
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 23 skeleton

Chapter 23 skeleton


Letting out a scream and raising his axe upwards a red color began to emanate from his body, at that he begins to charge towards us.

<vampiric aura><unholy aura>.

Waves of mana from the standard bearers go all over the room, now instead of only a red aura, he also has a green and a violet one.


At the previous Meeting place of ours, there is now an axe stuck in the floor.

"I'm going for it!."

Sif took a large form and lunged straight for the skeleton, only for him to let go of the axe handle and kick him in the head, sending his body crashing to the other side of the room.

"Nea distract it, I'm going to cast a singing skill."

"I understand."

Quickly pulling the arrow I have loaded towards him so that he doesn't advance towards Vanessa, I keep the bow in the ring and draw the sword from its sheath for the first time.


He grabbed the handle of his axe with both hands and began to turn it in front of him, managing to redirect my arrow to one of the sides of the room, at that I arrived with the sword up and threw a vertical cut that is stopped with the handle of his axe, then I quickly move my hand towards his face and activate the skill.

<dark control>

Gathering mana easily in the hand in front of him, I try to throw it only to feel a kick in the chest rolling on the ground, I manage to aim at him before he starts his chase, the mana changes from a spherical shape towards some 50cm spears . (-250cv)(-120mp)


Moving his axe at superhuman speed, he manages to deflect all the mana spears towards his vicinity, at the end he raises his axe over his shoulder and prepares to throw it.


Overloading the spell from a distance, he manages to make it explode masterfully in the creature's vicinity.


"I'm ready, <summon wraith>."

From the place where Vanessa was, a sphere of black mist begins to form and in it enter the three Misdreavus, after a few moments from that sphere comes out a mismagius, I think this one has something wrong will be because of its overdevelopment in the chest area, even so she wears her classic purple dress with pink borders plus her witch cap of the same style, under such amount of chestiness are the light red gems this time embedded in her dress, I can only say.

"Palkia what have you done!"

"Master, stop with the crazy references, can't you see I'm fighting here!".

With Sif's indignant shout, I snap back to reality and deploy my bow ready to finish off those standard bearers once and for all.

Sif pov.

Shouting at the master due to his reference in a bad situation, I return to the target in question, it was difficult his physical strength and Dexterity are through the roof.

"System show your status"


Hp 78%/100% Mp 80/80




Occupation:undead captain






Vitality:-100 (undead)


Skills:<war cry> <axe skill> <berserk>.

"What the hell is up with that negative Vitality and yet it still has life."

"Being undead, his Vitality is in a negative state."

Activating the <Ice Claws> skill, I move towards him again, and land on his neck(-60mp)


After a few seconds he already reacts, he knees me in the belly throwing my body about 30cm in the air and follows with one in the ribs. (-100hp)

"mismagius uses bewitching flames on him."

Letting out a small nod, he raised both his arms above his head and in the center of them creates a sphere of purple flames with a red center.


"Quick we must drop the bombs on him, he is weak to fire."

With Vanessa's words the master threw the bombs at the creature, by the way it is burning in the center of the room like a bonfire due to mismagius' ability.

Boom! Boom!

With the detonation of the bombs, another pillar of fire is created on the creature, even so that was not the end, with a mana filled scream, the fire around it was extinguished thus giving a view of its state, its once crystal black bones now have multiple cracks, its axe is burnt on the sides and one of the flames in its eyes is extinguished.

"he went into berserk mode, master".

While shouting at the master I get back to my feet ready to fight again, at that he managed to see that the skeleton is now surrounded by an even deeper red aura.

Grabbing his half melted axe, he lunges towards Vanessa destroying the skeletons she is summoning, running after him I took the largest form this dungeon allows me and crushed the bastard with my claw.

"Hold him to yes Sif!"

With the master's shout managed to see that he is charging his ability, even with all my weight on top of him, shakes run all over my paw in an attempt to escape.

"Let go"

<Lunar Weapon>(-150mp)

Letting go of my paw that was holding him, he quickly stands up and tries to counterattack only for him to catch the arrow with his forehead.


With a dull sound, then a flash of light originating from the arrow embedded in his forehead, he falls to the ground.

"Sif, are you all right?"

"Yes, although he beat me up, most of the damage fell on the skill snow."

[exp +3500]

[pool exp +3820]

"Don't get distracted, now the really hard part begins."

As if Vanessa's words were a signal, the chandeliers began to increase the intensity of their light emitted with this new illumination, let the entire room be seen in its splendor. The lower regions of the right and left walls are painted with large murals, above them are multiple sarcophagi embedded to the wall, above the now finally illuminated ceiling multiple skeletons can be seen hanging downward.

"Wow, if it was scary before just with the darkness and skeletons, now it seriously conveys the feeling of evil."

"Good point Sif, this reminds me of the devil dungeons, there were always dead people around."

"On guard it's coming!".

From the depths of the tunnel in front of us, a being that can only be called ghostly begins to show itself. A completely black cloak covers his body, under the hood there is only complete darkness, on his hands up to the elbow there are iron gloves, he also wears a breastplate of the same material over his cloak, from the neck and tying his cloak there are two long red ribbons that move without wind and in his right hand there is a long sword without any decoration.

(ghost, battle for wesnoth)

Already on his way out, he moves his left hand and out of it come hundreds of balls of dark mana, all in the shapes of skulls screaming.

"Behind me, quickly!."

After Vanessa's shout, I and the master move behind her, managing to see her pull out a book with a white cover and deep gold engravings.

"This is a tome of light, you can only use the prescribed ability every so often."

<Emit force!>

From the book, in Vanessa's hands, a white aura spread out, quickly purifying all traces of dark energy in a straight line.

"Now before I use that ability again."