "It's okay now," she reassured me, stepping in front of me. "We're safe now."

Suddenly, the sword I had manifested began to deteriorate, gradually fading away. My eyes blinked several times, as if awakening from a deep slumber. As my gaze cleared, I took in the sight of an injured woman holding onto Tem, who was also wounded. Confusion washed over me as I uttered, "What happened?" Claire, exhausted from the ordeal, sank to the ground.

"Nevermind us, we can survive. Check on Grace for me," Claire urged, her concern for Grace evident in her voice.

Without hesitation, I rose to my feet and sprinted towards the room where Grace was located. I swiftly assessed her condition, ensuring her safety. However, amidst our actions, the sound of clanking armor reverberated through the facility—backup had arrived. The guards approached Claire, swiftly moving both her and Tem to a place of safety.

Meanwhile, my eyes widened in disbelief as I trembled at the sight before me. Grace's body began to deteriorate, parts of her limbs vanishing before my eyes. Determined to help, I swiftly cut the ropes that bound her and carried her toward the approaching knights. "Help! Help me!" I pleaded urgently. The knights, accompanied by medical staff, swiftly rushed towards us. Overwhelmed by worry, I desperately inquired, "What's happening to my friend?"

The healer, using his magical abilities, examined Grace's condition but found his healing efforts to be insufficient. Recognizing the urgency, we swiftly transported Grace to the hospital for further examination. Once there, she was placed in a room where the doctors began their evaluation. Outside the room, I paced back and forth anxiously, my gaze darting around in anticipation.

The doctor eventually emerged from the room and approached me. Sensing my concern, I immediately inquired, "How is she?"

"We're facing a unique situation here," the doctor responded, his tone filled with both curiosity and concern. "Her body is vanishing due to a lack of magic. However, the disappearance of a patient's body caused solely by the absence of magic is unprecedented. Typically, it would only lead to a depletion of stamina and weakness. But in Grace's case, her body seems to be composed of magic itself, defying natural laws."

I relayed the information to the doctor, explaining how the individual who placed the Talisman on Grace had referred to her possessing a "holy essence."

"I haven't heard of such a term before, but we will certainly investigate it further," the doctor responded, his voice reflecting a mix of curiosity and determination. "In the meantime, try to rest, and if you can, visit the two who were with you. We will provide the necessary magical support to help sustain this patient's life."

"Please, do everything you can to save her," I pleaded, my desperation evident in my voice.

"We will do our utmost," the doctor assured me before walking away, leaving me filled with deep concern for Grace's well-being.