
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 22 dungeon

Chapter 22 dungeon

Firing an arrow from Sif's back, it hit directly into the head of a bear about 10 feet tall approaching us from the rear.

"it's not dead, <dark magic>."

As he rides on horseback he turns around and casts a spell from his staff, nearby the mana gathers and it takes the form of multiple spears of bone Shooting straight out towards the creature.


With a small groan and the sound of flesh being cut, the great bear falls directly onto the dark earth.

"Don't let your guard down master, I hear many more on their way nearby and some small flapping as well."


The trees to the right of us flew out and from there a disgusting creature came out, it was a bloody centipede about 10 meters long, its feet were made of human arms, its armour is broken in some places giving a splash of blood with every movement, instead of a head there is a gap where you can see the inside of the body.

"It's still alive!".

"Vanessa do you know what that thing is?."

As I ask with a shout, a dark energy builds up in front of the creature's face.

"It's the guard at the entrance to the dungeon, we need to surround it and attack as we move, scatter!."


The slashing sound passed through the direction we were heading before, at that I see a full-blown laser pass through a few trees in a straight line before losing mana, the surroundings to the laser dry up and fall like ash.

"Sif, make yourself smaller at about 10 feet, <bow and magic><moon weapon>." (-250mp)

As we circle the creature myself on the right and Vanessa on the left, I activate my ability, a golden light begins to create itself at the tip of the arrow and with it comes a sense of tranquility.


There was no explosion or anything like that, when the arrow embedded itself in its flesh, the area in a few seconds inflated and exploded with a dull sound outward.


With its foot-shaped hands writhing in pain, it begins to spin in circles coiling itself like a snake and sticks its head out, thus beginning to accumulate more mana than in the previous attack.

"Not on my watch, <dark magic>."

Saying his words, from the ground where the centipede is standing multiple bone stakes begin to protrude and impale it causing me to let out a scream into the air.


With his shout, the mana he had charged shoots up into the sky and begins to fall like rain all over the battlefield.

"Shit!" (-100hp).

As he is hit by one of the many lightning bolts, the skin in the vicinity starts to itch and before it goes any higher he is stopped by the system.

"Did he give you master?"

"Yes, must finish quickly, <moon weapon>"


Overloading the skill, he aimed at the head void that is screaming into the air.


Placing the arrow right inside it, the creature's scream is over and from the gaps in its armour you manage to see flashes of light, at that the body falls dry towards the ground.

[exp +500]

[Lvl +1]

[exp shared in 3]

"uff at last it's over no, master."

"Vanessa, this thing is the guard, are we near the dungeon?"

With Sif, returning to her size of about 3 or 4 meters, I see Vanessa stow the body in her ring.

"No, this thing had been chasing me for quite some time, we are most likely 3 to 5 hours away from the dungeon."

"Then there's no time to waste, we must get there before it's night, oh right, it's always night here."

"Are you serious Sif?."

Letting out that very bad joke, we set off in the direction where the dungeon must be located.

Already after about 4 hours, we arrived at a deserted place in the middle of the forest, in the middle of this empty land of vegetation and trees is an entrance to what looks like a tunnel, its structure made of solid stone blocks, a height of about 3 meters and a width of 6, with small torches every now and then.

"Here we are, I didn't think I'd be back so soon!"

With the excited Vanessa, I dismount from Sif and she takes a normal wolf height, at that Vanessa uses another of her abilities.

<summon wraith>

Releasing her words she creates a dark mist that materializes into three entities, her body mainly grey with the tips of what looked like hair in pink, plus a small pearl necklace of a light red color that matches her eyes of the same color.

"Master, that's a Misdreavus, you know this doesn't surprise me at all."

"Let me clear it with the system."

Name:x(because they are split).

Hp 0/0 Mp 60/60


Level:(not enemy)











Description:an entity that is maintained in this world through mana energy, by merging the three can create a new entity.

"Well yeah, it's a freaking Misdreavus."

"Cut the muttering back there, they scouted the path ahead."

Gathering all of us at the entrance, we move into the depths of the dungeon, its floor was made of stone bricks just like the structure, according to our direction we were going downhill.

Already after about 10 minutes, we came out to an even larger underground area, the ceiling is in about 20 meters and from it hang a multitude of chandeliers giving light to a small part of this room with a length of 100 meters.

[you have entered the dungeon]

[exp will be given at the end]

Emerging from the entrance tunnel, we come face to face with a squad of skeleton soldiers, 5 carrying a round wooden shield and already worn armor, behind them are three more with the same type of armor only with crossbows equipped, their eyes of red flames give a chilling sensation.

Clack, clack.

The sound of bone against bone is heard throughout the room, with that the troops begin to advance in formation 3 forward, 2 to the sides and 3 in the center.

"Sif, vanguard, Nea take care of the crossbowmen when the opportunity arises, I will create minions for distraction."

<raise undead>

From the nearby floors rise 3 skeletons, they carry nothing on top besides a bone sword in their right hand.

"here I come!"

Jumping towards the middle skeleton, he takes a form of about 4 meters and throws it towards the ground, of course at that moment the crossbowmen stick a few bolts into his body, useless thing, since from those places snow with the bolts in it comes off.

"What kind of juubi are you Sif?"

Throwing out a reference, I hurry to place an arrow in my bow and shoot towards the crossbowmen now that the other two swordsmen are busy with the skeletons summoned by Vanessa.

"Sif move aside, <dark magic>"

Hearing the shout, Sif returned to her small size, thus leaving the place where the skeletons summoned by Vanessa exploded.

[exp to pool +320 exp=40x1]

"It's over now, or will it be in a per-assault mode?".

With Sif's question, Vanessa raises her undead again before answering.

"By assault, the next horde will be 2 standard bearers and a general."

Tucu, Tucu, Tuc!

With drum roll sounds, from the other side of the room a black boned skeleton becomes visible, the flames on his skull of a green color, his height of 2.5 meters make him look imposing and in his hands he carries a double axe of about 2 meters(great dark knight axe DS3).

After he got about 25 meters from his exit, two more skeletons appear only that these, if they wear equipment not like that exhibitionist, on if they wear a toga eaten at the edges and in his arms a banner bigger than them.

"Well here we go again, Sif and I will take care of the big one, Nea take out the little ones, then you give us backup."


The differences between the dark magics, even with the same name, will be explained in future chapters.

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