
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 58 great hole

Chapter 58

You know, Andrey's words have a touch of reason... Ok, yes, a lot of reason, but I'm kind of used now to fix everything with a magical boom!

"I attract his attention from the right, you roll him over and inject your magic directly into his organs."

Giving a small nod towards its approximate direction, I begin another run while firing un-imbued arrows towards the creature, even if they only serve to piss off the lizard even more.


With the guttural sound expelled by the lizard, it shoots towards Andrey as if the wounds were fake as being unprepared he has to sacrifice the camel, which is split in half by the force of the impact with the lizard.


Followed by the activation of Andrey's skill a flame coming out from the throat of the lizard directly against the shield, seeing all this he put away the bow which is ineffective due to his skill and drew the sword for a close combat.

"<Reinforcement>, <Wind Blade>"

(-200mp=+10 Agility) (-450mp magic).

Putting a reinforcement on my body to get there faster and creating about 10 wind blades to make it stop besieging Andrey, he managed to make the creature close its mouth and turn towards me, thus leaving Andrey free for a counter attack which he did instantly making the creature open its mouth and let out a piercing scream.


Taking advantage of its open mouth, I quickly cast a fire-type magic on it, thus ending the fight.

"<Thermal bomb>" (-600mp).


With a muffled explosion, as the creature's scales don't let the flames out of its interior, it falls to the ground, never to rise again.

[exp +800]

[exp transferred to Sif]

[Sif-"Lvl 10(30/100)]

"you could warn, you know if you're going to use that kind of attack, I was still on him if his scales weren't fireproof, I'd be with the gods by now."

The cold words, but with a bit of reproach from Andrey make me realize that I hadn't said that thing was fireproof, well I'm used to the system you know.

"Sorry, still, it was kind of obvious, I mean it spits fire, it's shaped like a lizard, obviously it's a poor imitation of a dragon."

Letting out a "sorry" I start explaining my decisions as we examine the corpse.

"Ah... Anyway, best to put it away so we can remove the important parts carefully another time."

"Sure, then shall we set off into the depths?"

Letting him keep the corpse, since I can't bone it with the system I check to see how my MPs are doing.

"System my MP and Hp stats, by the way also stop the exp transfer to Sif."

"I understand."

Nea horcrux

[Mp 2,460/3,960]

[Hp 1500/1520]

"By the way system, I noticed that Sif has leveled up, but she hasn't been deconvoked?"

"No, the relic Sif is currently in a summoned state."

Now I understand the shiver was I forgot about Sif, Wait! That means I have a protoyandare behind me... Ah, well, I don't think I forgot anything else.

"When you decide to react we can get going."

A few words from Andrey pull me out of my thoughts, followed by that I look towards him, who is already leaving towards one of the edges of the great abyss or hole, depending on how you see it.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, I just got to thinking some things, still, what can you tell me about this place?"

Giving a poor excuse I approach the edge of this phenomenon and looked down, the place has a visible depth of about 300 or 400 meters, this place is completely illuminated proving that this eternal sun is of magical nature, on the walls of the hole there are remains of buildings of the ancient city and by the edges there is a kind of spiral platform that reaches down to the depths.

"First of all this has a known depth of about 900 meters, every 30 meters deep the color of the ground changes so the adventurers called it floors, the width a it looks like about 50 meters, once you enter it will be much more I say this from personal experience, the creatures change according to the floor you are on, too"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Stopping Andrey's constant chattering that seems like a professor dictating a class due to his little expressiveness and cold words, this one gives me back an annoyed look.

"You didn't want an explanation."

"I said tell, I mean, something short, not a damn lecture."

Rolling his eyes and accepting my explanation he moves towards one of the edges which is where the descent platform begins, of course I quickly follow behind him.

Stepping on the platform everything changed, the place became darker, but you still manage to see perfectly on the floor you find yourself, the platform gained a width of at least about 50 or 60 meters and you could not manage to see where it is heading, the view of the surface was shrouded in clouds thus leaving the sun covered.

"On guard I feel something."

Releasing those words of warning towards Andrey, from the ground some humanoid earthen forms are created in quite prominent quantities, on their bodies are quite classic garments of these places and they have no weapon of any kind equipped.

"Terracotta civilians, these are the inhabitants of the second floor, they are easily defeated even by F-grade adventurers."

"well, looks like we're not going to be long"

Leaving those words we start moving towards them, as they are too slow, of course I have learned from my mistakes, then I ask for their status sheet from the system.


Hp 100/100 Mp 0/0


Level: 1

Race:terracotta soldier









Abilities:<immune to the earth><collective mind>.

Description:former inhabitants of the city, due to the appearance of the pond, have irreversibly changed their race, they are now the protectors of the second floor.

"<dark control>"(-250mp).

Moving at a light trot I activate the skill that has been gathering dust quite some time ago, with it I create a few spears of darkness that are immediately launched towards the crowd of cannon fodder.




"So that's the opposite magic to my sister's, although you could take care of everything alone, I'll help too."

Hearing Andrey's words behind me, Andrey rushes past and throws himself into the crowd of earthen figures, thus creating quite a large destruction in the center of them.

"I guess I'll get going too."

Leaving those words in the air, he leapt with sword in hand towards the crowd of earthen figures.