
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 7 The city of perk

Chapter 7 the city of perk

We rode all afternoon and evening the day before, well she did, I slept most of it, Oh come on I haven't slept well since I started the mission, I just slept in the trees and covered myself with a cloak made of wolf pelts.

By the way, it's only white quality due to the low grade material plus my poor stitching.

Now, with the sun, already at its highest point of the day, we managed to get out of the boreal forest that surrounds the whole area. In front of us rise walls about 3 meters high completely made of wood, further back, about 500 meters, there is another one of solid ice about 10 meters high. These serve to protect the city from perk the beginning of civilization in this unbearable place, with that said I start talking to Sif.

"You can change your size Sif."

"While I wouldn't want to ruin my greatness, I have to admit that seeing a 10 foot wolf moving over there we wouldn't be very well received with this moon thing."

With those words starting with pride and ending with a rather low tone. Sif takes a small form about 25cm tall and about 60cm long.

"Master you are scaring me with those eyes "with those words she tries to move backwards only to get embedded in the snow by her small paws.

"hehe don't be afraid, I'll just give you some love" with those words of a depraved old man I took her in my arms and start stroking her fur.

Cof cof let's get back to the subject, with the size fixed I start moving towards the wooden gate in the first wall.

Stepping out of the woods I signal to the guard, he must see me, as only rangers are placed in such lookout positions, with that comes a little whisper in my ear.

"You will be asked to follow the path marked on the ground, the area has been mined due to the events planned over the next few days."

In a now mature male voice, the guard sent me a whisper, a very useful ranger magic, its only drawback being its poor ability to speak.

"So that's the magic I felt buried in the snow, a very good use of absorption stones. And how are you going to validate a 10-foot wolf that talks."

The answer to that question was simply nothing. Nothing to validate in these chaotic times, just give a report to the nearest church and raise the adventurer grade to C.

"No problem Sif, this relic thing in the hands of adventurers is normal, besides giving you C rank there is nothing new."

With his answer given, I move down the dirt path approaching the gate and the guard who had spoken to me earlier. He was a simple man of about 35 years old, brown hair and a stocky build, from his shoulder hung a 1777 type rifle, its marked dark wood and with some metal finishings on the barrel. I can only say praise be to civilization.

With that said I pull out my adventurer's ID and pass it to the guard.

"Another one, well, I guess this will make resistance against the silver moon easier."

Another one? If there's one thing I've learned in my travels it's that that's a bad sign, with that, I pull out a small pouch of silver coins, the last of what I have left and hand it to him with a come on passing look.

"Ahem... These last few days the priests of the church have been calling adventurers for an expedition, it is said to be towards the outlaw mountain range, on the border of the dynasty."

The dynasty, a nation closed to the world for the most part thanks to that is that this part of the ancient empire still stands with independence.

"I understand then open the door, also do you have any advice for me?"

"Sure, don't try to rent an inn in the vicinity to the city center, there are too many adventurers and that's complete chaos, I've even heard that there are C level ones."

Adventurers Guild is a worldwide organization as long as there civilization there will be, it is an initiative created by the envoys. The lowest rungs are F, E, D are just normal people, then C, B, here there is already quality.

C=one relic

B=two relics

The heavyweights of the guild are A and S these last two are made up of groups of people.

A=ten relics

S=fifteen relics

"that's some good advice you've got there."

With that said, the wooden gates open and show a desolate view. A stone path stretches towards the actual wall, in its surroundings are white sand dunes, what snow and from a distance you can already manage to see the Culebrina type cannons mounted on the ramparts, an absurd amount for such a forgotten city.

"Those things are dangerous, master, even I sense their danger and more so if they all come together."

"That's right Sif, those things are usually used for sieges, but someone had the fantastic idea to place them on the wall and it works."

With my explanation of when and how the firearms started to appear, we manage to approach the actual gate, this one is open forward and you can see the city inside. 2 story houses, mostly created in stone, some wide central streets and opening up like a small tree with multiple branches(alleys) on the sides, and in the center of it all a large square where a marble church stood.

"Come on Sif, first we need a room to rest, since at night we won't be resting."

"Sorry master, I didn't know you had such tastes, but I will do my best" with a mock maidenly voice she began to speak to me.

"Sif! I'm not a furro, you're like those who watch SL and make them doubt their sexuality in every chapter. Wait that thing was Korean, not SL, Korea? Haa whatever."

Now seriously I have existential doubts, I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore, as I talk to Sif I move around the city.

"But master humans will nail anything human shaped and reproducible, then that's not being furro."

"¿a? Was that why, well if we nail anything with humanoid form and reproducible. You know, that's called a race for survival."

"Sure furro."