
The Nightmare In outer space

Many people have a fear of the unknown, the ocean, or even space. But are still interested in any harmless discoveries. Think you could handle a journey through the stars?

GhostofChristmas · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Exploration date

"We are from the FBI and we've come here in accounts of your accusation for being a scam artist you can come with us silently or we have to use force

The agents told me as I covered my face in annoyance 

"This day Couldn't get worse..... First I see couples everywhere exchanging gifts then getting robbed and now this...? fine Just take me I wanna speak to my lawyer first"

The agents just nodded as they cuffed me and walked me to there car and put me in as I just stared out the window the cold steel on my wrists as it hurt but oh well might as well face these allegations one more time and prove my innocence for like what the 100th time I just sighed and sat back and watched the view outside but then noticed we weren't going in the same direction as We used to the court house as I then asked the agents

"Uh Hey This isn't the right way you know you just missed the stop at the left"

The agents just giggled and said

"We've been ordered by the United states of america's president To bring you to him directly so you can have a little chat with him"


"It is not about Money Mr. Neo you shall discuss matters with the president and the navy seals"

"The navy seals? What are they doing there? trying to protect the President from me Even though I'm literally unarmed and cuffed? and didn't even expect you 2 too come to my house and arrest me while I was eating my dinner"

The agents then fell silent as they thought for a second and just sighed 

"No they are there to escort you"

"Escort me? Escort me to where? my execution ? Am I gonna be gunned down for helping the poor and the veterans who served our country?"

"No we are not going to execute you as you have no crimes committed so do not worry about that But you just have to see what's going to happen Mr. Neo"

I just sighed I knew my questions aren't gonna be answered without having my mouth sealed shut so I just stopped talking as I then asked to open the window they just said yes as I did and felt the cold air on my face it felt nice for some reason I enjoyed the air as We then reached the white house after an hour as I closed the window as my face was all stiff and frozen as I then basked in the heater of the car as it took me a minute for my face to return back to normal as The agents lead the way inside the white house and I just followed them I looked around my surrounding white walls with guards In uniform everywhere a blue carpet and well everything a president needs 

We then reached the Room of the president who just looked at me and smiled 

"Ah Mr. Neo Good to see you in shape"

"It's good to see you too Mr. President so what do you require of me ?"

"It's simple I want you to go to jupiter and do some research on it"

I just nodded before pausing for a moment 

"Huh? Jupiter ? It's made up of gas Mr president I can't possibly step on it and the Storms that occur will leave any space ship of yours in shambles and even if it did It would be pure ice!"

The President just smiled and patted my shoulder

"That is why I'm sponsoring you Mr. Neo"

"Sponsoring me ? what do you mean ?"

"You will create a spaceship to withstand the pressure of jupiter and suits that can't easily let you bypass the pressure and make you walk normally as if you're on earth You will have all the money in the world as Me and the rest of the presidents have shook hands on it and you're the person with the most advanced tech more advanced than the whole world combined"

I fell silent as I pondered Didn't I Jam all the signals for the government to spy on me ? then how does he know about those....

"You must be wondering how I know about your arsenal of weapons and jets and other stuff that can be used to enhance our military now don't you Mr. Neo?"

I was caught off guard as I kept quiet as the president just giggled and said in a malicious tone

"I know everything about you, Where you live where you were born where your parents come from where your precious siblings come from so tell me Neo Are you really willing to sacrifice your Loved one's just for privacy?"

I was shocked as I clenched my fists ready to summon the horde but then felt the cold barrel of the gun behind my head as It was a navy seal 

"Don't even try anything You will work for us Neo The president says it if you do not comply say goodbye to your family and we'll spread Rumors that you murdered them and your reputation will be in mud they don't know who you are but Remember this you can't hide anything from us"

I just sighed and nodded

"Fine I'll be your slave I'll create the spaceships and suits just don't hurt them"

"Good And also create some weapons for our dear navy seals too and also create the military jets and ships as you will be joined by every single military personnel and navy seal so make a spaceship big enough to hold the entire weight of those weapons and military vehicles and personnel"

I just sighed and nodded As Now I have the lives of many personnel in my hands this is not a good sign at all I don't hate this but eh I just nodded as the navy seals escorted me to my new house a air hangar.....but hey At least they were kind enough to bring me my stuff from the house as I then started working day in and day out coding and making everything at high speeds due to my AI assistant Let's call her lucy with the help of lucy We were done with the suits that are over a Million suits as We then started focusing on the military vehicles

I was barely getting any sleep at all I was running on 30 cups of Starbucks coffee that too tasted decent Lucy could make better but she was carrying me through the hell that is creating new things for the military crew for the soldiers I respected them and wanted to go through there training as well but I am just a engineer for them to go to outer space and since the countries agreed upon this project there willing to send every branch into space so I have to make a ship large enough to house several soldiers and there ammunition crates and more

"Oh god I wanna go homeeee"

I cried as I passed out.