
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 35 Jokes

Chapter 35

Followed by the sound of the trumpets, a horse is heard at full gallop that comes in our direction and fell.

"He's not very smart is he? How is she going to run straight at me with a horse?"

Ha, ha, ha, ha she's a rascal this Sif.

"Help the man."

Ahh! Ahh!!!

"You forget you're in charge of an army of undead."

Poor guy fell off a horse and the first thing he sees is some skeletons, now out of jokes you have to help the poor guy.

"You three go and help the guy, Vanessa where do we put the camp".

"the undead one in a remote place, we don't want him to give someone a seizure from sleeping with the skeletons next to him, then our tent near Yis', we don't want to get attacked or ambushed."

Ignoring the three idiots who were looking at me "hey you do it" style, I direct my words towards Vanessa and with her response we move to the side to leave the undead.

With that done and seeing that the three useless ones helped the knight, we move further into the lines of soldiers, things are done quickly, there is already a command center, tents and communal canteen.

"Nothing personal, but someone brought a tent."

"Yis gave me one"

Vanessa is God!

"Someone knows how to set it up, I'm a wolf, so I don't count!"

What a beautiful move! Now seriously how the hell do you put up an army tent, I know how to put up a simple one but something more specialized, well no.

20 minutes, 20 damn minutes to be able to put up a tent and we didn't put it up, but they looked at us with a pity face and helped us.

"This is already sad, they are adventurers how can they not know how to put up a tent".

That hurts, it has too much psychological damage, of course those words didn't hurt us and that's why me and Vanessa are on the ground making circles on the ground, just for the art, of course not!!!.

With a broken heart and with many doubts in mind we move towards the tent, I fell hard as a log, I couldn't even taste, having a woman by my side.

[connection with <Destination> was attempted]



[due to host corruption unable to maintain connection].

Finishing those notifications, I return to my ordinary sleep.



"up human pig!"

It was taps on my shoulder, then I felt myself being shaken from side to side, and at the end I got hit by something in my rib.

"Sif that's enough!"

"hey it's Russia, now not me!"

"I said Sif, not Germany!"

Leaping out of my sleeping bag, I crashed head first into the person in front of me, resulting in me falling on my ass on the bed again.

Who was in front of me is a very confused Vanessa, still let's not get off topic, the thing is she is armed to the teeth and even Sif is a little beat up.

"Ok what happened here"

"Nothing, just some vampires jumped us in the night, burned some tents and killed a few."

O wow the sarcasm drips from every word, thinking that, I pull my weapons out of the ring and start waving my hands in front of Vanessa's face.

"Calm down Sif, you know it's hard for me to get up once I fall asleep."

As we talk between Sif and I, at last Vanessa comes out of her clear procedure she is still very confused, I guess the names reminded her of something.

"Whatever, we have to move the skeletons, we can't stay here now that the location has been revealed and for that I need you so let's get going."

With his words we left the tent, everything was in full working order, the formations armed, the heavy weapons being stored in some rings stolen from the Lord and Yis plus the nachalo guys are gone.

"I'm going to call the other three, Nea go get the skeletons ready."


Finishing her words she heads towards the ranks of soldiers or maybe the mess hall no idea where those three are, the thing is I must get the skeletons ready for the march, with those thoughts I leave with Sif who has already magically cleansed herself because I don't know how I would do it otherwise.

We get to the forest where we left them, no one has been stupid enough to attack the skeletons, he said they can't move on their own and there are too many of them, it was more of an attack to cut off the head of the snake, meaning kill Yis.


"I don't want to break the epic moment, but master, you're not Korean and people don't doubt their heterosexuality when they see you."

I had to do it ok, who hasn't seen the necromancers and their Armies of thousands of skeletons while thinking that's cool, now was my chance and I smashed it.

"What did you do now Nea."

With Vanessa and the three morons back in the vicinity, we got down to business, meaning Vanessa and I lead the army while the other three march them off.

??? Some time later.

We have not been for more than 5 hours in the same place due to the danger of being detected and thanks to that we arrived to the vicinity of Polovina in about 17 or 20 hours, well, the truth I don't know, since it was very confusing to use <time> and only see darkness and moons so fuck it all.

It was a completely open area of at least 2 km, where the city was located, it is in turn completely surrounded by forests in which we are now.

The only thing we manage to see from our current position are the imposing walls of about 20 meters completely intact, every 100 meters or so there are high circular towers that rise to about 35 meters and have some openings at the top.

"It seems to me that attacking head-on is not an option."

"There's a reason we have all this cannon fodder isn't there?"

While we were talking to Sif about what is going to happen with the attack, from a distance, because it was our turn to stay away from the main body due to the fear of some towards the skeletons, the sounds of horseshoes ring out.

"Mr. and Mrs., Yis needs you in the command center."

The one speaking to us so formally is the poor gentleman from the previous time, back to the topic it seems Yis has sent for us to call for the council something obvious since we are commanding the skeletons.

"We're off we go Nea, by the way if you're going to take Sif make her small."

"You won't be a genius Vanessa."

Ahh, even with all the calmness of the... well whatever time that was back there is still with her anger Sif, ha, ha, ha, ha terrible, spiteful.

"Calm down Sif, you don't need to say it, we all know Vanessa is a genius."

Ha ha ha ha her face, it was like "I'm serious".

Finishing the banter we move on foot towards the main camp, place where there is already a whole siege structure built, I mean artilleries are out, bullets, equipment, potions and more is all in full swing, looks like concealment is not the priority.

Leaving that out of sight we move towards the largest and most central tent in this camp, at the entrance are two fully armed guards, while nearby patrolling a few more.

"Mistress Yis I have brought them."