
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 17 On the way

Chapter 17 On the way

With the wind in my face, the cold caresses my body, to which Sif's fur was a very good medicine.

At that, I pull out the map that was inside the ring, yes it was a stupid idea.

"System can you scan it"

"I understand user."

Already after about 5 minutes, I have the map in my retina, according to this you have to walk for about 3 hours along the main road of the city of perk, then I will arrive to the fort of Luis, place that connects by road with the city of dunsk.

On the road there is nothing to see, just snow, pine trees and the odd beast that has survived from the silver moon.

In a few hours we were already at the gates of Fort Luis, a solid stone structure about 16 meters high, circular walls and 6 towers that rise over 20 meters.

In its vicinity there are still traces of the previous day's fighting, on the high walls there are multiple banners showing the different forces inside.

"Halt, clarify your origin and identity!"

"I go alone or with the wolf!"

"Come alone."

Climbing down from Sif, I move towards the large gates that are half closed, from their top a cast steel gate protrudes and in their upper region there are crowds of soldiers.

In less than a few seconds, a fully equipped soldier comes out and starts asking for personal details.

"I am an adventurer and I am coming from the city of perk."

"Sure you can show your identity."

In a few minutes the routine questions are over, at that the cock is lifted and the fort is shown in its full glory.

Sure if you can call it glory, inside it are multiple stone structures with no destination and which are obviously to house soldiers, down the center runs a triple track road that ends at each gate of this fort.

"For the city of dunsk you must follow the road to the right."

All this out of the way, I go towards Sif and back to our march.

After about 40 minutes and ⅓ of the way to dunsk city, the biome began to change, the snow disappears and green grass reclaims its place, pines give way to spruce, birch and warmth takes the place of cold, this is not uncommon you know there are mountains of ice in the desert, beaches in the swamps and more.

"It seems to me or your hair has become less lush Sif.

"This is called adapt or die, the same as you guys who have Zeus syndrome."

It seems to me that he just made a joke, which I could not understand, after another 20 minutes we come across a caravan that has direction to Luis' fort, I guess it will be the food, Consumables and etc.

Now before noon we arrive at what would be a beautiful meadow, of course if there wasn't a damn mountain in the middle of it all.

"I'll just say that mountain is out of place master.

"It's not the weirdest thing I've ever come across, anyway let's go there, according to the map, dunsk city is at the top of the mountain."

Moving down the small hill we were on and moving towards the mountain, we encountered many people, hundreds at least, all heading towards the city, there were adventurers, traders, caravans and more.

Now, just below it, we realize that it has some paths leading to the top and if it was big from a distance, imagine now that I'm right next to it.

"This is going to be a long climb master, good thing you have me here right."

"I guess so, what you're worth in practicality you subtract in showiness, come on everyone stares at you."

"My curse, my blessing, ha, ha, ha, ha."

As we always wasted time in our chatter, in less than 5 minutes we reached the upper area of the wall.

It was amazing, not only for a city, on a mountain, no the thing is that the top of the mountain is much bigger than the base, something impossible, well it's magic.

Its walls were 5 meters high, a small thing for what we have seen so far, then the most eye-catching thing was by far the floating dock that was on the other side of the city, on it were a multitude of Zeppelin and floating boats back and forth.

Looking inside the city you can see multiple boilers that let out smoke of different colors, all this can be seen from the outside, I don't even want to know how it will look like from the inside.

"Come on master, we have to catch the Zeppelin before it's too late and we can be tomorrow morning in the lands of eternal night."

"sure, there's no time to waste, according to my last memories of this city, the Zeppelins to the lands of eternal darkness leave around noon."

Having clear that there is no time to lose, we move towards the gates, which is not very controlled, since it is one of the most important commercial nodes.

Now inside the city you can see structures of one and up to three floors of bricks, tiles on their orange roofs, its streets were wide with drains on the sides and in the distance you could see the big factories that are the ones that release all that smoke of different colors.

"Master, I thought the cities would be destroyed after all this war going on."

"They are Sif, only this city is maintained by the defense system of the old Muscovite empire, so it's not the best war target."

Walking through the wide streets of the city, people moving from one side to the other, all very busy, truth in that we move towards the dock, an even busier place.

We moved towards a large two story structure, it was the place where Zeppelin and boat tickets were issued, truth be told they were quite cheap, just a few silver coins.

"So, when we leave master, is there time for relaxation or not."

"No Sif, you have to be exactly 10 minutes away on the Zeppelin, yes I bought the closest tickets in current schedule."

Leaving the building we move towards the harbor itself, its docks floated from the tip of the mountain, on it are a multitude of parked ships, on the right side of that is a lighthouse about 40 meters high, on its top is a hexagonal crystal that shines even in the daytime.

On his left side is the Zeppelin bay, in it are moored about 5 Zeppelins about 230 meters long, a beast, on their tops are multiple anti-aircraft protection weapons and there are different types of engravings on their structures.

"What do you mean we don't have any supplies, what are we going to do there is no time for anything."

With Sif's reminder, I realize that I screwed up, come on things are more expensive there, maybe I have enough wolf meat for a few years and spiders, but that last one even I don't get into.

"Well, it will be a few days of just meat."

Already past the time we move inside our Zeppelin, it was a classic ship. Its rooms were made of birch wood giving a touch of white, in each one there were small windows looking out.

What the rooms had was a simple single bed, a shelf and a table and chair.

Simplicity first and foremost.

"Well master, here begins our real journey."

"Do I have to put epic music in my mind behind you? Why I'm doing it."

"That's the spirit, now let's finish off the wine we have left from yesterday."

Before we knew it, already the blue sky was streaming past the windows showing us that we had taken off.