
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 8 The Guild

Chapter 8 The Guild

With a wolf and a furro stigma, I started my way along the main road, as the Guild is almost always in the vicinity of the church, since they work hand in hand.

While walking along this crowded street due to the return of hunters, farmers and adventurers, all because of the arrival of the silver moon, I managed to see the church building in the center of the square.

Already inside the square that is completely green and circular, where the main street opens and extends into two roads. Here stand the three basic buildings of all cities on the continent: church, Guild and bookstore.

With that said, I move quickly towards the Adventurer's Guild, which is full just from the view from here. With that Sif and I arrive at the imposing 3-story building, all completely made of dark wood, a dark red roof and at its highest point flies a red flag and three black swords at its center.

Finishing admiring the facade of such a building, I head towards the door that is already open while people come and go, now inside such a place full of a warm and noisy atmosphere that occurs on the first floor in which it is located. A fully stocked stone bar with a bartender, rectangular tables throughout the room, at least 10 of them and there are about 3 chandeliers growing from the ceiling.

Moving through this building that I had not seen for so long, I began to move by pure instinct amidst the laughter, singing and shouting of the adventurers. Already arriving at the stairs leading to the second floor, the place where the guild's reception is located.

"Please say what kind of procedure you wish to perform" behind the reception is a young lady whose tiredness is completely reflected in her face.

"Difficult day he, the type of paperwork I wish to transact is one of promotion to rank C." she asked out of politeness for her day and then I go to the matter at hand.

"I understand, just from your facade, most likely his relic has to do with that wolf over there" stating the obvious as it sticks out like a sore thumb, he pulls out from a place behind the counter an oval gem.

"Sif place your paw on that measuring gem." Placing Sif on the counter I let him do what he needed to do for the test.

"You know for a fact that these things have been around for a long time, I don't need your guidance." With that said, he places his right paw on the sphere and it casts a small aura of light. "

"umm.. That's right, a summoning type relic and cold aligned. Give me your card to upgrade it to C rank."

With that done and regularized, we left the guild quickly to get an inn as soon as possible. Even now people were still arriving through the opposite door from the one we entered.

"Master it's nothing personal, but... You can let go of me now, we haven't completed all the paperwork for my unrestricted movement." Oh no, the wolf-shaped pillow noticed.

"There are too many people around here, a wolf with your greatness would only make them hysterical for the sake of praising your greatness." He inflates, inflates, his pride.

"How good of you to recognize my greatness wretched mortal, I the great Sif have given you the blessing to transport me."

Our classic time-wasting chatter continued until we found an inn in the farthest section of downtown, a place with nothing to appreciate, no plumbing, no electricity, no heating.

"Was it necessary to save so much master, or we can't afford anything better than this." Arriving at our ramshackle room of only one bed, Sif began to ask.

"No coin Sif, we can't make money off the remains of the wolves either because in the silver moon horde there will be extra."

Responding to Sif, he cast a small purification spell on the bed, you never know what things they have done here.

"I guess you're not only going to help in the horde then, but you're going to profit in it, what a bad example of a teacher I have."

There is easy money, who doesn't want to, at least I only come for that, there are many more. Who come to capture the savages escaping this way and the humanoid monsters.

"So that's how bad an influence I am on their greatness, what's the difference let's go to sleep, the night will be long." With a little scoff I lay down on the bed with Sif on my belly and giving her a bear hug.

3rd person pov

Night has come and with it comes the silver moon, in the night sky, now lacking the golden and iron moons. Great horrors rise in search of flesh and fire, only for destruction and chaos.


Boom! Boom!

With at least a score of blasts from the culbins' long guns, vast amounts of white sand are blown from the protective layer of the inner wall.

Farther away from them, on the outer walls made of wood, large holes can be seen in the ground due to the explosions, and the glory they had this morning has vanished. Beasts of all shapes and sizes have pulled parts of the wall down as they crawl towards the inner wall.

There was the cannon fodder, simple wolves driven mad by exposure to the chaotic energy, three ice trolls about five meters tall. Their muscular blue bodies, a white beard and white hair cover their faces, they carry tree trunks as weapons. In the skies there are large groups of birds of about 2 meters, completely black and furry to the extreme.

All this is merely a prelude to what will be day number 5, a day of extreme destruction for some and for others the opportunity of a lifetime.

Nea pov.

With a thud at the door I try to open one eye, yes I try because I have about 80kg of extra soft hair all over my body. Ha... Sif must have gotten bigger.

With more banging on the door and with cannons in my ears, I start moving my hands trying to lift Sif.

"Master noo, don't touch there" with a sultry voice that didn't sound like it came out of a 200kg wolf threw Sif off the bed.

With staggering steps due to the rude awakening, he reached to open the door, outside was the typical soldier. Leather breastplate on his chest, black pants and shirt, non-slip leather boots and a rifle on his shoulder.

"I understand if I have assaulted your private time, but I recommend fornicating on the first day after the silver moon. That's when the fertility god is at his most powerful."

Get what? It's a freaking 10-foot wolf, there's nothing around here.

"It's a wolf what do you think I could do to it?"

"It's a wolf so what? All magical races can take human forms later on, you know, I have a brother who has a special interest in quadrupeds, I don't judge you"

Haa... with a new stigma of furro in my being I start talking seriously to him.