
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 34 common magics

Chapter 34

Leaving the scam the system just pulled on me, I start to eat before these animals run out of everything.


"thanks anyway."

Phew, it seems that while I wasn't listening everything has settled down praise the weather, having finished breakfast we leave the coins on the table and head out of the inn.

Things have calmed down for now, even so there are still some soldiers patrolling the streets, watching the movements and notifying people, leaving all that aside, we move towards the large troop camp that is in action.

Everything was a chaos of noise, movement and lights, going through all the troops that are already in the process of formation, come on this arming civilians is difficult, we move towards the squad of mages/civilians with more mana.

"Vanessa and Nea, Mrs. Yis has accepted the proposal, you will now be in charge of the skeleton squad."

Who speaks to us as we approach is the lady from yesterday's large scale summoning, upon hearing her words she shot a glance at Vanessa asking for an explanation.

"I've known you for a few days and I already know that you always forget what's really important".

"look master a stalker"

I don't know what to say, is that seriously I'm so bad in my memories... Well who am I kidding if I always forget everything, like now I already forgot again to change the cape, my leather breastplate and my whole damn set, by the way Sif you are the only stalker, you think I haven't seen you how you follow my movements with your eyes.

"Ok leaving that big detail aside, so now we are the captains of the undead army."

"right, you forget how that vampire hit you or what, we are mages, not warriors, besides most of the undead were created by us, so it will be easier for us to control them."

He seems to have everything under control, as we finish our talk we approach a small group of about 3, the woman from yesterday and two men, they are the ones in charge of the less important tasks like making them leave.

"Looks like Vanessa was right before with just my mages/civilians, they were barely getting this whole army marching, I guess if it's all set up we can get going."

The one speaking now is Yis, she is still as radiant as before and behind her are about 4 more, apparently they are nachalo's envoys, by the way after the update what are their stats.

"System do your thing"

Name:Yis (Faith overload).

Hp 20.000/20.00p Mp 102.00p/102.000




Occupation:Faith recipient








Abilities:<aura of Faith><sacred flame> <spear control> <lower angel> <light magic> <medium healing> <+++>.

Oh... what else do you want me to tell you, she's out of scale, her power is over 9k, ha ha ha ha ha that sideways what's that <++++> thing.

"before only the most used skills of that person were shown, even then it will never show the (basic) skills such as Light, mana burst, mana boost or mana overcharge"

As a trumpet sounds marking the start of the march, I snap out of my thoughts and approach Sif come on foot I'm not going, asking Vanessa for a bone mount, is like digging my own grave.

"Why so uptight master, I wouldn't leave you looking bad amongst the people, you must command respect now."

She just said something logical... Oh no, my system isn't she the one who got corrupted maybe.

"Sif I'm not going to pass up the opportunity, but you're okay right?"

Before I say the second part of my sentence I quickly climb on her back, ha ha ha ha, I leave nothing to chance.

"I'm going to ignore the second part of the sentence for your own well being, now let's go Vanessa has already left us behind."

At the end of his words he moves quickly towards Vanessa's steed who is riding in the front of the army with the other three behind, of course he didn't say anything to her about turning from about 5 meters just to show ahh Sif and her pride.

"I see you've finally decided to join us, but seeing your mount I have to admit it was time well wasted."

"ha, ha, ha it's incomparable the ride on my back to one on those already old and cold bones"

It was necessary to inflate his ego even more, this will be a long ride by the looks of it and oh god yes I was right in those words.

??? Some time later.

It had already been a while how much the truth no idea, come on everything is the same around these parts, darkness, moons that do not shine and noises of bone against bone, even so you can say that it is a truly useful trip because having a natural mage like Vanessa greatly expands my catalog of basic spells.


[imbue weapon in any type of energy you are apt at, if you are not apt at any particular type it imbues in natural].

<increase sense>

[augment a particular sense by applying mana to it, only one sense can be augmented at a time]

<mana creation>

[using a huge amount of raw mana creates a structure to the user's desire]


[devoured all the mana in the vicinity of the same element of the user, forcibly recharge the total mana].

It was a lot of very basic things of every magician, you know even those three useless no offense, because of the large group of people, the monsters have not got in our way, of course there is always the idiot on duty who attacks the same, still does not cause waves and is immediately eliminated.

"hey master how much more?"

"I don't know, or do you see my map face?"

It's strange to talk to someone and they're underneath you, he said, it's super awkward not being able to see who you're talking to.

"Calm down princess."

"Hey! Why are you insulting princesses!"

I'm going to think Vanessa is trying to protect me, not that she answered that, since it's a shame to compare princesses to me, it's just that I'm very sensitive ok it's not easy to learn all these spells in a row.

"Hey should we help him?"

"Screw him for getting between two women."

Come on, Now even the three morons in the back have jumped in and that brings me to one of the weirdest and stupidest spells I discovered <Time> yes it is a spell that shows the current time with no errors, the weird thing is that how does it know the time and even Vanessa who has heard many things says it is used in other Realms, so my biggest proposition is that it connects directly to the world system.

What I was getting at is that we are marching along for about 5 hours and it looks like we are going to last about 15 or more even with Yis blessing.
