
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 16 Drink

Chapter 16 Drink

It was time to look for a place to stay, the first options were the guild, not very likely, since it is full to the limit even with the dead.

The second option was the church, they give shelter in crises, the thing is that the crisis is over, so they send them out.

One can only try to find an unoccupied inn, which is extremely unlikely, since tomorrow is the day of the blessing of fertility, yes a day to party fornicating until the next sunrise.

"Wait you, yes you come here."

I grabbed a soldier who was in incognito mode, lured him to me and asked him about some available place.


Wait what, I hadn't told them to go back to their work, now I understand their situation of staying incognito.

"Hello measly mortal, now tell me a location where our tired bodies can rest."

"Sif!!!, how can you treat them like that, sorry, she is."

As I try to apologize for Sif's attitude, I notice her legs start to shake and drool starts to fall out of her mouth.

"What the hell."

"Simps, that's máster, they love it when I push them around."

I won't say anything about his tastes, I still thunder my fingers in front of him to get his attention.

"Sure, ahem, truth be told the inn is full, the guild even worse and the church has already ended its crisis state, but here's the catch, some citizens have died, so go to a house, see that it's uninhabited and sleep there."

"That can be done?"

"sure, if not where the new families that are created tomorrow live."

Finished talking to this Simp, we move around the vicinity of the area looking for an uninhabited house and found it after about 30 minutes.

It was simply a one-story house, its structure was made of stone with some cracks on top, its windows still sound and its door as well.

"Welcome home master, now we have to party until our body automatically shuts down."

Slamming the door and sending her body inside, Sif beckons me to come in next to her.

"I don't think that's a good idea, tomorrow we have to get up early for the captain's bounty and we start the relic quest."

"Come on master, you wouldn't leave your comrade-in-arms drinking alone in a corner would you."

Phew, I must get out of here now, I don't plan to miss the orgy that will form out there, I must go and put my new look into practice.

"I don't think it's possible, even if we want I don't bring wine or any alcoholic beverage in my inventory, you're not a wolf either so I'm going to look."

With that I walk away towards the door, but when I got there Sif was already there.

"Easy master, I brought the drinks for tonight or maybe there is something outside that deserves more attention than me."

As I finish talking they appear 1 jar of mammoth horn, in the part where the horn connects to the head there is a small sipper to drink.

"System what's going on here?"

"I understand your situation master, I always get the same thing when I saw things mysteriously disappear, now I am your father!"

It started off well, but when he finished his sentence we were both plasminated and looking at each other uncomfortably, well what happened here?.

"It was a reference to your user memories, in other topics she is now connected to your system, allowing her to level up and whatnot."

I guess there's nothing left to drink, come on, it's a wolf how much can it take.

It was bad, every time it looks like she's going down, she enlarges her body and then withdraws the ability making the alcohol go away with the snow, instead, I approach the last few, I can't anymore just two cups of what the hell is this made of.

"Come on master, one more cup, come on just one more, heh heh heh heh this is a special drink from my friend, the barbarian not to be wasted."

Alone, I got halfway through the sentence, already after that I don't remember anything, whether I drank more or not.

Pom! Pom!

Loud banging sounds against the door filled the room, is it me or is everything pink, no maybe blue, mehh.

Pom! Pom!

"Upstairs, master, upstairs come on sleepyhead."

Ugajah, what was that wait hit me? At that he shot a glance at Sif who is in her 2 meter form.

"What, you weren't getting up, I had to do something."

Damn wolf, this is all your fault, ha... What a headache I just want to sleep, in that state of I'm dying and I'm not dying, I go to the door and start to open it.

"Wow, I see you enjoyed the night, heh, heh, heh, heh, and who was it with."

The one outside my door is none other than Sif's simp, oh come on this guy again and besides even he was partying.

"I was sleeping all night long, I don't waste time in those insignificant matters, now what are you doing here."

That I already dislike him, how can you come with that smile that shows you had a good night, I here dry as a desert I need love.

"hey master, who is it?"

Don't look at me with that face, come on I hear Sif's voice and he looks at me as if he understands everything.

"It's the simp, and he's going to talk or I'm going to make him a casualty of this defensive battle."

"ha ha ha ha, no to aggression against the poor man, look at him he's pale from your words."

Slapping my face with his hand, he shot a glare at the soldier to hurry up and speak at once.

"I am here on behalf of the captain, he has said that he is sorry he cannot pay in his hand for his services and that is why there is a little over compensation."

Already with his dialogue out of the way, he pulls out of his pocket a small wooden box, on its sides top, bottom and right and left are large engraved runes, he immediately opens it and lets us see what is inside.

"ha, ha, ha, ha master, I didn't know your tastes were so refined, it's still early, you can go back to the light side, ha, ha, ha, ha".

"sorry, but I only give No homo."

Why is he walking away, wait, don't run.

"ha, ha, ha, ha, the dark side wins again, or master I will remember you."


Throwing a mana sphere at her face, regulating so that it only knocks her out, I turn around and start analyzing the ring that was inside the box.

[Storage ring(jewelry)]

[optimal requirements:(intelligence 5 )


Description:ring created by the blacksmiths of the church, its dark purple color and its cat's eye gem is a proof of that, this one comes with a small gift.

Ability:<space storage>.

At last, no more having to carry the lux bow like an idiot, a justification for things disappearing and appearing just because, plus it's easier to carry things like coins and consumables.

"So we're leaving now, master."

"I guess if there's nothing to keep us attached to this city anymore, according to the plan we'll exit through the back doors and move towards dunsk city, at that place we'll take the Zeppelin to the dark areas."

Already prepared, we leave the poor stranger's house and head towards the opposite door to the one we entered the first time, in the vicinity of the city we smell, we hear happiness and if why is it in the morning there are some who are still moving the savannah.

"Now yes, master there will be no more uncomfortable trips, because your 1.80 cm and my 2.50 cm, it was not very convenient the trip, the truth."

With that said I activate his ability, in a few seconds there is already in my eyes a wolf about 6 meters long.

"That was amazing, and by the way you don't want our bodies together, I understand."


Joking aside, I climb onto Sif's back and we set off towards dunsk city.