
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 19 city of darkness

Chapter 19

Passing through the walls, we come face to face with a use of space magic.

From the inside it is much larger than from the outside, there are a multitude of farmlands of about 250 meters, one behind the other, in them are planted different types of food, but all with a black color, even so by the traces of weeds and lack of watering are noticeable that they have not controlled these for a long time.

Taking the crop fields out of my eyes I am drawn to the inner city, a 5 meter wall in an even worse state than the outer one is presented to us, its crumbling walls and roofless towers show that they have not been used for a long time.

"This looks like a thriller or horror movie, right?."

As we walk at a leisurely pace along the dirt road that is surrounded by crops, Sif begins to use references to my memories.

"Oh right, you didn't catch the reference, you really must do something about your memories master."

She's right, I can't keep procrastinating, the sooner the better, with those doubts out we approach the inner wall after passing 1 km of Cropland.

"There's no one guarding the gate master, we just walk in?"

"Well yes, we've already been checked at the main entrance."

Passing through the undone gate we find a city with a completely dark hue, blackish colored wooden houses with thatched roofs mostly, the streets are uninhabited and soldiers patrol here and there, more in the distance stands on a hill a two-story mansion made of birch wood.

"It's beautiful to see the world again, even when it's so... black I guess?"

"No time to waste, this time I need a good place to sleep and you can't say we don't have any money."

Following the main road now made of stone cobblestones, we move towards one of the few stone buildings in town, Mary's potion store, according to the sign outside such a building.


With the chime of a bell, I open the door with one hand and hold Sif with the other, inside the building we are met by a simple room divided in half by a bar, on the sides of the walls are tall shelves holding many potions of all kinds and colors, behind the bar there is a curtain that doesn't let us see anything beyond.

"I'm coming!"

A now older voice sounds from behind the curtain, and in a few seconds a woman in her 50's comes out, she wears a simple robe and her body continuously gives off a smell of medicinal herbs.

"Oh, I thought you'd be Miss Adventurer, but no, although you're not from around here either, well what does it matter."

Saying that she dragged a chair from behind the curtain and sat down across from us.

"Never mind, one of the soldiers told me that you sell a type of potion that will take this horrible darkness out of my eyes."

"You're talking about the spider eye potion, I seem to have some."

Waving her hands, some items from the shelves began to move towards her.

"I have two, for them it will be 10 silver coins."

After looking at about 5 vials, there was only one orange colored potion with red sparkles left on the counter.

"Give me both, by the way I just drink it and we're done."

"Yes, just drinking it will give you night vision and by the way, before you ask there is only one inn in this city, this one is in the vicinity of the old guild."

With the purchase completed, I exit the building and fix my gaze on the largest building in this city was the guild or what is left of it, its structure was completely abandoned and its upper floor sunken inward.

Already in the vicinity of the guild, we came across the third stone building of the city, the inn, it was a spacious two-story building, its facade was surrounded by vines and light spreads from the windows.

"Here we are at the inn master, at last a bed I'll be able to savor!"

"Well if you hadn't been drunk until you passed out, you would have savored the Zeppelin's bed."

As we enter the inn we are struck by the intense light, there are multiple tables with people drinking and eating, further away is the bar where an older man stood tending, on the far right side is a lit fireplace and on it are many strange things.

"What are they looking at us master, do you want me to put them in their place?"

"Sure, if your plan is to sleep on the streets and if you're lucky in a damp cell."

Stupidity aside, I move towards the shop owner/bartender.

"What can I do for you boy?"

"I want a room for a week, food included of course."

The man pulls a key from under the bar and holds out his hand.

"15 copper coins a day, plus food would be 1 silver coin a day."

Passing the coins to his hand, I fix the room number on the key and head towards one of the unoccupied tables, leaving Sif on one of the chairs and go to the opposite one while I order the menu.

"I want meat master, don't look at me like that I'm a wolf, besides we've only been eating one type of meat, wait, does that mean I'm a cannibal?".

"You're a relic Sif, not a wolf."

In a few moments a waitress arrived with the menu, after ordering a hearty meal, since we didn't eat at the Zeppelin because of a certain someone, we got to wait.

After a few minutes spent going over our plan, the food arrived at the table, there is everything, meat, soups, salad and more, all with a dark texture.

"Even the food is dark, master there is nothing around here that has color?"

"What can I say the crops were already warning us, by the way, put down that wine already!"

I still wonder how this wolf eats the food without touching it, come on it would be super inconvenient if it had to open its jaw to drink or eat.

"You're thinking something wrong, don't try to deny it master, now I'm going to kill my sorrows in wine."

What have I done wrong to make her become an alcoholic, with many doubts and few answers term our dinner.

On the way to our room I carried Sif like a sack of potatoes, upon arriving and opening the door what greets me is a fully functional room, a bed, closet, chest of drawers and a door leading to a bathroom.

"Damn Sif, since she won't listen to me she'll sleep on the floor."

Throwing her down onto the hardwood floor, I roll over and lay down on the bed, of course using magic to turn off the light.

"Good night, Sif, may you dream of... Well, whatever, system deactivates the memory block.

"I understand user."

At the end of the system's words, absolute darkness fell over my eyes, senses of touch, smell and so on became erratic.


Great flashes of lightning illuminated the city below, of course if she existed, the once tidy and clean houses are nowhere to be found anymore, the streets are crumbling, large chunks of the city are in necrotic green flames, all this is just the beginning.

Grotesque looking creatures make a complete chaos all over the city, their 2 to 3 meter bodies composed of flesh of different beings, all piled up and without any rationality, they attacked everything that comes to their sight.

There are small squadrons that try to resist, but it is useless, large beasts that have even lost their shape due to the extra flesh, launch themselves from the skies leaving a shadow of about 50 meters on the ground and a trail of fire over the ancient city.

Before I can feel anything from such a sight, I am dragged against my will towards a building in the middle of the city, it was a giant pyramid of at least 3 bases, with even more force I am pulled towards the top floor.

In it is something that has already left the level of aberration, it was a mass of formless flesh, within its body multiple body forms are created and thrown out of the pyramid giving rise to yet another creature for the contention in the city.

"Oh, fate you have become!"

With a dramatic entrance, a completely forgettable looking man appears from the stairs, in the mass of flesh there is a reaction and multiple eyes are created, some fall out, some simply dry up, die, revive and return to this cycle.

"What are you doing here, 2¥©®$?"

"I see you keep some of your user's intelligence, it's time to end this rampage, there is already too much chaos to overlook, the envoys are ecstatic to lay their hand on you, you need to return to the world system."


With the sound of an eggshell cracking I am ejected back into the sky, in the now even more chaotic city a ray of light falls from the fissure overhead, looking up I managed to make out a man his trench coat completely white with only the edges in gold rides in the wind, in his hand rests a red colored sword, blood from its blade multiple spikes extend like thorns.


Only his soft words echoed in the sky, followed by this and as he lowered his sword towards the city a literal sea of fire descended upon it, there was no explosion or screams, only silence.