
A decision to make

"The town of edgalf is boisterous today"

"Haven't you heard the latest news?"

"Tell me, What's the latest news in town?"

"War is coming, the chaos forces is moving as the rumor says"

"Ohh...Nice, I can fish in troubled waters then"

"Suit yourself hero" say's the head guard responsible for the town's safety.

Claude then walked to the tavern in full spirits since he just gained the latest invention of Dr. Rooney. Since such an invention is so advance in this age in par with the land of Eruditio.

When Claude entered the tavern, all the eyes are on him quite curios on the newly arrived stranger since when the news about the war spread throughout the region, lots of adventurers can be seen at Edgalf. They just threw him a glimpse then go on minding their own business.

Claude strides to the counter and ordered his favorite drink the so called 'twilight lover'.

The twilight lover is well known in the land of dawn. It has a bitter but had a sweet after taste that is pleasing, especially in the winter season that helps you warm up.

Claude bottomed the glass until the last drop and ordered a new glass.

"Have you heard? The Mosenias' captain of knights, Tigreal, will lead this expedition for the twilight orb they say's"

"I hope he will succeed, since Alucard of the Temple Of Light won't join him"

Hearing the discussions in the tavern, Claude made an assumption that he might as well do good in the war by contributing if he would steal the strategic resources of the enemy.

But then a bold Idea came into his mind that what if he steal the cause of this war? Will there be a long lasting peace in the land of dawn or rather it would be worst for him?

This thought came in a whim, but then Claude became decisive in implementing this plan.

'I must steal the twilight orb, since it is the cause of this mess. Without the twilight orb the Land of Dawn will be in peace and prosperous. In a way, the commoners will live in a secured and better way.

'Tigreal? I might as well enlist as a soldier at Mosenia Empire then, joining the logistic department will not be bad since I can have a free ride from this. I can also take this opportunity to gather first hand information regarding this war'

'I'm wondering about that wanted poster of mine though' ridiculed Claude at himself whether he would feel good or bad by being the King of Thieves.

"Hey bartender, where can I find the camp of the Mosenias' army?"

Whispered Claude to the bartender who is wiping the wooden cups for a new customer.

This question is not strange for the bartender since almost every stranger that passes this town is heading for the Divine Justice camp of Mosenia Empire under Tigreal. The divine justice camp has been established recently for the purpose of competing for the twilight orb.

"Go at the eastern gate, the camp is out there. You better head their as soon as possible since they just released that they would close down the recruitment for certain reasons, I don't know why. But there are rumors going around saying that the camp is not for commoners supposedly, It's for the elites, well I heard that Tigreal is the one who issued such command. And that one cost 1 gold coin."

Information gathering and selling it, is one of the tavern's services aside from providing foods, drinks and rooms to travelers. Claude as a daily customer if every tavern in the Land of Dawn is not surprised about this. In reality, he is even a source of information that he sells it at any tavern in a certain price depending how valuable the information.

Of course he need to do so as a thief,since all material things can be stolen, why not even information?. This kind of business is profitable especially at times of war like this.

That was Claude's plan, to steal information from the enemy as well as he can steal miscellaneous stuff for himself but will he still notify his enemy in stealing it?

Claude has a moral standing that despite his mischief's, he has a borderline wherein he mustn't steal from the poor, he notify his victims first from the noble families, he won't kill anyone nit unless he's being threatened.

When he stands up to leave, he caught a glimpse of a newcomer walking towards him. The newcomer had a bearing that of a noble. His skin resembles that of the finest jade, with sharp eyes, and aquiline nose. As he walk towards the counter, you can see multitude of daggers buckled up along his waist.

"What the..., I thought you're dead, I even had celebrated for almost a month at the southern corridor and here you are standing in front of me. Are you somewhat a ghost? if you were I might as well kill you a second time for free" says Gusion as he caught sight of Claude. He became startled at first but he composed himself immediately knowing that this very person in front of him is the well know the King of Thieves.

"That's very touching, knowing that this friend here is in dire straits. You fulfilled my wishes at the south corridor. Unfortunately due to the extreme torture I received from Bruno, The chief guard of Antoinere, my memory is blurry. Who might you be? since what I remember about you is being the so called Paux boy"

Gusion ordered another cup of 'twilight lover' then he sat down and chatted with Claude about the past events these days in his absence.

"It's already late. I must go. I still had a task to do. See you in the field of battle"

With the last remark Claude walked out of the tavern. Looking up the starry skies, he headed to the eastern gate to enlist in the Divine Justice camp.

Since it's my first time writing here I do appreciate comments or suggestions. Please tell me anything about my work...I know it's crappy...I really need your reviews for me to improve...Thanks

XianWucreators' thoughts