
The Oddity By: DGmoonlit

As the young man wandered the streets in search of a late night snack. But little did he know, his journey would come to an abrupt and tragic end. However, death was not the end for this brave soul. A higher being saw fit to grant him new life in a foreign land, imbuing him with extraordinary powers. As he adapts to this strange new world, the young man is faced with a choice: will he use his abilities for the betterment of those around him, or will he succumb to the temptation of power and become a figure to be feared? The path ahead is uncertain, but one thing is for certain: this young man's journey will be one filled with emotion, adventure, and the unknown. Will you join him on his quest to find his place in this new world?

DGmoonlit · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 10: Reunion

With a deep breath, we braced ourselves as we entered the room where Grace was being held captive. We knew that she wasn't alone, and that we were all injured to some degree. With Tem still in my arms, I kicked the door open with a fierce determination, ready to face whatever was waiting for us inside.

Startled, the enemy with the unconscious Grace glared at us. "You!" he bellowed. "You killed my comrade's Fenrir. How dare you!" With fury contorting his features, he lunged towards us, grabbing a knife from the table and charging mindlessly.

The enemy had set his sights on Claire, seeking to exploit her injuries while I held Tem. "Claire, look out!" I cried, warning her of his approach.

Despite her injuries, Claire skillfully parried the attack, sending the knife flying from the enemy's grasp. She swiftly sheathed her sword and took a deep breath, exuding a sense of calm confidence. "Even a child could parry something as stupid as that," she remarked, her physical prowess speaking louder than her words.

After deftly throwing the enemy off-balance with her parry, Claire seized him by the shirt and slammed him against the wall. "Stop this at once!" she ordered him firmly.

As Claire took control of the situation, I set Tem down on the floor with his torso leaning against the wall. I made my way over to Grace to see if there was anything I could do to help, but the enemy's warning echoed in my mind: "If I take the Talisman off of Grace's head, she might die."

Undeterred, Claire continued to take charge, throwing the enemy across the room and delivering a series of punches to his face. With each blow, she demanded that he put an end to his aggression. "Stop this at once!" she growled, her physical prowess and determination making it clear that she meant business.

The enemy coughed and smirked, even with his injured face. "It's too late," he rasped. "She's coming." And then he passed out.

Claire shook his unconscious body and shouted, "Wake up! Tell me how to stop this!"

Meanwhile, as I watched over Grace, her face that was once contorted with pain began to calm. However, my sense of unease only grew stronger as I noticed her hands withering away, as if her life force was being drained from her body.

"Claire!" I called out, my brow beaded with sweat. "Did you get any answers?"

Claire dropped the enemy's lifeless body and came closer to me. "I tried, but he's a tough nut to crack," she said.

As Claire caught sight of Grace's deteriorating condition, fear and sadness flooded her eyes, and she began to panic.

"What's happening to her?" Claire's voice was soft, her hands shaking as she knelt down and touched Grace's head. "Please wake up," she pleaded with tears in her eyes. "Why is this happening to you?"

I steadied Claire by gripping her shoulders and asked calmly, "Did he tell you anything?"

"H-he said nothing about how to stop this," Claire stammered with concern in her voice. "B-but he did say 'she's coming.'"

"She's coming?" My brow furrowed. "He must be talking about the hooded woman he mentioned earlier."

As we spoke, the enemy who had been unconscious began to stir, his body contorting in an uncomfortable manner. We stood up, bracing ourselves for what was about to happen.

A red aura filled the body, enveloping it like a cocoon. The cocoon started to crack and break apart, and shards of it fell away, revealing the transformed figure of a hooded woman in the enemy's place.

"Who are you?" Claire demanded, brandishing her sword.

The hooded woman glanced briefly at Grace, but Claire moved to block her gaze. "I didn't come here for trouble," she said calmly. "Let me continue what my comrade couldn't, and we can all go home and you can live your life."

"We won't let you harm our friend," Claire declared, her brows furrowed as she glared at the woman. We couldn't see her face because of the hood that covered her eyes.

The woman noticed the unconscious child leaning against the wall and injured. She raised her hand and made a sweeping motion towards Tem. Suddenly, Tem's body was teleported near her.

"Coward! Leave the boy alone!" I yelled, corners of my mouth turned downwards, jaws clenched.

The hooded woman then grabbed her hood and removed it, flipping it to the back. What we saw was shocking. Our eyes widened, and sweat began to drip down our foreheads. "What the hell is going on here?" I said, fist clenched. The woman's revelation was shocking. Her face, hair color, and eyes were all identical to— Grace's, as if she were a mirror image. However, her long hair with bangs set her apart.

"Who the hell are you?" Claire demanded, her sword pointed firmly at the woman. Her brows furrowed with suspicion.

The woman smirked, seemingly unfazed by Claire's hostility. "Isn't it obvious? I am your dear Grace's twin sister. You can call me Lily," she responded with a cold tone, her gaze fixed on Claire. "This will be your last warning. Step aside."

As Lily opened her palm, a crackling aura of black electricity formed, pulsating with dark energy. I felt a chill run down my spine, but I mustered my resolve and stood beside Claire.

"No way we're letting you harm Claire," I asserted firmly, meeting Lily's gaze with determination. "We'll protect her with everything we've got."

Claire and I exchanged a tense glance, fully aware of the dangerous situation we were in. Lily's immense power was evident, and having Tem held hostage only added to our predicament.

Lily's voice dripped with condescension as she spoke, tilting her head slightly. "Take a good look around. The odds are stacked against you," she taunted. "I must admit, I admire your determination to fight against the inevitable. But hope can only carry you so far."

Her words sent a chill down my spine, but I refused to let fear overtake me. Claire tightened her grip on her sword, her eyes locked with Lily's. We may be at a disadvantage, but we were not willing to give up without a fight.

"You claim to be Grace's family, yet why are you trying to hurt her?" I asked, my voice filled with a mix of confusion and disbelief. "Isn't she your family?"

Lily's expression hardened as she considered my question. "Family?" she repeated, a hint of bitterness in her voice. "Yes, she was my family once. But my dreams surpass any familial bonds. I am driven by a greater purpose, one that will ensure no one ever has to suffer again, and that despair becomes a thing of the past."

Lily's gaze intensified as it locked onto me. "You there, I can perceive a darkness within you. It feels oddly familiar," she observed, her narrowed eyes fixed upon me while tilting her head to the side.

Dismissing the thought with a nonchalant remark, Lily continued, "No matter." In an instant, a surge of dark electric energy erupted simultaneously from both of us, causing a disorienting burst of power. As the energy dissipated, our positions inexplicably switched, and now Lily stood beside Claire, who was taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

Seizing the opportunity, Lily unleashed a menacing bolt of dark electricity, hurtling it towards Claire with alarming speed. Caught off guard, Claire was unable to react in time. The powerful blast struck her, propelling her through the air until she collided forcefully with the nearby wall.

"Claire!" I yelled, my voice filled with urgency and concern. With determination fueling my actions, I charged toward Lily, my fist tightly clenched, intent on striking her. However, Lily effortlessly raised her hand, and the swirling dark electricity coalesced into a protective shield, intercepting my punch.

"Mere physical strength cannot harm me," she taunted, a smug smirk adorning her face. With a flick of her wrist, the shield exerted its force, pushing me back. Despite the impact, I managed to maintain my balance, refusing to be overwhelmed by her power.

Claire exerted her willpower, slowly rising to her feet with the aid of her sword for support. Flipping it expertly, she charged forward, unleashing a powerful vertical swing towards Lily.

To our astonishment, Lily, without any weapon of her own, caught Claire's sword with her bare hand, her grip unyielding. With a sudden twist, she pulled the blade from Claire's grasp, leaving her defenseless. Lily then seized Claire by the neck, lifting her effortlessly off the ground.

"Why do you resist?" Lily's voice resonated with a mix of frustration and curiosity. "I have given you so many chances to leave, yet you continue to ignore them. Why? What drives you to fight against me?"

"Let go of her!" I shouted, my voice filled with determination and anger. Ignoring the danger, I propelled myself forward once again, charging at Lily with unwavering resolve. Yet, as I swung my fist towards her, she conjured her shield once more, thwarting my attack.

"Futile!" Lily exclaimed, her voice tinged with arrogance. "Don't you see? You can't break through this shield," she taunted, confident in her defensive barrier. However, I refused to be deterred by her words. Ignoring her mocking remarks, I continued my relentless barrage of punches.

Lily's eyes widened in surprise as she witnessed the gradual disintegration of her once impenetrable shield. Panic flickered across her face as she desperately attempted to push me back, but my stance remained unwavering. Summoning every ounce of strength within me, I delivered a swift and powerful punch, shattering the shield and narrowly missing her face. Startled, Lily took a step back, momentarily caught off guard.

Seizing the opportunity presented, I swiftly moved to Claire's side, snatching her from Lily's grasp. With Claire in my arms, I quickly retreated, creating a safe distance between us and our formidable opponent.

Lily's eyes widened in response to the impact of my punch, a graze marking her cheek. Her fingers instinctively touched the wound, smearing it with blood.

A subtle change came over her countenance as her gaze shifted towards me. The intensity in her eyes softened, revealing a hint of intrigue and admiration. "Impressive," she acknowledged, her voice carrying a touch of genuine appreciation. "You truly are an interesting individual. I sense great potential within you."

Lily raised her hand, and as she clenched her fist, a surge of dark electricity began to course through her body, emanating a pulsating aura. Her voice resonated with an ominous chant, "In the name of Sitan, destroy my enemies who hinder your resurrection!"

With a deliberate motion, she stretched her hands out in front of her, palms facing the floor. The atmosphere crackled with an intense energy, building up in anticipation of the impending release. The air itself seemed to tremble, as if aware of the impending power about to be unleashed.

Lily's voice reverberated through the room as she uttered the command, "Fall." In an instant, a surge of electricity enveloped my body, forcing me to kneel on one leg while still clutching Claire in my arms. Sensing the imminent danger, I swiftly tossed Claire aside to ensure her safety. Determined to press on, Claire mustered the strength to rise to her feet, poised for another attack. However, to her bewilderment, her energy had been drained, leaving her unable to execute her intentions.

"What's happening to me?" Claire questioned, her voice filled with confusion. She glanced around, seeking an explanation for her sudden weakness. Refusing to be deterred, she locked her gaze onto Lily, whose smirk conveyed a mix of triumph and anticipation.

"I absorbed what little stamina you had left while I was holding you," Lily confessed, her voice filled with a sinister satisfaction. She directed her words towards Claire, acknowledging her weakened state. Claire's eyes widened with a mix of shock and frustration, realizing the extent of Lily's manipulation.

Meanwhile, I strained to lift myself up, my muscles protesting against the gravitational force that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment. Lily took calculated steps towards me, inching closer as she reveled in my struggle. "The more you resist, the stronger the pull becomes," she taunted, her words dripping with sadistic delight.

Closing the distance between us, Lily stood directly in front of me, her hand firmly placed on top of my head. Her touch sent a chill down my spine, and I could feel the weight of her presence engulfing me. "Your body radiates immense strength, a power that I can sense," Lily murmured, her voice filled with a twisted fascination. Despite my clenched fists and resolute determination, a cocoon gradually formed around us, mirroring the one that had previously surrounded Lily.

As the cocoon enveloped us, shutting out the outside world, Lily's final words pierced the air with an eerie certainty. "After I conquer your mind, I will mold your body as my own," she declared, her voice resonating with an unsettling conviction. The darkness of her intentions swallowed us whole within the confines of the cocoon.

"Aaron!!!" Claire's desperate scream echoed through the room, filled with anguish and frustration. She fought against her own physical limitations, trying to muster the strength to stand, but her efforts proved futile. Overwhelmed by the weight of the situation, she collapsed to the ground, her eyes filled with helplessness as she surveyed the scene before her—a wounded and unconscious child, a friend in pain, and another trapped within the confines of the menacing cocoon.

Inside the cocoon, I continued to struggle, my determination fueling my resistance. Lily's chilling words reverberated in my mind as she vowed to invade my thoughts and seize control of my body. A surge of dark electricity crackled around us, momentarily enveloping my head, and both Lily and I slipped into a trance-like state.

"I will enter your mind and take your body from the inside," Lily's eerie voice pierced through the depths of my consciousness, a haunting declaration that sent a chill down my spine.

As Lily delved deeper into my mind, she found herself surrounded by an empty void, a vast expanse of nothingness. But in the distance, a glimmer of light beckoned her attention. It was the soul core, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Determined to claim its power, Lily pressed forward, her steps echoing in the emptiness.

"Once I'm close to the soul core, I can absorb it and take over," she whispered, anticipation gleaming in her eyes. However, as she ventured closer, an overwhelming sense of familiarity washed over her. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath quickened, and doubt crept into her mind.

"This power... I know it. It's the same as his," Lily murmured, her emotions swirling in a chaotic mix. Confusion gripped her, clouding her thoughts as she desperately tried to make sense of the situation. Frantically, she pressed on, driven by a resolute desire to seize the soul core and claim my body as her own.

But fate had a different plan in store. As she rushed forward, an unseen force caused Lily to stumble and fall. Slowly, she raised her head, her gaze fixated on an ominous figure that towered before her. Fear replaced confusion, her widened eyes mirroring her dread. For standing before her was Revenant, a being made out of pure thought, an embodiment formed by the very essence of consciousness itself and the creator of existence itself.

"W-what are you?" Lily stuttered, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and awe. The smug sadistic tone she once held was now replaced with a quivering, uncertain voice. The encounter with Revenant had shattered her illusions of power, leaving her vulnerable and shaken.

End of Chapter