
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 20 Vanessa

Chapter 20


Rolling on the bed from the fright of those flames, no wait why the mattress is so hard, opening my eyes I see that I am at floor level and on my bed is a wolf lying sprawled out.


With a scream that maybe heard even downstairs, I try to get up only to fall again due to the arrival of information that is stored again in the form of books in my memory.

"Oh, master I understand that every time you see me you tang the compulsion to kneel on the floor, but it is not necessary to throw you on the floor, just by my presence you will make me blush."

I'm serious Sif, this is no time for this, I'm kissing the damn floor of an unfamiliar inn.

After I gave her eye signals and she helps me up, I lay in repose for about 5 minutes.

"Well, if you're already alive it's time to go downstairs and get things ready for our adventure."

"You always so worried about me."

"Come on you left me sleeping on the floor overnight, it's very clear my bad mood."

"Ha ha ha ha I guess so, it had to be said and it was said!"."

Why are his eyes shining, stop it don't come near me, Sif you scare me.

"Master at last you're with the memories, now my references won't be left in the air!. "

With the excited Sif and my head full of information to check, we move downstairs for breakfast.

As we make our way down towards the bar, we meet a girl who signals to us from a table in the corner of the bar.

"Master you know her?"

In a voice that has several hidden thorns, she asks me.

"I don't know anything about her, but I can guess based on the information currently possessed."

As we start talking to each other on the stairs, I switch from making eye signals, then hand signals, and end up speaking directly.

"Come on what's wrong with them!"

She gets up from the circular table and starts walking toward us. Her two dark purple ringlet pigtails reach almost to the floor, she wears a loose black robe with red edges at the wrists, this combination of dark colors highlight her white skin and gray eyes, all this together, would make her a dangerous woman, of course if she wasn't flat and short about 1,55cm.

"Seriously they're going to keep ignoring me, even when I'm right next to them talking."

Who is this, umm I don't know, system to the rescue!


Hp 320/320 Mp 1.200/1.200


Level:???? (not marked as enemy)










<summon wraith> <raise undead> <random summoning> <dark magic> <night festival>.

"Sorry for the tactlessness, I would like to ask your name and why you are calling us."

"Goodness how formal, I am Vanessa a grade D adventurer and it seems to me we can continue the conversation at the table."

Too bad, I thought my beautiful face had attracted her, wait, I haven't changed my wardrobe since that town, or come on seriously, I'm still in the same tattered cloak that was created by sewing wolf skins..

With the three of us already seated at the back table, we begin to order our breakfast, it's not like it's noticeable, I mean it's still night outside.

"Then master, do I attack this stalker or not?"

The first one to open her mouth is Sif, well you have to admit she has the touch to break the ice.

"As I was saying before I'm Vanessa, I'm here to increase my rank to C, which I haven't been able to do."

She looks like she's going to ignore her, still she doesn't seem like a bad person or will it be because of her height that she doesn't command respect, whichever is better let's hear her out.

"Yes, you say, this is why you have not been able to make it alone right."

"Yes, the relic I want to sync with is in an undead type dungeon, very common around here."

As he spoke he began to eat, I can only say that the speed with which the poor food disappears is not normal.

"Continuing with the topic, my skills are sose towards darkness and necromancy, very unhelpful thing in such a situation."

Wait why is he telling me all this, he said that there is a nearby dungeon, the kind of dungeon it is, and even his skills is that he is not afraid.

"System what is going on here."

"According to my information, the adventurer's guild is run by the rules of envoys, that is, adventurers cannot attack each other, by denying this order they will be marked as PK and the world will take care of eliminating them."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, is the guild a relic."

"No and yes, all stories and legends originate from a great adventurer mostly, so the guild has a great deal of Faith, but being a completely, believable structure and not like the archives, they have a centuries old deal with the envoys. "

All this exchange of information lasted a few moments in my mind, coming back to reality managed to see how the food on my side of the table is threatened by these two hungry beasts.

"I understand then you are looking for companions for this expedition, an interesting job, but what did I win?"

"Same as me, come on, no one comes all the way to this godforsaken region just out of curiosity, chances are you're looking for something too."

She has a good point there, even though there are two of us Sif isn't very useful in enclosed spaces, something that is very common in dungeons, plus she may have information about the beings that inhabit the vicinity to this city.

"Well, you can take me for granted, what do you say Sif?".

"Sure master, this can serve as practice to know how to use the terrain and counter the monsters in this area."

Hey! They seriously won't stop, they're almost reaching my plate, with that thought he flapped about 3 plates and set them down next to my body.

"Well then! Pull out your adventurer card and we'll make a group."

I stretch my hand towards inside my eternal cloak and start rummaging through it, after a few attempts she managed to find it, the instant I pull it out she snatched it and put them together on the table.

[you have joined Vanessa's group].

"this done we are now ready for adventure!".

Where did so much energy suddenly come from, whatever, I'm going to ask the system about group benefits.

"To answer your question user, you are currently connected to the guild's group system, this allows you to sense teammate's current location, an approximate fitness, and they share learning skills."

After all this business talk, I finally deigned to eat of course there were hungry looks from the two of them, but meh.

"Well if you're done, we can move on to collect the materials needed for this expedition."

"Look master she if she knows that before going on a trip you have to prepare, this can also be a good time to collect things for our expedition, of course, before you forget."

With Sif throwing hints at me, we move towards the door, of course we pay before leaving, as only dinner is paid for, as we leave we are absorbed by the classic darkness omnipresent in this environment and its decrepit city.

"where do we move to first."

"Our first stop is the church, well what's left of it, then the armory to buy firebombs, and finally to the magic store to buy gems of light."

The plan was made, we started moving down the central road of the city, the first place we got to was Maria's magic store, well it seems her plan was not to be followed to the letter.


Entering the room where it is attended, in a few seconds the woman who attended us before comes back out.

"Well, but if it isn't the adventurers from yesterday, I wasn't expecting them so soon, haa I see, she's with you."

This old woman seems to have a general knowledge of adventurers.

"Yo! Miss Maria, you look as beautiful as ever."

After they talk about stupid things and give each other compliments back and forth, come on Sif you too, back to the important stuff.

"Here they are, 4 light stones, 1 took glow, and 6 anti-curses."

"From their color and sharpness I see they are of good quality, it's always a pleasure to do business with you Miss Maria."

Come on, I'm not about to eat another batch of compliments that go nowhere, thinking about that, I open the door sharply for the bell to draw them in, seriously Sif what's that face you're looking at me with, in the end they were 10 more minutes talking about nothing in particular.

"Finally, I thought I'd never get out of there!"

As I raise my hands to the sky in my mind and repeat those words under my breath, at that I see Sif along with Vanessa walk past me, what did they want to be in there any longer.

With a silence that was broken in less than 1 minute, due to the chatter between them, we move towards the forge/armory of the city, it was an L-shaped stone structure and from its shorter side comes out a cauldron of about 3 meters, even so it seems that the tent is on the long side.


With the sound of bells we entered the weapon store of the city, there was everything swords, spears, bows, mallets, halberds, all this hanging on the wall, shelves and in some drawers, wait if there are so many weapons why are the soldiers so poorly equipped, at least those on the wall, as I have not seen the ones patrolling in much detail.

"What can I do for you."

From the doorway connected to a smithy comes out a muscular 6'4", bearded man with his chest in the air, revealing his pecs from working in the forge.

"We need 12 incendiary bombs, the kind you can throw which can be thrown which boleadora and normal arrojadizas."

"Wait here, I'll be right back."

Turning his back on us he went back into the smithy, now looking more closely I notice that there are only melee weapons, no rifles, pistols or blunderbusses at all.

"This is what you're looking for, girl."

Leaving from the blacksmith shop he brings with him a bag full of multiple spheres, he takes out one of each type and starts explaining about how to use them, now we did leave the store quickly after finishing the business, of course before we left, he bought some arrows this time I won't forget them!

Sorry, a wild blackout mugged me

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