
The Nihility Chef

In a World of swords and magic, schemes and conspiracies and the looming threat of the fucking abyss can a chef truly survive and cook his way to the top? A young chef reincarnates into a fantasy world with his golden finger being his pseudo OP physique and bloodline. He strives to reach the peak of cooking and on his journey he becomes a legend, he becomes the strongest. In this world strength is all that matters. The strong rule and the weak serve. So tell me what are you, the strong or the weak? Will you control your own life or be at the mercy of others? Will you fight for your rights, for your freedom or will you surrender? I do not own the cover art :0

GluttonyAndGreed · Fantasy
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50 Chs

0.1 - Elements and Fusion


The world is composed of many elements. Some elements have advantages over one another for example water over fire however if the fire affinity or cultivation base is high enough you can ignore this weakness.

Some elements are also a higher tier than others for example life vs healing, life is the stronger element due to its stronger properties.

The people of this world have categorised the elements into tiers.

The elements that make up the world - common elements.











Neutral (this element is just pure aura all it does is damage no elemental effects)


Elements exclusive to races, physiques or bloodlines - rare elements. (The swallowing nihility body is an exception ignores exclusiveness)

Blood (vampires)

Curse (daemons, Liches and bloodline/physique )

Holy (angels,Gods,physique/bloodline)

Devil (daemons, 'evil' gods, physique/bloodline)

Rune (Goblin and Dwarves)

Crystal (dwarf)

Healing (elves mermaids )

Corruption (abyssal creatures)


Elements above elements below tiers - pillars of existence elements





The strongest elements if you have a decently high affinity in any of them you are a certified genius - laws of the universe elements




Aether( the stuff before aura, it is very volatile and extremely dangerous)


Elements can be fused together boosting the overall strength in an attack.

There are three types of fusion.

Fusion with the neutral aura. Neutral aura is calm and gentle and is able to fuse with any other element the boost it gives is just the total sun of affinities plus 100%.

For example you have 100% in neutral 200% in fire add it together you get 300% plus another 100% giving you a total of 400%

Fusion of harmonious elements.

Harmonious elements work together to strengthen each other like water and ice or healing and wood etc. This doubles the total sum of affinities.

For example a 100% in water + a 150% in ice = 250% double that and you get 500%.

Some examples of harmonious elements are

Fire lava and earth

Fire and wind

Wind ice lightning

Lightning + wind

Light + lightning

Dark + curse


Lastly Fusion of conflicting elements this is normally the strongest type of fusion however it also very dangerous as the resultant fusion is very volatile and can damage the user(s)

It adds the affinities then triples the total sum.

Examples of conflicting fusions

Fire and ice

Light and dark

Life and death

Lava and water

Holy and devil

Wood and fire


Obviously the swallowing nihility body can fuse every element to create the void element the truest beginning perfection but this comes to play much later as it requires extreme control.