
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 57 Lizard of Fire

Chapter 57

Nea pov.

"Hey Andrey did you feel that shiver?"

Riding my trusty steed Sif, oh isn't he a good camel, better than nothing, I ask my companion who rides ahead leading the way.

"shiver, we're in the middle of a desert, I don't think it's possible to have one of those."

His words sound logical, but we are in a magical world, you know, I don't know how far logic can be trusted, with those thoughts I continue riding my camel on the sand now dry, straight and without any dune in sight, yes we have moved quite far away from the city in a short time all this thanks to the saddle that is enchanted giving much more speed to the camels.

"Come to think of it I haven't asked you where we're going."

"well, it was time you asked you were already worrying me, it was strange that you didn't ask before"

Well, I guess I did, but I wanted an adventure and what is an adventure if not to get carried away, you know like in the movie of (what happened yesterday), leaving those thoughts I signal him to keep talking.

"Our first destination is the subway spring of the earth element, in it we will collect elemental water to be used as a base, then the second will be the ancient crystal forest where we will go for the crystalline fruit."

"Hearing your explanation I can tell you have everything planned and you are more relaxed, not like when we left the city, is it that you think your sister won't be able to catch up with us?"

Noticing his lack of coolness and nervousness, it was obvious that this is something he wanted to do, it just seems he couldn't or maybe they wouldn't let him.

"There are three destinations on our list and she is only one, plus she has no supplies ready and no mount, then we will have gained a few days head start on her, still, let's hurry the pace"


Giving the camel a few small taps, it picked up speed and left a trail of dust behind it.

??? Some time later.

"We are here! The subway spring of the earth element, it rises in front of us... Well, below us, but you know what I mean".

With Andrey's words regaining their cold tone, but with small cracks I guide my gaze towards this special place, they were the remains of an ancient city completely destroyed, it in turn expands in a circular shape around what seemed to be a hole that you can't see well from here.

"I understand your happiness if you can call it that, since your tone of voice never changes, but where are we and how much of this place has already been plundered?"

The important thing first, what, oh come on I'm not greedy, but I'm not coming for nothing either.

"Sorry to have to disappoint you, but everything you see is absolutely already looted, at its peak even the adventurers guild had an outpost here until the tides of beasts coming up the hole were too many and it wasn't worth holding the position"

Relating the history of the place in a low voice, we finally arrived at the "entrance" to the city, the buildings were about 2 or 3 stories, made of solid sand and inside were filled with sand to mark that they had not been moved in quite some time.

"meh whatever the same I didn't have any kind of hopes to destroy".

Moving on from this topic, after a few minutes of light riding we arrived at our destination, obviously everything can't go so well, as if it was something predestined from the bottomless hole that we could finally visualize, out crawls a reptilian type creature.

"We have to create distance before it comes out completely."

Following the orders of Andrey who is the expert in this, the creature comes out completely from underground, its scaly body about 6 meters long and about 1.5 meters high shows that it is a magical creature, its scales are of a soft reddish brown color and every now and then on its back and tail it has black stripes although all this is ruined due to the multiple wounds it has all over its body(Varanus griseus).

"System, its condition, oh, maybe not".

Before the system can even process my command, the beast attacks straight towards my head with a much higher speed than could be imagined at first glance, sliding my body forward and resting my head on the camel's neck let the creature's long body pass over my head.

"Hey, you're okay, jump!"

Following his orders I jump off the camel, using it as a jumping platform to propel myself, just in time, as where I was previously standing is full of flames and not even the camel's scream is heard, as it died instantly.

"Come on give me the state of that thing."

While yelling in my head at the system, I roll on the ground and quickly get up with my bow in hand.

"Yes, user."


Hp 890/1,200 Mp 230/400 Gender:Male

Level: 5

Race:Varanus griseus

Occupation:Herd leader(racial)








Abilities:<fire roar><call ally(blocked)><first impulse><false scale><aura of command><immune to fire(medium)><immune to earth(high)>

Taking a quick glance at the list of his stats, I start running in circles as I load an arrow and yell at Andrey to do something.

"Get his attention, I'll hit him in the wounds with my arrows!"


With Andrey's shout of approval as I run I start to think about which element to use, since the two most abundant have been denied, after an internal debate came to the conclusion which wind is the most at the moment clear, bringing to light that it gives me a very bad feeling.

"Earth magic:earth peaks".

Noticing the multiple spikes forming from the ground and lifting the creature into the air; even so, not doing any damage to it, I charge my arrow with the anemo element(reference) and shot towards the creature in one of its wounds.(-250mp)

*dull thud


With the sound of the arrow being redirected thanks to a layer of translucent scales, it leapt to the side to dodge the fire breath coming in my direction.

"Gotta finish off his mana reserve, due to the fact that it took too long to prepare a spell that I have no affinity for causing him to be able to cover himself."

"sure, but we can also hit the physical if he only has magic defense."

With Andrey's words I can only say, Tuche!